hrp0097fc11.6 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Longitudinal analysis of the risk of brain tumour recurrence or progression in relation to the timing of commencement of growth hormone replacement therapy.

Paula Gonzalez-Mereles Ana , Gan Hoong-Wei

Introduction: Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is the most frequent endocrine deficit in childhood survivors of brain tumours. However, there is insufficient evidence to guide the timing of growth hormone replacement (GHR). At Great Ormond Street Hospital timing is based on clinical need rather than in relation to oncological treatment. Therefore, sufficient variability in GHR timing is available to analyze its effect on tumour progression and recurrence.<p...

hrp0089p3-p139 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Lymposomal Acid Lipase Deficit in Patients with Hypercholesterolemia

Diez-Lopez Ignacio , Sarasua Ainhoa , Lorente Isabel

The deficit of lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) is an infrequent (1: 40,000–300,000 prevalence), autosomal recessive, monogenic pathology. It can aggressively (Wolman’s disease): malabsorption and severe dyslipidemia with survival less than one year of life. The cholesterol ester storage disease (CESD) presents with dyslipidemia, liver disease and early cardiovascular disease.Goals: Descriptive study of the prevalence of LAL deficiency and carriers ...

hrp0086p2-p96 | Adrenal P2 | ESPE2016

Assessment of Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Using Flutamide in Children with Pre-menarche Hierperandrogenismo

Diez-Lopez Ignacio , Sarasua Ainhoa , Lorente Isabel

Today we have an increase in patients with early-ahead forecast pubarche with impaired bone carving for advancement but organicidad criteria (HSC) but if dysfunction or adrenal hyperandrogenism and/or ovarian There are several anti-androgen drugs, all without usual pediatric use (use ‘of label’). Low-dose flutamide 62.5 mgr/day has been postulated as a treatment in these cases, but its use is restricted due to the risk of side effects (gynecomastia and liver involvem...

hrp0086p2-p284 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

The Implementation of a System of Continuous Monitoring of Blood Glucose and Open (FREE STYLE FREE) Improves Metabolic Control of Affected Children DMtipo1

Diez-Lopez Ignacio , Saraua Ainhoa , Lorente Isabel

It is known that more checks of blood glucose, metabolic control of patients with type 1 suffering Dm improvement. Improved technology has made it possible to develop devices interstitial glucose control both blinded (retrospective) and open (in real time). The FREE STYLE free device is the latest appearance on the Spanish/European market. Although initially not seem indicated in <18 th, these are the a priori more could benefit from an improvement of metabolic control.</p...

hrp0082p2-d1-592 | Thyroid | ESPE2014

Iodine-Deficiency Levels in Schoolchildren Aged Between 6 and 12

Munoz-Serrano Ana , Gonzalez-Gonzalez Abel , Maria Tenias-Burillo Jose , Falero-Gallego Piedad , Canete Ramon

Background: Iodine deficiency is the main cause of endemic goitre. A total of 29.8% of the world’s school-age children insufficient iodine intake. A population is deemed iodine-sufficient when median iodine levels are over 100 μg/l; measured iodine deficiency serves as a diagnostic criterion for determining the extent to which goitre is endemic, and also as an indicator of the gradual eradication of iodine-deficiency disorders.Patients, materia...

hrp0084p3-1186 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Is Transient Hypothyroidism in Preterm Infants True?

Vergaz Amparo Gonzalez , Cuartero Beatriz Garcia , Dehesa Rosa Sanchez , Escudero Veronica Sanchez , Carrasco Ersilia Gonzalez

Background: A second screening for congenital hypothyroidism between the 2nd and the 4th weeks of life in preterm infants is recommended in order to avoid false negative on the first screening. The incidence of transient hypothyroidism in this population is high.Objective and hypotheses: i) Analyse the utility of the second screening in our population of preterm infants. ii) Follow-up of those preterm infants with hypothyroidism.Me...

hrp0084p3-1201 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

NKX2-1 (TTF-1) Germline Mutations are not a Frequent Cause of Congenital Hypothyroidism due to Dysgenesis

Nunez Aidy Gonzalez , del Angel Ariadna Gonzalez , Ortigoza Miguel Angel Alcantara , Cruz Victor Martinez

Background: Mexico is globally ranked as one of the countries with the highest incidence of congenital hypothyroidism. There are few studies that have searched for germinal mutations of candidate genes, such as NKX2-1, in patients with congenital hypothyroidism.Objective and hypotheses: i) To search for NKX2-1 mutations in blood samples of patients with confirmatory diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) due to thyroid dysgenesis (...

hrp0095p1-137 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

First description of a child with a biallellic loss-of-function variant in the sulfate transporter SLC13A1

JJ Finken Martijn , Bokenkamp Arend , EC Smith Desiree , MC Wamelink Mirjam , EW Jansen Erwin , A Struijs Eduard , Waisfisz Quinten , Verkleij Marieke , F Hartmann Michaela , Wang Rong , A Wudy Stefan , Paganini Chiara , Rossi Antonio , M van de Kamp Jiddeke

Introduction: Sulfation is required for the metabolism of numerous compounds, including proteoglycans, steroid hormones, neurotransmitters, toxic chemicals, and drugs like acetaminophen. The sulfate transporter SLC13A1 is responsible for the intestinal absorption and the renal reabsorption of inorganic sulfate, but loss-of-function mutations in this gene have never been described in man. Here, we describe a male with a biallelic loss-of-function variant, i.e.,...

hrp0089fc11.1 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism 2 | ESPE2018

Successful Immune Tolerance Induction in the First Case of Neutralizing Antibody Mediated Loss of Efficacy of Asfotase Alfa Treatment in Hypophosphatasia

Martos-Moreno Gabriel A , Gonzalez-Vicent Marta , Sebastian Elena , Argente Jesus

Introduction: Generation of neutralizing antibodies (Nab) is a complication in enzyme replacement therapies and can lead to loss of treatment efficacy. Asfotase alfa (AA) was recently approved as the first replacement therapy in severe hypophosphatasia (congenital deficiency of alkaline phosphatase [TNSALP]). We report a case of neutralizing antibody mediated loss of efficacy of AA treatment in hypophosphatasia and the successful result of immune tolerance ind...

hrp0089p3-p037 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Hypophosphatemic Hypercalciuric Ricket: 3 Brothers with Dent’s Disease

Godoy Claudia , Grob Francisca , Gonzalez Gilberto , Vogel Andrea , Zambrano Pedro

Brother 1: 7 years old boy, with right genu valgum and short stature (−2,11 DS); X ray shows rickets features. Plasmatic Calcium 9.3 mg/dl; phosphate 2.5 mg/dl; Alkaline phosphatasas 460 U/l; Parathyroid hormone 83 pg/ml; 25OH Vitamin D 24 ng/ml. Urine calcium 159 mg/24 h (9.2 mg/K per day); Urine phosphate 870 mg/24 h; TmP/GFR 2.6 (NV:3.8 −5.0); proteinuria 100 mg/dl.Brother 2: 4 y.o boy with frequent respiratory diseases in infant period. G...