hrp0082p1-d3-163 | Growth (2) | ESPE2014

Six Months Follow-Up Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Profile of Once-weekly, CTP-modified Human GH (MOD-4023;): phase 2 Dose Finding Study in Children with GHD Deficiency

Hart Gili , Zadik Zvi , Kradziu Klaudziya , Zelinska Nataliya , Malievsky Oleg , Iotova Violeta , Skorodok Julia , Koren Ronit , Amitzi Leanne , Fima Eyal

Background: GH replacement therapy currently requires daily injections, which may cause poor compliance, inconvenience and distress for patients. CTP-modified hGH (MOD-4023) is being developed for once-weekly administration in GH deficient (GHD) children. In the present study the longer term pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) profile of MOD-4023 in GHD naïve children was assessed.Objective and hypotheses: To assess the long acting prope...

hrp0086rfc5.2 | Management of Disorders of Insulin Secretion | ESPE2016

Limits of Agreement between HbA1c Levels Measured in Different Laboratories Following the Introduction of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Standardised Values

Arch Barbara , McKay Andrew , Newland Paul , Blair Joanne , Gregory John , Peak Matthew , Didi Mohammed , Thornborough Keith , Gamble Carrol

Background: Between 2011 and 2015, 294 children from 15 UK centres were randomised to the SCIPI study (SubCutaneous Insulin: Pumps or Injections?), which compares insulin delivery by pump to multiple daily injections, during the first year following diagnosis of type I diabetes. HbA1c is measured every 3 months, locally by (1) a ‘point of care’ device or a local laboratory and (2) a central laboratory. Since 2009 HbA1c assays have been calibrated against the Internat...

hrp0086p2-p163 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Bone Health Index is Low at Diagnosis of Growth Hormone Deficiency, and Improves During Growth Hormone Therapy

Blair Joanne , Povall Ann , McCoy Paul , Dharmaraj Poonam , Das Urmi , Ramakrishnan Renuka , Senniappan Senthil , Abernethy Laurence , Didi Mohammed

Background: BoneXpert software calculates bone health index (BHI) from cortical thickness and mineralisation of three metacarpals, and bone age (BA) using 13 bones: Radius, ulna and bones in ray 1, 3, 5. Strong correlations between BoneXpert BHI and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and peripheral quantitative computed CT (pQCT) measurements are reported 1. Low bone mineral density (BMD), measured by DXA, and improvement with GH is described in childhood GH deficiency (GH...

hrp0082p1-d3-162 | Growth (2) | ESPE2014

Infliximab Improves Growth in Paediatric Crohn’s disease Only if Commenced Early in Puberty or Prior to the Onset of Puberty

Gangadharan Arundoss , Metcalf Joanna , Giri Dinesh , Irving Sharon , Auth Marcus , Venkatesh Krishnappa , Krishnamurthy Balaji , Blair Joanne C , Didi Mohammed

Background: Crohn’s disease is a relapsing systemic inflammatory disorder with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) due to up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNFα. More than 80% of newly diagnosed children present with growth failure Paediatric gastroenterology units in the UK submit data to the UK IBD database which can be accessed when required. One aim of current treatment protocols is to promote growth. Studies on the use of anti-TNFα antibodi...

hrp0082p2-d3-493 | Endocrine Oncology | ESPE2014

Role of Metformin in the Treatment of Hypothalamic Obesity

Gangadharan Arundoss , Didi Mohammed , Pizer Barry , Howell Lisa , Hayden James , Mallucci Conor , Pettorini Benedetta , Blair Joanne C

Background: Disruption of homeostatic functioning of the hypothalamic centres results in hyperphagia, autonomic imbalance, reduction of energy expenditure, and hyperinsulinemia. A syndrome of rapid, unrelenting weight gain is often observed in patients with structural lesions of the hypothalamus. Hypothalamic obesity syndrome (HOS) is often refractory to standard dietary and lifestyle interventions. It has been reported that metformin induces anorectic effects via an increase ...

