hrp0097p2-51 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Primary hyperparathyroidism in a pediatric patient with tuberous sclerosis

Lucia Feller Ana , Mariana Aziz , Victor Ayarzabal , Ciaccio Marta , Gisela Viterbo

Introduction: Tuberous sclerosis (TS) is a rare, autosomal dominant, multisystem disease with a frequency of 1:6,000-10,000. It is caused by variants in the genes encoding hamartin (TSC 1) and tuberin (TSC 2) that normally act as inhibitors of the mTOR signaling cascade that regulates cell proliferation and migration, angiogenesis, and cell metabolism. The most frequent clinical presentation includes hypochromic macules, angiofibromas, hamartomas in the centra...

hrp0095p1-439 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Deciphering Monogenic Diabetes Mellitus in Spanish Pediatric Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study

Gomes Porras Mariana , Coral Barreda Bonis Ana , Salamanca Fresno Luis , González Casado Isabel , Campos Barros Ángel

Background and aims: The introduction of next-generation sequencing (NGS) as an essential tool for the routine molecular diagnosis of DM has highlighted the under-diagnosis of monogenic diabetes mellitus (MonDM). Accurate molecular diagnosis of the MonDM subtype has important implications for prognosis and choice of treatment, family counseling and health management, enabling precision medicine. The main objective was to clinically and molecularly characterize...

hrp0095p2-304 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with hypertriglyceridemia in the pediatric age group – A case report

Zorron Mariana , Duarte Gomes Machado Raquel , Albiero Camargo Daniela , Seben Julia , Fernanda Vanti Macedo Paulino Maria , Mendonça Erika , Fanger Vanessa

Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a potentially fatal hyperglycemic emergency primarily associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). The association between DKA and severe hypertriglyceridemia has already been previously discussed with a prevalence ranging between 7.1%-25%, with pancreatitis present in the majority of cases. Epidemiological data in the pediatric age are scarce and not well established. Its etiology is not yet fully known. The &qu...

hrp0092p1-364 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

GH Values in Serum and Blood Spots on Filter Paper Samples in Neonates Until 30 Days of Life by Electrochemiluminescence (ECLIA).

Miras Mirta , Silvano Liliana , Campi Veronica , Ochetti Mariana , Sobrero Gabriela , Castro Laura , Martin Silvia , Testa Graciela , Franchioni Liliana

Growth Hormone deficiency (GHD) in newborn is an infrequent condition, which can cause threat to life due mainly to hypoglycemia that begins in the first week of life. A GH basal level (whether random or associated with spontaneous hypoglycemia) that distinguishes infants with GHD from those with GH sufficiency in the neonatal period is not conclusive. Few data have been reported about the GH measurements in serum and dried blood spots on filter paper samples in healthy neonat...

hrp0092p1-397 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty (2) | ESPE2019

Questioning the Value of Brain MRIs in the Evaluation of Children with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency

Oren Asaf , Singer Dana , Rachmiel Mariana , Hamiel Uri , Shiran Shelly , Ben-Sira Liat , Schachter-Davidov Anita , Eyal Ori

Background: Isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) is a relatively common disorder. Current diagnostic protocols require a brain MRI of the hypothalamus and the hypophysis after establishment of the diagnosis, with the aim of identifying structural defects and specifically rule out an underlying space-occupying lesion. An MRI scan is costly and requires general anesthesia in young children. Data on the contribution of brain MRI in diagnosing children with I...

hrp0089rfc11.6 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism 2 | ESPE2018

Reference Values of Automated Bone Age and Bone Health Index for Mexican Children and Adolescents

Lora America Liliana Miranda , Espindola Montserrat Espinosa , Gonzalez Desiree Lopez , Loyo Mariana Sanchez-Curiel , Suarez Pilar Dies , Klunder Miguel Klunder

Background: BoneXpert is a software for automated measurement of bone age (BA) and radiogrammetry (bone health index). The precision error of the software for BA measure is smaller than the human rating error and the accuracy relative to the human routine ratings is 0.80 years. Differences in skeletal maturation between ethnicities have been reported, so it is important to have specific references for the own population.Objective: To present the automate...

hrp0089p1-p019 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P1 | ESPE2018

The Usefulness of Combined Analysis of Serum and Salivary Maximum Cortisol Response to Low-Dose ACTH Test to Define the Requirement of Hormone Replacement Treatment

Vaiani Elisa , Lazzati Juan Manuel , Maceiras Mercedes , Gil Silvia , Costanzo Mariana , Zaidman Veronica , Dratler Gustavo , Belgorosky Alicia

Introduction: The low-dose synacthen test (LDT) is widely used to assess central adrenal insufficiency (CAI); however, the total serum cortisol (C) cut-off value is controversial. A correct diagnosis of CAI is required, but overdiagnosis may lead to unnecessary hormone replacement therapy. Salivary cortisol (SC) reflects the levels of free serum cortisol and is a noninvasive alternative.Objective: To define a new cut-off value of serum cortisol in pediat...

hrp0086p1-p370 | Gonads & DSD P1 | ESPE2016

45,X/46,XY Chromosomal Disorders of Sex Development: Experience from a Cohort of 50 Patients Followed in One Single Institution

Costanzo Mariana , Guercio Gabriela , Geniuk Nadia , Berensztein Esperanza , Manuel Lazzati Juan , Maceiras Mercedes , Zaidman Veronica , Aurelio Rivarola Marco , Belgorosky Alicia

Background: Disorders of sex development (DSD) are those congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atypical. 45,X/46,XY mosaicism results in a large clinical spectrum of DSD including from female patients with Turner’s syndrome to normal appearing males.Objective and hypotheses: The main aim of this study is to review the clinical and gonad histological findings in a cohort of chromosomal DSD patients f...

hrp0082p3-d1-667 | Bone | ESPE2014

Metabolic and Bone Disorders in Vertically HIV-Infected Children

Vivanco Maritza , Riveros Constanza , Balboa Paulina , Hevia Mariana , Vizueta Eloisa , Maria Chavez Ana , Villarroel Julia , Maria Alvarez Ana , Torrejon Claudia

Background: Life expectancy of children with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has increased due to highly active antiretroviral therapy. Metabolic disorders and changes in bone mineral density (BMD) are common in adult patients with HIV. There are few studies evaluating metabolic and bone involvement in children.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate metabolic disorders and BMD in vertically HIV-infected children in four Chilean hospitals.<p class="...

hrp0084p3-604 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Severe High Blood Pressure with Renal Failure in a Neglected Case of 11β-Hydroxylase Deficient Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Belceanu Alina Daniela , Munteanu Mihaela , Florea Mariana , Ungureanu Maria-Christina , Zmau George , Puiu Mirela , Armasu Ioana , Mogos Voichita , Vulpoi Carmen

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders characterised by impaired cortisol synthesis. An enzymatic defect in 11-beta-hydroxylase is the second most common variant of CAH and accounts for approximately 5–8% of cases. Patients present with features of androgen excess and approximately two thirds of patients also have high blood pressure (HBP), which is initially responsive to glucocorticoid replacement, but may become a c...