hrp0092p3-177 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Endocrine and Mammary Disorders in Girl with Cornelia De Lange Syndrome (Case History)

Gumeniuk Olga , Chernenkov Yurii , Petrova Ekaterina , Leonovich Anastasiia

Cornelia de Lange syndrome is a genetic disorder with physical, cognitive, somatic and endocrine disorders. Objective. To study endocrine and mammary disorders in girl with Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Objective and hypotheses: We describe a clinical case of Cornelia de Lange syndrome in girl, 10 y.o.Method: Total examination (includingmammological and gynecological examination), hormonal analysis, thyroid, mammological and gynecological ...

hrp0095p1-538 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

Capillary Hyperglycemia in Infants - A manifestation of endocrinological urgency, or not.

de Assis Galan Camila , Isabel Scheidt Maria , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila , Vanessa de Lima Silva Elis , Simão Medeiros Leonardo , de Oliveira Poswar Fabiano

Capillary hyperglycemia in critically ill infants is a situation with numerous interfering factors, from acute illnesses to concomitant use of medications and may or may not be a manifestation of endocrinological urgency. Clinical case: Female patient, 2 months old, with failure to thrive, hepatomegaly without cholestasis, polyuria and compensated metabolic acidosis. On admission, capillary blood glucose levels above 200 mg/dL were measured even without concomitant use of cort...

hrp0086p2-p437 | Gonads & DSD P2 | ESPE2016

Primary Amenorrhea as Alarm Manifestation in a Oligosymptomatic Girl with Xq Deletion and Turner Syndrome

Messina Maria Francesca , Civa Rosi , Corica Domenico , Trombatore Jessica , Santucci Simona , De Luca Filippo

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) affects about one in 2500 liveborn females. It results from the loss of all or part of X-chromosome and has a variable phenotype. The classical form is characterised by short stature, skeletal abnormalities, lymphedema, renal and cardiac anomalies, webbed neck, peculiar neurocognitive profile and gonadal dysgenesis. While loss of up to 2/3 of the X chromosome short arm is compatible with normal fertility, chromosome deletions involving Xq are o...

hrp0095p1-470 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

High carbohydrate diet results in sex-specific differences in energy homeostasis in mice with PAPP-A2 deficiency

J. López Gambero Antonio , del Mar Fernández-Arjona María , De Ceglia Marialuisa , Rubio Leticia , Rivera Patricia , Vargas Antonio , Vera-Fernández Carlos , Rodríguez de Fonseca Fernando , A. Chowen Julie , Argente Jesús , Suárez Juan

The growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) system is essential for optimal human growth and energy homeostasis. Deficiency of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A2 (PAPP-A2), a protease involved in the liberation of free IGF-1, leads to problems in growth and bone density in humans and mice. Patients with PAPP-A2 deficiency also present lower body mass and mild glucose intolerance. The present study aimed to determine the influence of 1 month of high carbohydr...

hrp0084p3-770 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Particularités de la prise en charge du diabète Type 1 chez des enfants dont la révélation est survenue avant l’âge de five ans

Wafaa Mazari , Khadidja Bouriche , Djawida Senouci , Yasmine Zerga , Snaa Chiali , Salih Bendeddouche

Introduction: Le diabète de type 1 est l’endocrinopathie la plus fréquente chez l’enfant. Son incidence est en nette progression dans le monde. L’enfant diabétique nécessite une hygiène de vie adaptée et le suivi par une équipe pluridisciplinaire composée de pédiatre spécialiste en diabétologie, psychologue, diététicien, infirmier spécialisé.Objectif: Determiner les...

hrp0082p2-d2-473 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

GH Deficiency in a Child With De Novo 2q31.1 Microdeletion

Kaloumenou Irene , Karachaliou Feneli , Vlachopapadopoulou Elpis-Athina , Fotinou Aspasia , Michalacos Stefanos

Background: The clinical phenotype of the chromosome 2q31 deletion syndrome consists of a variety of limb abnormalities and other skeletal defects, craniofacial dysmorhic features, developmental delay, and other not specific congenital anomalies.Objective and hypotheses: To describe a patient with 2q31.1 microdeletion syndrome and short stature, diagnosed with GH deficiency.Method: We describe a 5 years and 4 months girl with devel...

hrp0084p1-160 | Miscelleaneous | ESPE2015

Septo-Optic Dysplasia Associated with Koolen-de Vries Syndrome: A Case Report

Aroyo Ani , Stoeva Iva , Stancheva Gergana , Koleva Reni , Kaneva Radka

Background: Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is a rare congenital anomaly, clinically heterogeneous, combining optic nerve and pituitary gland hypoplasia, midline abnormalities of the brain, including absence of the corpus callosum and septum pellucidum. The diagnosis is made when two or more features of the classic triad are present. HESX1, SOX2, SOX3, FGF8, FGFR1, PROKR1, SHH, are implicated in the etiology of SOD.Objective and hypotheses: Description of a ...

hrp0084p3-658 | Bone | ESPE2015

Vitamin Levels in Pregnant Women and in Cord Blood in Newborn in Our Area – Preliminary Results

del Campo Maria Ruiz , del Prado Yolanda Ruiz , Chocarro Yoana Yerro , Gonzalez Jose Julian Revorio

Background: There is increasing interest in vitamin D nutrition during pregnancy because of widespread reports of a high prevalence of low vitamin D status in pregnant women in high-latitude areas. It has been related to adverse events in mother and child. Neonates present a greater risk of hypocalcaemia, rickets and a higher incidence of infections during the 1st year of life.Objective and hypotheses: Real situation of pregnant women and newborn in rela...

hrp0092rfc11.2 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 2 | ESPE2019

Prevalence and Predicting Factors of Endocrine Dysfunction in Children with NF1 and Optic Gliomas

Santoro Claudia , Perrotta Silverio , Scilipoti Martina , Cirillo Mario , Quaglietta Lucia , Cinalli Giuseppe , Cioffi Daniela , Di Iorgi Natascia , Gallizia Annalisa , Maghnie Mohamad , Parpagnoli Maria , Messa Federica , Vannelli Silvia , De Sanctis Luisa , Marzuillo Pierluigi , del giudice Emanuele Miraglia , Grandone Anna

Introduction:Up to 20% of children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) develops low-grade optic pathway gliomas(OPGs) that can result in neuroendocrinopathy.The aim of the study was to identify prognostic factors for developing neuroendocrinopathies in patients with NF1 and OPGs before any treatment.Methods: Records of 117 children with NF1 and OPGs followed at 4 Italian centers between 1997-20...

hrp0097p2-262 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

A new case of Malan Syndrome with de novo NFIX sequence variants and a review of the literature

Leng Jie , Cheng Xinran

Background: We report clinical and molecular cytogenetic characterization of a 13-year-7-month-old boy with a Sotos-like phenotype and de novo NFIX deletions and review the literature.Result: A whole exome sequencing revealed in the present patient with unique clinical phenotypes a de novo frameshift mutation c.570-573delATCA (p.S191Ifs*19) in NFIX gene in 19p13.2.Discussion: The p...