hrp0084p2-471 | Growth | ESPE2015

Growth and Metabolic Phenotypes in Patients with SRS: a Multi-Centre Cross-Sectional Observational Study

Aston Kayleigh , Grosvenor Gemma , Peters Catherine , Mathew Verghese , Blair Joanne , Chapman Simon , Buchanan Charles , Maher Eamonn , Dias Renuka

Background: Silver–Russell syndrome (SRS; OMIM 180860) is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous low birthweight syndrome characterised by poor postnatal growth and a number of variable dysmorphic features. Small-for-gestational age infants in general have an increased risk of metabolic complications, some initially occurring in late childhood and adolescence.Objective and hypotheses: To identify i) response to GH based on genotype and ii) devel...

hrp0094p1-105 | Adrenal B | ESPE2021

The genetic etiology of ACTH-dependent aldosterone hypersecretion in hypertensive patients without Primary Aldosteronism

Mourtzi Niki , Sertedaki Amalia , Markou Athina , Piaditis Georgios , Katsanis Nicholas , Traeger-Synodinos Joanne , Tsigos Constantinos , Charmandari Evangelia ,

Introduction: Compelling evidence suggests that Primary Aldosteronism (PA) is much more prevalent than previously thought, accounting for more than 20% of patients with resistant hypertension. Although, major advances have been made in the field of genetics underpinning sporadic and familial forms of PA, the etiology of mild forms of PA is poorly understood. In previous studies, we identified a distinct cohort of patients without PA who exhibited ACTH-dependen...

hrp0094p2-58 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

Denosumab therapy for giant cell granuloma in a paediatric patient: using quantification of Tc99m-MDP uptake on SPECT imaging to guide treatment.

Wade Laura , Siddle Kathryn , Aderotimi Tobi , Armitage Suzanne , Blair Joanne , Munns Craig , Barnes Nik , Abernethy Laurence , Dharmaraj Poonam ,

Background: Giant cell granulomas (GCG) are uncommon bony lesions that most commonly affect the maxilla and mandible; whilst generally benign they can be disfiguring to the face. Historically, GCGs have been treated with steroids or bisphosphonates to try and avoid surgical resection. Over recent years denosumab, a human monoclonal antibody which acts against the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand, has been shown to be effective in treating GC...

hrp0082fclb1 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2014

Top Line Results of Once-Weekly, CTP-Modified Human GH (MOD-4023): Phase 2 Dose Finding Study in Children with GH Deficiency

Zadik Zvi , Rosenfeld Ron , Radziuk Klaudziya , Zelinska Nataliya , Malievsky Oleg , Iotova Violeta , Skorodok Julia , Koren Ronit , Amitzi Leanne , Hart Gili , Herskovitz Oren , Fima Eyal

Objective: GH replacement therapy currently requires daily injections, which may cause poor compliance, inconvenience and distress for patients. CTP-modified hGH (MOD-4023) has been developed for once-weekly administration in GH deficient (GHD) adults and children. Pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics, (PD) efficacy and safety analysis of weekly treatment with MOD-4023 in GHD naïve children was performed and compared to daily hGH.Design and metho...

hrp0082p2-d1-286 | Bone | ESPE2014

Musculoskeletal Health in Children with Crohn’s Disease at Diagnosis: Dynamic Muscle Function, Tibia Cortical and Trabecular Bone Density and Vertebral Fracture Prevalence

Ward Leanne M , Rauch Frank , Ma Jinhui , Scharke Maya , Cosgrove Heather , Matzinger Mary Ann , Shenouda Nazih , Benchimol Eric I , Mack David R

Background: The bone mass deficit in pediatric Crohn’s disease (CD) is associated with low total body lean mass and suppression of bone turnover.Objective and hypotheses: We examined at diagnosis whether the sarcopenia is associated with leg muscle hypofunction, changes in tibia muscle–bone indices as well as overt bone strength loss (vertebral fractures, VF).Method: 70% children with CD were studied within 2 weeks of dia...