hrp0082p2-d1-517 | Pituitary | ESPE2014

Could Brain MRI Replace GH Stimulation Tests in the Work-Up of GH Deficiency in the First Years of Life?

Pedicelli Stefania , Scire Giuseppe , Pampanini Valentina , Gubinelli Jessica , Spadoni Gian Luigi , Bitti Maria Luisa Manca , Cappa Marco , Boscherini Brunetto , Cianfarani Stefano

Background: Currently, the diagnosis of GH deficiency (GHD) in infants and young children is based on the assessment of GH serum levels either during hypoglycaemia or after pharmacological stimulation tests. However, GH cut-off values have not been standardized and provocative tests may be unsafe in this age range.Objective and hypotheses: Brain MRI may replace GH measurements in diagnosing GHD in infancy and young childhood.Method...

hrp0082p3-d2-828 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

Growth Response After 1 Year of GH Treatment in Children Born Small for Gestational (SGA) Without GH Deficiency: our Experience

Garbetta Gisella , Pozzobon Gabriella , Osimani Sara , Damia Chiara , Ferrarello Maria Piera , Voto Andrea , Pruccoli Giulia , Partenope Cristina , Weber Giovanna , Chiumello Giuseppe

Background: Many studies have shown that GH therapy can increase final height in children born SGA. Adult height and growth velocity can be improved in these subjects even if there is not a deficiency of endogenous GH (GHD).Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to analyze growth response after 1 year of GH treatment in children born SGA without GH deficiency.Method: Ten patients (six M, four F) born SGA (according to Gagliardi et ...

hrp0084fc14.5 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Timing of Puberty in Girls

Deodati Annalisa , Sallemi Alessia , Maranghi Francesca , Busani Luca , Cambiaso Paola , Mancini Francesca , Scire Giuseppe , Spadoni Gian Luigi , Marini Romana , Baldari Francesca , Tassinari Roberta , Cianfarani Stefano

Background: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are widely used as flame retardants and have shown endocrine disruption properties in experimental studies. Preliminary studies in animal models have suggested a link between exposure to PBDE and alterations of puberty and reproduction.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the association between the exposure to PBDEs and alterations of puberty in girls, referred for idiopathic premature thelarche (IP...

hrp0097fc10.3 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) & Multisystem endocrine disorders | ESPE2023

ROHHAD syndrome, thrombotic risk and endothelial damage: a single center experience.

Marcenaro Silvia , Napoli Flavia , Pistorio Angela , Angelelli Alessia , Fava Daniela , Susca Francesco , Giordano Benedetta , Caporotondi Benedetta , Tantari Giacomo , Camia Tiziana , d'Annunzio Giuseppe , Maghnie Mohamad

Background: ROHHAD/ROHHADNET syndrome (rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, central hypoventilation, autonomic dysregulation with or without neural tumor - NET) – has been reported in association with cerebral venous thrombosis events, as reported also in central hypoventilation syndrome. It is not clear whether thrombotic risk represents a cause or a consequence of hypoventilation and hypothalamic dysfunction. Aim of our study was to chara...

hrp0097p1-263 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Evaluating genotype-phenotype relations in pediatric obesity: a single centre experience.

Giordano Benedetta , Caporotondi Benedetta , Susca Francesco , Napoli Flavia , Fava Daniela , Casalini Emilio , Pistorio Angela , Tantari Giacomo , Camia Tiziana , d'Annunzio Giuseppe , Maghnie Mohamad

Background: Childhood-onset obesity is a multifactorial disease with a lifelong health burden. In many cases, obesity is the result of the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Aim of our study was to define phenotypic features of obese children and adolescents and to find possible associations between clinical phenotype and genetic variants.Patients and Methods: We recruited obese childre...

hrp0095p1-407 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Agreement between Acth-low test and Insuline Tolerance Test in Patients with Risk Factors for Central Adrenal Insufficiency

Panciroli Marta , Angelelli Alessia , Fava Daniela , Patti Giuseppa , Napoli Flavia , Di Iorgi Natascia , Maghnie Mohamad

Background: Central adrenal insufficiency(CAI) is a potential life-threatening condition and a prompt diagnosis represents a clinical challenge; indeed, the Insulin Tolerance Test(ITT), gold standard for CAI diagnosis, can be contraindicated in some conditions. Aims were to evaluate the diagnostic value of the ACTH low test(ACTH-LT) compared to the ITT and to identify eventual determinants(primary diagnosis, risk factors, symptoms, baseline cortisol, hypothala...

hrp0095p1-565 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Adult Height is impaired in females with Medulloblastoma and hypogonadism: Impact of Pubertal Timing

Ferraro Paola , Casalini Emilio , Fava Daniela , Maghnie Mohamad , Patti Giuseppa , Di Iorgi Natascia

Introduction and Aim of the Study: girls with previous pediatric medulloblastoma (MB) are at risk of short stature and impairment of the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal function due to multiple risk factors;our aim was to assess the impact of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) on growth up to final height (FH) in females with or without growth hormone deficiency (GHD).Methods: anthropometrics (height-Ht-SDS, BMI-SDS, Tan...

hrp0086p1-p802 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P1 | ESPE2016

Cognitive Evaluation in Silver Russell Children

Patti Giuseppa , Malainho Virginie Coutinho , Dellatolas Georges , Dubern Beatrice , Doummar Diane , Netchine Irene

Background: Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is a heterogeneous syndrome characterized by severe intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation and typical dysmorphic features. The major abnormality is the hypomethylation of paternal allele of 11p15 imprinting centre region 1. In 10% of cases a maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7 (UPD7) can be detected. Speech delay and learning difficulties have been reported in these patients.Objective and hypothes...

hrp0092rfc11.2 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 2 | ESPE2019

Prevalence and Predicting Factors of Endocrine Dysfunction in Children with NF1 and Optic Gliomas

Santoro Claudia , Perrotta Silverio , Scilipoti Martina , Cirillo Mario , Quaglietta Lucia , Cinalli Giuseppe , Cioffi Daniela , Di Iorgi Natascia , Gallizia Annalisa , Maghnie Mohamad , Parpagnoli Maria , Messa Federica , Vannelli Silvia , De Sanctis Luisa , Marzuillo Pierluigi , del giudice Emanuele Miraglia , Grandone Anna

Introduction:Up to 20% of children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) develops low-grade optic pathway gliomas(OPGs) that can result in neuroendocrinopathy.The aim of the study was to identify prognostic factors for developing neuroendocrinopathies in patients with NF1 and OPGs before any treatment.Methods: Records of 117 children with NF1 and OPGs followed at 4 Italian centers between 1997-20...

hrp0082p2-d2-332 | Diabetes (1) | ESPE2014

Game Interaction Between a Humanoid Robot and a Diabetic Teenager: Might This Improve Motivation to Fill in the Nutritional Diary?

Sanna Alberto , Baroni Ilaria , Oleari Elettra , Colombini Maria Iole , Pozzi Clara , Russo Gianni , Rigamonti Andrea , Frontino Giulio , Favalli Valeria , Battaglino Roseila , Bonura Clara , Bonfanti Riccardo , Ferro Giusy , Chiumello Giuseppe

Introduction: This study describes the experience of introducing Nao, a humanoid robot, into a Summer Camp for children with diabetes (August 2013, Misano Adriatico, Italy), with the aim to provide them a companion capable to support and motivate. Our goal was to investigate if, Nao’s interactions with children could positively affect the adherence to specific medical recommendations during their stay. Namely children were asked to fill in a specific nutritional diary. Th...