hrp0086p1-p447 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Neonatal Overnutrition Causes Sex and Age Dependant Long-Term Effects on Body Weight, Body Composition and Serum Triglyceride and Free Fatty Acid Levels

Argente-Arizon Pilar , Diaz Francisca , Fuente-Martin Esther , Chowen Julie Ann , Argente Jesus

Background: Neonatal over-nutrition (NON) can increase the propensity to become overweight and develop associated metabolic disturbances in later life. Moreover, some of these long-term effects are sexually dimorphic.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to determine how NON affects body weight (BW), body composition and triglyceride (TG) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) levels. We hypothesized that the effects would be both age and sex dependant.<...

hrp0086p2-p529 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2016

Insulin Resistance Correlates to Cognitive Fatigue Dimensions in Non-diabetic Obese Children

Barat Pascal , Meiffred Marie-Claire , Brossaud Julie , Corcuff Jean-Benoit , Thibault Helene , Capuron Lucile

Background: Alterations in endocrine functions and low-grade systemic inflammation represent fundamental characteristics of obesity. These biological systems have been repeatedly linked to fatigue symptoms.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between fatigue symptoms and metabolic/inflammatory markers in a sample of non-diabetic obese children.Method: The study was conducted in 41 obese (med...

hrp0086p2-p866 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P2 | ESPE2016

Endocrine and Metabolic Parameters before Onset of rGH Treatment: Potential Predictive Factors of GH Response in Children Born SGA? Results from Cohort of Nancy

Renard Emeline , Legagneur Carole , Auger Julie , Lebon-Labich Beatrice , Baumann Cedric , Leheup Bruno

Background: In spite of many studies demonstrating efficiency of recombinant growth hormone (rGH) on adult height in children born small for gestational age (SGA), great variability of response exists between treated patients. Predictive factors have been already studied such as age at start of treatment, rGH dose,…, but few data are available regarding the predictive values of pretherapeutic data on growth response.Objective and hypotheses: The ma...

hrp0082fc12.1 | Obesity | ESPE2014

High-Fat Diet Rapidly Triggers Circadian De-Synchronization of Clock Genes, Neuropeptides and Inflammation Mediators in the Hypothalamus of C57BL Mice

Hernandez-Nuno Francisco , Ruiz-Gayo Mariano , Diaz Francisca , Argente Jesus , Chowen Julie A

Background: Circadian disorganization of feeding behavior evoked by high fat diet (HFD) intake is suggested to be involved in the resulting weight gain and development of associated metabolic alterations and hypothalamic inflammation.Hypothesis: We hypothesized that this circadian alteration might be a consequence of rapid de-synchronization of different gene clusters relevant for metabolic control.Methods: We analyzed the circadia...

hrp0082p1-d1-110 | Fat Metabolism &amp; Obesity | ESPE2014

Free Fatty Acids Activate Hypothalamic Astrocytes in a Sexually Dimorphic Manner

Argente-Arizon Pilar , Fuente-Martin Esther , Diaz Francisca , Freire-Regatillo Alejandra , Argente Jesus , Chowen Julie A

Introduction: Obesity is known to associate with chronic systemic inflammation. However, hypothalamic inflammation also occurs in response to high fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity and is proposed to participate in central insulin/leptin resistance and the perpetuation of weight gain and systemic affectation. The weight gain and central responses to HFD differ between males and females. As hypothalamic glial cells are implicated in the central inflammatory response we hypothesize...

hrp0082p2-d1-371 | Fat Metabolism &amp; Obesity | ESPE2014

Replacement of the Neonatal Leptin Surge During Maternal Deprivation Normalizes Some Endocrine Parameters but Exacerbates Others

Mela Virginia , Lopez-Rodriguez Alvaro , Penasco Sara , Barrios Vicente , Argente Jesus , Viveros Maria-Paz , Chowen Julie A

Introduction: Maternal deprivation (MD) during neonatal life has diverse long-term effects, including modification of metabolism. Some of these effects are sexually dimorphic. We have previously reported that MD in rats blocks the physiological neonatal leptin surge, which could underlie the long-term metabolic changes.Hypothesis: We hypothesized that replacement of leptin during MD would normalize long-term endocrine changes.Metho...

hrp0082p2-d3-480 | Hypoglycaemia | ESPE2014

The Role of Plasma C-Peptide Concentration in the Diagnosis of Congenital Hyperinsulinism

Green Julie , Giri Dinesh , Gangadharan Arundoss , Blair Jo , Dharmaraj Poonam , Das Urmi , Senniappan Senthil , Didi Mohammed

Background: The hallmark of congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is the demonstration of detectable plasma insulin during hypoglycaemia. Insulin can be undetectable in a significant proportion of patients with CHI. Plasma samples for insulin requires rapid and careful handling for reliable results. There is little published data on the value of C-peptide in the diagnosis of CHI.Objective and hypotheses: To assess the usefulness of C-peptide in the diagnosis ...

hrp0082p2-d1-531 | Puberty and Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2014

Very Low Estradiol Levels are Independent From Duration of Amenorrhea in Girls with Severe Anorexia Nervosa

Kyheng Christele , De Filippo Gianpaolo , Castell Anne-Laure , Flandrin Jennifer , Durin Julie , Delafoy Manon , Duranteau Lise

Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a primary psychiatric disease, complicated by serious endocrine disturbances. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with primary or secondary amenorrhea is the most common endocrine repercussion of AN, with consequent estrogen deficiency and concerns about bone mineral density. Furthermore, establishing regular menstrual cycles is considered as one of the important milestones in girls treated for AN.Aim: To quantify the estro...

hrp0082p2-d2-541 | Puberty and Neuroendocrinology (1) | ESPE2014

Normal Minipuberty in a Patient with DAX1 Mutation: a Reliable Marker of the Function of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Gonadal Axis?

Fudvoye Julie , Christine Lebrethon Marie , Pierre Bourguignon Jean , Simone Parent Anne

Background: We report here the case of a 5-week-old male patient, referred to the hospital because of failure to thrive. An adrenal insufficiency was diagnosed and the genetic testing showed a mutation in the DAX1 gene leading to a premature stop codon.In addition to adrenal hypoplasia congenita, DAX1 mutation is known to be classically associated with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism which is mostly characterized by absence of onset of puberty and inferti...

hrp0082p2-d3-620 | Turner Syndrome | ESPE2014

Turner Syndrome: Analysis of Changes in the Age at Diagnosis and Phenotypic and Genotypic Description of 174 Patients

Auger Julie , Oussalah Abderrahim , Lambert Laetitia , Vigneron Jacqueline , Jonveaux Philippe , Leheup Bruno

Background: Turner syndrome, characterized by complete or partial absence of second sexual chromosome, is responsible for phenotype of variable severity.Objective and hypotheses: The main objective of this work is to describe the evolution of the age at diagnosis of Turner syndrome over time. We also performed a phenotypic and genotypic description and we assessed evolution over time.Method: It is a monocentric descriptive observat...