hrp0086p2-p319 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

The Relationship among Cardiac T2*, Liver T2* and Abnormal Glucose in Patients with Thalassemia Major

Lao Wenqin , Lliang Liyang , Meng Zhe , Ou Hui , Liu Zulin

Background: Abnormalities in glucose homeostasis are fairly common complications in thalassemia major (TM) patients. Previous studies had shown associations between some endocrinopathies and iron overload of the myocardium, liver as assessed by MRI techniques. This study aimed at determining the relationship among cardiac T2*, liver T2* and abnormal glucose in TM patients.Objective and hypotheses: A total of 34 (27 male) transfusion-dependent TM patients...

hrp0084fc10.1 | Perinatal Endocrinology | ESPE2015

Effect of Sonic Hedgehog Signalling on Regulation the Expression of 11β-HSD2 in the Placenta

Zou Chao Chun , Wu Xiao Hui , Xiong Wen-Yi

Objective: Excessive exposure to glucocorticoids (GCs) during gestation period not only causes fetal growth retardation but also increases the risk of adult metabolic diseases. 11 Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD2) is a kind of glucocorticoid metabolic enzymes, which plays a role to the placental GCs barrier during gestation period. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect and mechanism of sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling on regulation the expression of...

hrp0084p3-593 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

CYP21A2 Gene Mutations Analysis in 21 Chinese Patients with Salt-Wasting form of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Yao Hui , Yang Luhong , Huang Xiaoli , Chen Xiaohong

Background: Studies about the genetics of congenital adrenal hyperplasia caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) in Chinese children are less.Objective and hypotheses: Study the genotypes of Chinese probands with salt-wasting form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CAH) and performed pedigree-based linkage analysis.Method: We have performed genetic-testing (Method...

hrp0095rfc2.4 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Dysosteosclerosis is also caused by null mutations of TNFRSF11A

Kırkgöz Tarık , Ozkan Behzat , Acar Sezer , Hazan Filiz , Ikegawa Shiro , Guo Long

Dysosteosclerosis (DOS) is a rare form of dense bone disease and, short stature, recurrent fractures, optic atrophy, cranial nerve palsy, developmental delay, flattened fingernails, skin related complications, and failure of tooth eruption are the characteristic features of the disease (MIM %224300). Irregular osteosclerosis, flattened diffusely dense vertebral bodies, sclerotic skull, radiolucent sub-metaphyseal portions of the long tubular bones with sclerotic diaphysis are ...

hrp0095p2-10 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Long-term Outcomes for Ninety-four Boys with Central Precocious Puberty or Early and Fast Puberty in Chinese Boys

Chen Zhixin , Chen Qiuli , Li Yanhong , Ma Huamei , Zhang Jun , Guo Song

Objective: To assess the efficacy and influential factors of GnRHa treatment for Chinese CPP/EFP boys.Methods: From April, 1994 to June, 2020, 94 boys diagnosed with CPP or EFP who had reached the final adult height were retrospectively included. Among these patients, 41 patients received no treatment, 43 patients received GnRHa treatment alone and 10 patients received GnRHa + GH treatment. The final adult height and the...

hrp0095p2-23 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease in a young boy associated with a rare somatic mutation of the PRKACA: case report and literature review

Xu Yu-ying , Li Yan-hong , Chen Qiu-li , Ma Hua-mei , Zhang Jun , Guo Song

Introduction: Cushing's syndrome(CS) is rare in the pediatric population, and the cause vary with age. Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD) is one of the causes of CS, though it is a rare disorder. It has been proposed that in children with CS, PPNAD should be suspected. Here we report a young boy with CS due to PPNAD associated with a somatic mutation of the PRKACA.Case Presentation: The child w...

hrp0095p2-216 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

β-hcg secreting intracranial germinoma in a girl with isosexual precocious puberty : A case report and review of literature

Chen Zhixin , Chen Qiuli , Ma Huamei , Li Yanhong , Zhang Jun , Guo Song

Objective: To analyze the clinical characteristics and treatment of non-germinomatous germ cell tumor (NGGCT) in one girl with the initial onset of homosexual peripheral precocious puberty (PPP) and central diabetes insipidus (CDI) and eventually progressed into central precocious puberty (CPP).Methods: The clinical data of a girl who was diagnosed as NGGCT with the onset of PPP and CDI and eventually progressed into CPP...

hrp0092p2-114 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Five Years' Follow-up of the Effect of Sex Steroid Hormone on Lipid and Glucose Metabolism in Girls with Turner Syndrome

Guo Song , Li Yanhong , Zhang Jun , Chen Qiuli , Ma Huamei , Chen Hongshan , Du Minlian

Objective: We sought to evaluate the role of long-term HRT on the lipid profile and glucose metabolism in girls with TS.Design: A pre-test/post-test observational study.Seting: Pediatric TS clinic in The First Affiated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University.Patients: 56 girls with TS had accurate maintenance HRT data....

hrp0092p3-6 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

Clinical Characteristics and Etiological Diagnosis of Premature Pubarche Among 55 Children

MA Huamei , LIN Juan , ZHANG Jun , LI Yanhong , CHEN Qiuli , CHEN Hongshan , GUO Song , DU Minlian

Objective: To understand the clinical characteristics, etiological distribution and related metabolic problems of children with premature pubarche.Methods: The clinical data of 55 cases of premature pubarche were summarized. All the children were tested by ACTH stimulation test and GnRHa stimulation test, of which 17 cases were detected by CYP21A2 gene,and 16 cases of Premature Adrenarche (PA) and 14 cases of Isolated Pr...

hrp0092p3-44 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Rare Case Report: Asymptomatic Hypercalcemia in Children with Lupus Nephritis Complicated with Parathyroid Adenoma

zhang jun , chen qiuli , guo song , ma huamei , li yanhong , chen hongshan , pu ronghui , du minlian

An 11-year-old boy came to our hospital on 2019-1-23 because of "discovered hypercalcemia for 4 months."Past History: The child has a history of lupus nephritis for 2 years, and currently oral prednisone 12.5mg qd, mycophenolic acid 0.25g q12h, tacrolimus 1mg q12h for treatment. The lupus activity index was reviewed once a month due to lupus nephritis. At present, SLEDAI (lupus activity score) is 2 points, and the condition is we...