hrp0086p1-p454 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Influence of Television Viewing During Meals on Eating Patterns

Leis Trabazo Rosaura , Vazquez-Cobela Rocio , Jose Bedoya Carpente Juan , Aguilera Garcia Concepcion , Olza Meneses Josune , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Bueno Lozano Gloria , Gil Hernandez Angel , Moreno Aznar Luis , Tojo Sierra Rafel

Background: Recent studies show negative impact of the use of television while having food on the eating patterns.Objective and hypotheses: Our goal is to use cluster analysis to evaluate this influence in children.Method: In 895 Spanish children and adolescents (47% male and 53% female), from 3 to 18 years of age (10.25±2.67 years), a validated food frequency and food consumption habits questionnaire (CFCA) is performed. Thre...

hrp0086p2-p515 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2016

Early Blood Pressure Abnormalities Related to Cardiovascular Risk in Obese Children and Adolescents

Herraiz Gastesi Gonzalo , Pilar Samper Villagrasa Maria , Moreno Aznar Luis , Leis Trabazo Rosaura , Aguilera Garcia Concepcion , Gil Hernandez Angel , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Maria Garagorri Otero Jesus , Gloria Bueno Lozano Maria

Background: Emerging data suggest that ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring for 24 h may be efficient in the diagnosis of hypertension in adults, children and adolescents. Additionally, in adults, it may predict the existence of some early BP abnormalities related to cardiovascular risk: (a) elevated BP load (>25%) and (b) non-dipping (BP decrease in night-time <10%).Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the presence of early BP abnormalitie...

hrp0084p3-887 | Fat | ESPE2015

Sports Regulated and Lipid Profile in Children and Adolescents with Overweight

Trabazo Rosaura Leis , Cobela Rocio Vazquez , Garcia Concepcion Aguilera , Lozano Gloria Bueno , Meneses Josune Olza , Campos Mercedes Gil , Carpente Juan Jose Bedoya , Feijoo Lidia Castro , Aznar Luis Moreno , Hernandez Angel Gil

Introduction: Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder in the paediatric age. Decreased physical activity and increased inactivity are important factors that are involved in this pandemic. The highest prevalence of obesity in Europe is in the South.Objective: To study the relationship between the practice of a regulated sport and lipid profile in overweight children and adolescents.Material and methods: 318 overweight childr...

hrp0097p1-456 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Higher levels of liver enzymes are associated with increased left ventricular mass in apparently healthy children. Potential role of HMW-adiponectin and epicardial fat

Vasileva Fidanka , Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Serrano-Ferrer Juan , Mas-Parés Berta , Gómez-Villarubla Ariadna , Osiniri-Kippes Inés , Bassols Judit , Prats-Puig Anna , López-Bermejo Abel

Introduction: An increase in liver enzymes predicts cardiac hypertrophy secondary to increased left ventricular mass in patients with cardiovascular disease. The mechanisms involved include decreased adiponectin concentration and increased epicardial fat in these subjects. We hypothesized that associations between these parameters would also be readily apparent in otherwise healthy children.Objectives: Our objective was ...

hrp0095p1-308 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Postnatal growth failure of aggrecan deficient mice is due to impaired growth plate chondrogenesis

Bendre Ameya , Ottosson Lars , Baroncelli Marta , Dou Zelong , Nilsson Ola

Background: Heterozygous Aggrecan (Acan) mutations cause autosomal short stature (ISS) with advanced bone age, early-onset osteoarthritis and intervertebral disc disease (OMIM#165800) in humans. Cartilage matrix deficiency mouse (Acancmd) has a naturally occurring 7 bp micro-deletion in aggrecan gene. Heterozygous Acancmd mice develop postnatal dwarfism with progressing age. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms causin...

hrp0095p1-342 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Redefinition of LH Cut-Off to Earlier Diagnose Evolutive Precocious Puberty After Triptorelin Stimulation Test

Cavarzere Paolo , Arrigoni Marta , Guardo Chiara , Gaudino Rossella , Antoniazzi Franco

Introduction: Precocious puberty (PP) is defined as the appearance of thelarche before the age of 8 years, in girls. The gold standard for the diagnosis is represented by the increase of LH level after stimulation with native GnRH, but a feasible alternative involves the administration of GnRH analogues. This test is poorly standardised and currently literature lacks of defined values to confirm the activation of the hypothalamic-gonadal axis, since they depen...

hrp0095p1-350 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Phenotypic characteristics of a cohort of patients with Septo-Optic Dysplasia followed in a Tertiary Centre.

Ardila Santos Sandra , Ciaccio Marta , Isabel Di Palma Maria

Introduction: Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is an uncommon, highly heterogeneous entity of multifactorial etiology, consisting in the association of 2 or more of the following characteristics: ophthalmological abnormalities [most frequently optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH)], midline brain abnormalities [such as aplasia/hypoplasia of the septum pellucidum (SP) and/or corpus callosum (CC)] and variable degree of hypotalamo-pituitary insufficiency (HPI)<p class="ab...

hrp0095p1-568 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Endocrine care for gender incongruent children and adolescents in The Czech Republic between 2011-2020

Neumann David , Snajderova Marta , Fifkova Hana , Weiss Petr , Zapletalova Jirina

Background: Gender incongruence (GI) is a topic of interest with major impacts on both the individual and society. In recent years, the small group of gender non-conforming children with an early GI history that persists through adolescence has been accompanied by a substantial rise in the proportion of adolescents reporting their gender doubts. The onset of gender dysphoria in this group is rapid. In the Czech Republic, multidisciplinary teams strive for high...

hrp0095p1-196 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Diffuse Sclerosing Variant of Papillary Thyroid Cancer in a boy with Goldenhar Syndrome

Ferrari Marta , Cerutti Matteo , Ricci Franco , Stagi Stefano

A 16-year-old boy was admitted to the Emergency Department for a painless laterocervical swelling, dysphagia and an ultrasound suspect of thyroiditis. On examination he presented facial asymmetry due to maxillary bones hypoplasia and facial nerve palsy of recent onset. There was also a history of hearing loss, hypospadias, Arnold-Chiari malformation and vertebral defects according to a clinical phenotype of Goldenhar Syndrome (GHS). Blood exams showed TSH 7.46 μU/ml (0.68-4...

hrp0092p3-239 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Normosmic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism: An Intrafamiliar Case

Soares Joana , Briosa Filipa , Valsassina Rita , Amorim Marta , Limbert Catarina

Background: Idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) is due to the failure of gonadotrofin releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion which impairs the physiological initiation of puberty. About 30 to 50% of IHH is associated to hereditary causes and about 50 mutated genes have been identified.Objective and methods: We present three intra-familial cases of normosmic IHH (nIHH) related to a new association of two hetero...