hrp0084p1-20 | Bone | ESPE2015

24-Hydroxylase Polymorphism as a Possible Contributor to the Increased 1,25(OH)2D in African Americans

Carpenter Thomas O , Cole David E C , Ardeshirpour Laleh , Salehpour Shadab

Background: States of vitamin D insufficiency are important determinants of rickets, as well as osteoporosis and other common complex disorders like diabetes, cancer, and infectious diseases. Although, serum concentrations of the vitamin D metabolites are primarily driven by vitamin D supply (by diet or cutaneous synthesis), there is emerging evidence to suggest that single nucleotide variants (SNVs) are important genetic determinants.Objective and hypot...

hrp0084p3-914 | Fat | ESPE2015

Association of Serum Levels of 25(OH) Cholecalciferol and Childhood Obesity

Iezzi Maria Laura , Varriale Gaia , Megalooikonomou Anastasios , Di Loreto Simona , Zagaroli Luca , Torge Nunzia

Background: Vitamin D is now recognised as a prohormone, essential for the maintenance of mineral homeostasis, calcium metabolism and normal skeletal architecture. 30 ng/ml or greater can be considered sufficient serum levels. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among severely obese children is almost 49% caused by the fact that it is sequestered in the larger body pool of fat of such individuals, being vitamin D fat soluble. Vitamin D deficiency has been recently associate...

hrp0092p1-174 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism (1) | ESPE2019

The Optimal Dosage of Vitamin D Supplement for Vitamin D deficiency in Korean Children and Adolescents

Yang Seung , Hee Yi Kyung , Kim Eun Young , Hwang Il Tae

Purpose: Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is very common nowadays in children as well as in adults, probably due to decreased exposure to sunlight. In Korea, the prevalence of VDD was 47% in teenage boys and 65% in teenage girls. However, the optimal dosage regimen for correcting deficiency is unknown. We investigate the change of serum 25(OH) vitamin D concentration according to the treatment dosage and duration in VDD.Methods...

hrp0092p1-432 | Thyroid (2) | ESPE2019

Levothyroxine Effect on Thyroid Volume in Children with Autoimmune Hashimoto Thyroiditis (AHT) Presenting Subclinical (SH) or Overt (Oh) Hypothyroidism

Leka-Emiri Sofia , Petrou Vassilios , Evangelopoulou Cathrine , Vakaki Marina , Fotinou Aspasia , Vlachopapadopoulou Elpis , Michalacos Stefanos

Objectives: Assess thyroid volume in relation to TSH and FT4 at diagnosis of AHT and 2.9 years of follow up in children with SH or OH.Methods: wo hundred one children (155 girls) with AHT were divided according to TSH and FT4 levels [SH-FT4 >1.0 ng/dl: Group 1: TSH: 5-7.5 mU/l, Group 2: TSH: >7.5 mU/l, OH: Group 3: TSH>7.5 mU/l and FT4 ≤1.0ng/dl]. Mean L-T4 dose is reported in µg/Kg/day. Thyroid...

hrp0097p2-4 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Newborn screening for 21 OH Congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Italy: a 14 years population study.

Baronio Federico , Abrigo Enrica , Azzolini Sara , Cavarzere Paolo , Matarazzo Patrizia , L.C. Meroni Silvia , Russo Gianni , Balsamo Antonio , Cassio Alessandra

Introduction: Early identification of classic 21OH-Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (21OH-CAH) through newborn screening (NBS) is crucial to prevent adrenal crises, especially in males. Today 21 OH-CAH NBS is performed in 5/21 regions of Italy. This study aims to report the results of 21OH-CAH NBS in Italy from 2006 to 2019.Methods: All patients underwent a dried blood spot (DBS) test for 17OH-progesterone (17OHP) within t...

hrp0086p2-p309 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

Clinical Characteristics of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Youth (Type 1.5 DM)

Lee Seung Ho , Huh Seung , Yu Jeesuk

Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) in childhood was mostly type 1 DM (T1DM), but sometimes it is not easy to classify, especially in the case having both type 2 clinical phenotype and autoantibody positivity. It is named as latent autoimmune diabetes in youth or type 1.5 DM (T1.5DM).Objective and hypotheses: This study was designed to evaluate the clinical characteristics of T1.5DM who had autoantibody positivity with clinical phenotype of T2DM.<p cl...

hrp0089p3-p391 | Thyroid P3 | ESPE2018

Levothyroxine Treatment of Subclinical (SH) and Overt (OH) Hypothyroidism in Children with Autoimmune Hashimoto Thyroiditis (AHT): A Retrospective Study in Regard with TSH and Free T4 (FT4) at Diagnosis

Leka-EmirI Sofia , Petrou Vassilios , Evangelopoulou Cathrine , Kafetzi Maria , Fotinou Aspasia , Vlachopapadopoulou Elpis , Michalacos Stefanos

Objectives: Assess the dose of levothyroxine in relation to TSH and FT4 levels at diagnosis of AHT in children with SH and OH.Methods: Eighty eight children (69 girls) with AHT were devised in regard with TSH and FT4 at diagnosis [SH-FT4 >0.9 ng/dl: Group 1: TSH: 4.5-7 mU/l, Group 2: TSH: 7-10 mU/l, Group 3: TSH: >10 mU/l and OH: Group 4: TSH>10 mU/l and FT4 ≤0.9 ng/dl]. Mean L-T4 dose was reported in μgr/Kg per day at diagnosis an...

hrp0092p3-311 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Serum Calcium, 25(OH) Vitamin D and Bone Alkaline Phosphatase in Children with Epilepsy Receiving Antiepileptic Drugs in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital

Chukwumerije Chidinma , Yarhere Iroro , Alikor Edward

Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse bone mineral status in children with epilepsy, on antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) regimen, using serum calcium, 25 (OH) vitamin D and Bone alkaline phosphatase (BALP) and compare these with age and sex matched controls.Patients and Methods: This was a case - control study, conducted at University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, from September 1 2018 to May 31 2019, with 200 ...

hrp0095p1-406 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Salt-wasting in newborns due to adrenal dysfunctions other than 21 OH Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) : a single center experience

Baronio Federico , Ferrari Vittorio , Maltoni Giulio , Alqaisi Randa , Cassio Alessandra

Introduction: Salt wasting is a potentially life-threatening condition in the newborn period. Other than 21 OH-CAH other rarer adrenal causes should be considered in the differential diagnosisObjective: To report the laboratory, clinical features, management and genotype of a series of consecutive patients who showed up at our Center for a salt wasting syndrome in the last 32 years, excluding patients with 21 OH CAH....

hrp0086p2-p687 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Diagnostic Value of Growth Hormone Stimulation Test for Growth Hormone Deficiency in Short Children

Jeong Seung Yeon , Lee Seung Ho , Yu Jeesuk

Background: It is important to find and manage the cause of short stature in children. GH stimulation test is considered as a ‘gold standard’ for the diagnosis of GH deficiency (GHD), and several pharmacologic agents including insulin, glucagon, L-dopa, or clonidine are used for GH stimulation test (GHST). However, diagnostic value, sensitivity or specificity of each GHST is not clear.Objective and hypotheses: This study was desi...