hrp0092p1-283 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2019

Children with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis have Increased Intestinal Permeability: Results of a Pilot Study

Aydin Banu Kucukemre , Yildiz Melek , Akgun Abdurrahman , Dogan Beyza Belde , Topal Neval , Onal Hasan

Background: Both genetic and environmental factors serve as the trigger of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), but the exact mechanisms are still not fully understood. Increased intestinal permeability was shown to be a constant and early feature of several autoimmune disorders. Although HT is the most common autoimmune disorder worldwide, the role of intestinal permeability in its pathogenesis had received little attention. Human zonulin modulates intracellular...

hrp0084p1-153 | Miscelleaneous | ESPE2015

Growth Curves for Height, Weight, BMI and Head Circumference in Children with Achondroplasia

Dogan Murat , Aydin Ilyas , Bala Keziban Asli , Kaba Sultan , Gulpunar Ozlem

Background: Close monitoring of growth is vital when following children with achondroplasia yet existing growth curves suffer from a simple chart format and their clinical use is therefore limited. Also, references for body proportions; i.e. sitting height, relative sitting height and arm span, are lacking.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study was to construct age-specific growth curves for height, weight, BMI, head circumference and body propo...

hrp0084p2-238 | Bone | ESPE2015

Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Prolongation in Visual Evoked Potentials?

Dogan Murat , Aydin Ilyas , Kaba Sultan , Bala Keziban Asli , Gulpinar Ozlem

Objective: It is known that vitamin D has differential roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, neurotransmission and neuroplasticity in nervous system and exerts neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects. In recent studies, it was shown that vitamin D could be protective against in age-related macular degeneration and optic neuritis related to demyelinating disorders. Here, we aimed to perform visual evoked potential (VEP) studies before treatment in patients with rickets...

hrp0084p2-242 | Bone | ESPE2015

The Association of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorders with the Mean Platelet Volume and Vitamin D

Bala Keziban Asli , Dogan Murat , Mutluer Tuba , Kaba Sultan , Aslan Oktay , Demir Nihat , Ustyol Lokman

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the values of the mean platelet volume (MPV), a predictor of cardiovascular disease, in paediatric patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), in addition to healthy controls, to determine the risk of cardiovascular disease in these two disorder groups.Material and method: The study included a total of 79 patients aged 3–18 with ADHD (36 pati...

hrp0084p2-503 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Serum Fetuin-a Level for Diagnosis Hepatic Steatosis in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Kurtoglu Selim , Dogan Murat , Hatipoglu Nihal , Muhtaroglu Sebahattin , Doganay Selim , Gul Ulku , Elmali Ferhan

Backgound: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is one of the chronic disease frequently encountered in childhood and the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the uncommon complications in the management of these patients.Objective and hypotheses: In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between serum fetuin-A levels which a negative acute phase reactant and the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in T1 diabetic patients.<p class="abst...

hrp0084p3-640 | Bone | ESPE2015

Cranial MR Spectrometry Findings of Patients Aged 10–15 Years with Diagnosis of Rickets

Dogan Murat , Aydin Ilyas , Bala Keziban Asli , Kaba Sultan , Gulpinar Ozlem

Objective: It is known that vitamin D has differential roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, neurotransmission and neuroplasticity in nervous system and exerts neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects, even different functions of vitamin D has been studied by advocating that vitamin D should be classified as a neurosteroid. It has been long known that vitamin D deficiency, VDR dysfunction, hyperparathyroidism and hypervitaminosis are potential causes for sensorineural ...

hrp0084p3-710 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

How Approprıate are the Lengths of Syringe Needles Used for Subcutaneous Injections to the Children at School Age

Kaba Sultan , Dogan Murat , Bulan Keziban , Yavuz Alpaslan , Bora Aydin , Didin Muazzez , Dundar Ilyas , Demir Nihat

Aims: To define the normal ranges of the thicknesses of the skin and subcutaneous tissues via ultrasonography, and to determine whether the current syringe needle-lengths used for the subcutaneous injections were appropriate.Methods: The thicknesses of the skin and subcutaneous tissues of 2 244 students were measured at the left arm using ultrasonography. Patients were divided into three groups based on age: 6–8, 9–12 and 13–17 ye...

hrp0084p3-816 | Endocrine Oncology | ESPE2015

Von Hippel-Lindau Disease in an Adolescent with a Newly Described Alteration in the VHL Gene

Yuca Sevil Ari , Cimbek Emine Ayca , Sen Yasar , Bugrul Fuat , Kose Dogan , Koksal Yavuz

Background: Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by susceptibility to tumours including haemangioblastomas of retina and central nervous system, renal cell carcinoma and phaeochromocytomas. The disease is caused by mutations in the VHL tumour suppressor gene.Objective and hypotheses: We present an adolescent with VHL disease confirmed by genetic analysis which revealed the mutation p. A149P (PCC>GCC), which ...

hrp0084p3-1215 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Prevalence of Goitre and Thyroid Nodule and Analysis of the Association between Anthropometric Measurements and Thyroid Volume in Children

Kaba Sultan , Dogan Murat , Bulan Keziban , Bora Aydin , Yavuz Alpaslan , Didin Muazzez , Dundar ilyas

Objective: To determine the prevalences of goitre and thyroid nodule, and to analyse the associations among age, gender, anthropometrics and thyroid volume in school children.Materials and method: Schools governed by Ministry of Education in Van province were included into the study. Sonographic evaluations of thyroid glands were performed in children aged 6–17 years, and weight, height, waist circumference, hip circumference, and skinfold thickness...

hrp0092p1-159 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

Characteristics of puberty, pubertal height gain and final height in children with classical 21 hydroxylase deficiency

Abali Zehra Yavas , Yildiz Melek , Bas Firdevs , Onal Hasan , Abali Saygin , Cilsaat Gizem , Uyguner Zehra Oya , Turan Serap , Darendeliler Feyza , Bereket Abdullah , Guran Tulay

Context: There is a limited data from large cohorts regarding pubertal characteristics of children with classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency(21OHD).Objective: To explore the timing and tempo of puberty, and pubertal height gain(PHG) in children with 21OHD-CAH.Design: A multicenter observational, retrospective, longitudinal analysis.Patients: D...