hrp0084p2-496 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Serial 3-Dimensional Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Foetal Adrenal Volumes in the 2nd and 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy Characterises Human Adrenal Development in utero

Baftic Nerma , Katugampola Harshini , Meso Muriel , Allen Rebecca , Marleen Shemoon , Elahi Shezan , Aquilina Joe , Dunkel Leo , Storr Helen

Background: The human foetal adrenal (FA) undergoes vast physiological changes as pregnancy progresses. Original descriptions of FA development emerged following morphometric studies from spontaneous/medical terminations. These revealed the greatest increase in FA size was during the first trimester. Recently, sonographic evaluation of human FA volume and length has led to the creation of normal FA growth centiles and correlations between FA size and estimated foetal weight (E...

hrp0082s7.1 | Controversies in the Surgical Management of DSD | ESPE2014

Evolution of Feminising Genitoplasty

Pippi-Salle J L

Great controversy exists in regard to the timing and technical alternatives to perform feminizing genitoplasty in children. Opponents to an early approach argue that the reconstruction can be risky in terms of clitoral/vaginal function therefore surgery should be postponed until the patient herself can sign an informed consent and be aware of potential risks as well as confirms the desire to undergo the procedures. Such negative feelings in regard to early reconstruction are b...

hrp0097pl8 | Real world use of closed loop insulin delivery | ESPE2023

Real world use of closed loop insulin delivery

DeVries J Hans

The development of the artificial pancreas or closed loop for type 1 diabetes, which started as a concept in the last century, took off once continuous glucose monitors became available. The first hybrid closed loop entered the market in 2016, where now several systems compete. This creates the ‘luxury problem’ of having to choose between different systems. Anonymized CGM data collection from company databases try to address the question whether performance in opti...

hrp0082p2-d2-432 | Growth Hormone (1) | ESPE2014

Growth Hormone Treatment in Children with SGA During a 5-Year Period, Assessment of Auxological Development and Insulin Resistance

Lopez-Siguero J P , Martinez-Aedo M J , Bermudez J A , Cabrinety N , Bosch J , Lechuga J L , Torralba R

Background: Treatment with GH of children born SGA allows an increase in growth velocity (GV) and improves adult height. Increased insulin resistance has been described in these patients, which reverts after interrupting GH administration. However, long-term metabolic consequences are not clearly established.Objective and hypotheses: Describe insulin resistance (HOMA-IR index) and auxological development (GV and height) in SGA children treated with GH fo...

hrp0095rfc4.5 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Cerebral perfusion following childhood-onset craniopharyngioma and the relationship with metabolic rate

Elsworth Rebecca L. , Naeem Nimra , Hawton Katherine , Narayan Kruthika , Elson Ruth , Taylor-Miller Tashunka , Lithander Fiona E. , Hamilton-Shield Julian P. , Crowne Elizabeth C. , Hinton Elanor C.

Background: Craniopharyngioma is a non-malignant embryonic tumour in the pituitary-hypothalamic area, associated with hypothalamic obesity. Dysfunctional parasympathetic nervous system activity has been proposed as one mechanism underlying alterations in energy metabolism. Arterial spin labelling (ASL) is a non-invasive MRI technique that quantifies brain tissue perfusion as a proxy for functional activity. Here, we measure cerebral perfusion in patients with ...

hrp0095p1-266 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Changes in hypothalamic functional connectivity in the brain following childhood-onset craniopharyngioma

Hinton Elanor , Elsworth Rebecca , Bedford Holly , Hawton Katherine , Narayan Kruthika , Naeem Nimra , Elson Ruth , Taylor-Miller Tashunka , Lithander Fiona , Hamilton-Shield Julian , Crowne Elizabeth

Background: Craniopharyngioma is a non-malignant, embryological brain tumour in the sellar and parasellar region. Hypothalamic damage is common and accompanied by development of obesity in at least 50% of cases. Mechanisms underlying hypothalamic obesity in craniopharyngioma patients however remain unclear and treatment options are invasive and limited. This feasibility study included a novel application of functional neuroimaging, an established method in obe...

hrp0095p1-181 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Monoallelic variants in Myelin Regulatory Factor (MYRF) associated with 46,XY DSD – two cases and first report of inheritance through parental mosaicism

Kaninde Abhidhamma , Chandran Harish , McCarthy Liam , Ghose Arun , Ellis David , Fulton Piers , Vogt Julie , Igbokwe Rebecca , Jeremy Kirk Jeremy , Mohammed Zainaba , Idkowiak Jan

Background: Haplo-insufficiency of the Myelin-Regulatory Factor (MYRF) gene causes cardiac-urogenital syndrome (CUGS) and Differences in Sexual Development (DSD) in 46,XY and 46,XX (OMIM #618280). The gene product, a transcription factor, is involved in development of Coelomic epithelium derived cells, and likely causative for DSD. To date, only a few MYRF de novo variants are reported in children with DSD and associated CUGS symptoms.<s...

hrp0094fc7.2 | Fetal Endocrinology and Multisystem Disorders | ESPE2021

Maternal, rather than fetal, genetic variation in vitamin D metabolism is associated with umbilical cord blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D in pregnancies supplemented with cholecalciferol: findings from the MAVIDOS randomized controlled trial

Moon Rebecca , D’Angelo Stefania , Curtis Elizabeth , Cooke Laura , Davies Justin , Crozier Sarah , Godfrey Keith , Graham Nikki , Holloway John , Lewis Rohan , Cleal Jane , Inskip Hazel , Cooper Cyrus ,

Background: Neonatal vitamin D deficiency (VDD) can result in symptomatic hypocalcemia, seizures and cardiomyopathy and has been associated with reduced bone mineralization in childhood, but is potentially preventable with antenatal cholecalciferol supplementation. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the vitamin D metabolism pathway are associated with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in adulthood. We assessed whether maternal and/or offspring SNPs in ...

hrp0094p1-111 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity B | ESPE2021

Insulin resistance following childhood craniopharyngioma may influence neural response to food cues in food reward-related brain regions: a preliminary investigation.

Hinton Elanor , Narayan Kruthika , Elsworth Rebecca , Lithander Fiona , Naeem Nimra , Elson Ruth , Taylor-Miller Tashunka , Wilson Aileen , Hamilton-Shield Julian , Crowne Elizabeth ,

Background: Craniopharyngioma is a rare, suprasellar tumour, which, together with associated surgery or radiotherapy, results in damage to the hypothalamus and severe obesity in approximately 50% of cases. The multi-factorial mechanisms underlying the development of obesity in craniopharyngioma are not well understood. Hypothalamic damage in craniopharyngioma has been associated with dysfunctional parasympathetic nervous system activity leading to altered gluc...

hrp0094p2-110 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

A quality improvement project of a Young Adult Diabetes (YAD) service at a UK specialist centre.

Hirani Dhruti , Unsworth Rebecca , Mahmood Adil , Jones Emma , Begum Farzana , Jairam Carol , Vieria Soraia , Bound Chris , Mengistu Zalalem , Jarvis Sheba , Logan Karen , Oliver Nick , Watson Mando , Reddy Monika ,

Introduction: The joint young adult diabetes (YAD) service at a specialist UK centre facilitates transition from paediatric to adult diabetes care for young people (YP) aged 16-25 years. Since 2018, quality improvement interventions have included focus groups with young people, joint paediatric and adult specialist nurse appointments and recruitment of a type 1 diabetes educator. We assess the impact of these interventions and changes imposed by the Covid-19 p...