hrp0092p1-303 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (2) | ESPE2019

Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis in Infants Exposed to Corticosteroids During Fetal Life

Auriche Morgane , Houang Muriel , Giabicani Eloise , Mitanchez Delphine , Netchine Irène

Background: Prednisolone, prednisone, and hydrocortisone, are used during pregnancy, in women with thrombocytopenia, auto immune or inflammatory diseases. The current belief speculates on the absence of adverse effects on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of the fetus, thanks to placental 11BHSD2 inactivation.Objective and Hypotheses: We analyzed the results of ATCH tests routinely performed in neonates expose...

hrp0082p3-d1-812 | Growth | ESPE2014

Maternal Inheritance of an Heterozygous Exon 4 IGF1 Gene Mutation (g.65941 G>A) in an IUGR Child with Mild Post Natal Growth Retardation

Houang Muriel , Brioude Frederic , Azzi Salah , Thibaud Nathalie , Perin Laurence , Le Bouc Yves , Netchine Irene

Background: We already described a partial IGF1 primary deficiency due to an exon 4 homozygous missense mutation (g.65941 G>A). A few patients are now described with a heterozygous IGF1 deletion or mutation, questioning about IGF1 haplo insufficiency role in short stature.Results: We describe a boy born from consanguineous parents, with an intra uterine growth restriction (IUGR). Birth weight: 2520 g (−1 SDS) birth length: 46 ...

hrp0084p2-397 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Silver Russell syndrome: A Cause of Partial IGF1 Resistance?

Dufourg Marie-Noelle , Perin Laurence , Houang Muriel , Daubard Marie-Laure , Brioude Frederic , Bouc Yves Le , Netchine Irene

Background: Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is characterized by intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, relative macrocephaly at birth, prominent forehead, severe feeding difficulties and body asymmetry. In around 50%, it is secondary to hypomethylation at the IGF2/H19 imprinted locus on 11p15 (11p15 LOM), and in 10% to a maternal disomy of chromosome 7 (mUPD7). Mechanisms of postnatal growth failure in SRS are not well understood.Objective and hypo...

hrp0084p2-496 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Serial 3-Dimensional Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Foetal Adrenal Volumes in the 2nd and 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy Characterises Human Adrenal Development in utero

Baftic Nerma , Katugampola Harshini , Meso Muriel , Allen Rebecca , Marleen Shemoon , Elahi Shezan , Aquilina Joe , Dunkel Leo , Storr Helen

Background: The human foetal adrenal (FA) undergoes vast physiological changes as pregnancy progresses. Original descriptions of FA development emerged following morphometric studies from spontaneous/medical terminations. These revealed the greatest increase in FA size was during the first trimester. Recently, sonographic evaluation of human FA volume and length has led to the creation of normal FA growth centiles and correlations between FA size and estimated foetal weight (E...

hrp0084wg2.7 | Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics Thursday, 1 October | ESPE2015

The Rationale and Potential Role of Surgery in the Treatment of Adolescent Diabetes

Inge Thomas H

Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic and disabling disease affecting increasing numbers of adolescents. Conventional medical therapy presents unique challenges and seldom stalls progression.Objective and hypotheses: The objective of this presentation is to discuss the findings of contemporary, controlled, and prospective trials of surgical therapy for adult T2DM, which demonstrate dramatic early glycemic control, improvement in cardio...

hrp0097p2-110 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

A 5-year study on the incidence of Congenital Hypothyroidism in Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital Nairobi, Kenya.

Kahssay Menbere , Ngwiri Thomas

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CHT) is one of the most common congenital endocrine disorders. The study will determine the incidence of CHT and describe demographic characteristics and developmental outcomes in children attending Gertrude’s children’s hospital, Nairobi Kenya over 5-year, period.Objective: To determine the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism, developmental outcome, and demographic c...

hrp0086p1-p688 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P1 | ESPE2016

Thyrotoxicosis, Nephrogenic Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis, Tall Stature and Mental Retardation Caused by a Novel GNAS Gain of Function Mutation

Houang Muriel , Kottler Marie-Laure , Bensman Albert , Haymann Jean-Philippe , Richard Nicolas , Dunand Olivier , Bastepe Murate , Silve Caroline , Coudray Nathalie , Netchine Irene , Linglart Agnes

Background: Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (NSIAD) is a very rare clinical condition. Patients suffer from hyponatremia, hypo-osmolality with inappropriately elevated urinary osmolality and undetectable AVP levels. Activating mutations of AVPR2, the vasopressin receptor type 2 (V2R), induce a prolonged signaling of the intracellular cAMP/PKA pathway and cause NSIAD in patients.Objective and hypotheses: To describe a new phenotype in a...

hrp0084p2-283 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Variables in Diabetic Children and Adolescents Associated with High, Acceptable and Low Range of Glycosylated Haemoglobin in a DGH Setting – An Analysis

Manoharan Karthi , Thomas Rachel , Lim Sharon

Background: Diabetes education empowers children and adolescents with diabetes to acquire practical skills in problem-solving and goal-setting to improve self sufficiency. Our aim was to identify variables that have an the impact on diabetes control in terms of psychosocial wellbeing and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c).Objectives and hypotheses: To compare the level of understanding & knowledge of diabetes between three groups of diabetic children. ...

hrp0084p3-750 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test as a Routine Tool to Discriminate High Risk Individuals of Type 2 Diabetes in Child Obesity

Kintis Thomas , Marild Staffan , Dahlgren Jovanna

Background: It is debated whether oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) should be routine in child obesity units to identify high risk individuals for impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).Aims: To investigate the prevalence of some signs of metabolic syndrome in child obesity.Methods: All consecutive newly referred obese children (BMI>30) at a Swedish university unit were evaluated with fasting glucos...

hrp0094p2-27 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

High doses op’-DDD cause metrorragia in young girls

Thomas-Teinturier Cecile , Bouvattier Claire , Linglart Agnes ,

Gynecomastia is a well-known effect of treatment with op’-DDD in male adults. Metrorragia in young girls is a less known effect because only a few children receive this drug, mostly for bad prognosis adrenocortical carcinoma. Moreover, it has been reported that op’DDD causes precocious puberty, but cases are not well documented. We report 2 cases of young girls receiving high-dose op’-DDD who presented recurrent metrorragia. Case 1: An 18 month old girl was diag...