hrp0086p1-p815 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P1 | ESPE2016

6-Year-Old Girl with Mutation in DNMT3A – A New Overgrowth Syndrome

Ronholt Ann-Margrethe , Boxil Martin , Jensen Uffe , Hertz Birgitte

Background: Overgrowth disorders are a heterogeneous group of conditions characterized by increased growth and other clinical features. Overgrowth may be apparent at birth and can be static or progressive. Some syndromes are associated with increased tumor risk.Objective and hypotheses: A 6-year-old girl with accelerated growth rate was referred. She was born at term and was 55 cm long at birth (+2.4 SD). At 6 years, she was 134.4 cm tall (+3.7 SD) with ...

hrp0082p1-d3-134 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

Can Hypothalamic Obesity be Treated with Stimulants?

Denzer Friederike , Lennerz Belinda , Denzer Christian , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Published case reports and anecdotal experience suggest a positive effect of dexamphetamine on impetus and weight in patients with hypothalamic obesity.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to observe these effects in our patients who are offered off-label treatment with dexamphetamine.Method: Between 2010 and 2013, patients starting dexamphetamine treatment were enrolled in a prospective observation study. BMI–SDS wa...

hrp0082p2-d2-599 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

Severe Urticaria in Graves’ Disease: is Carbimazole to Blame?

Ponmani Caroline , Mcclatchey Martin , Kanzaria Shilpa , Keane Morgan , Banerjee Kausik

Background: Carbimazole is widely used in the treatment of Graves’ disease and is well tolerated but can produce adverse effects in 5% of cases. Urticaria, which can develop as a drug reaction to carbimazole responds to withdrawal of the drug and symptomatic management. Urticaria is also a rare manifestation of thyrotoxicosis and does not respond to treatment, but regresses rapidly with the control of underlying hyperthyroidism.Objective and hypothe...

hrp0082p3-d2-784 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (1) | ESPE2014

A New Lipodystrophy Syndrome?

von Schnurbein Julia , Fischer-Posovszky Pamela , Garg Abhimanyu , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL) is characterized by the absence of most adipose tissue at birth due to an adipocyte differentiation block. For several forms of CGL, the underlying mutation and pathophysiological pathway has been identified. However, for many cases the genetic cause is still unknown.Objective and hypotheses: We report a patient with CGL who showed a complete absence of fat apart from protective fat pads in a postnat...

hrp0082p3-d3-802 | Gonads and Gynaecology | ESPE2014

The Effects of Rhythmical Massage Therapy and Heart Rate Variability-Biofeedback on Primary Dysmenorrhea a Qualitative Study

Boning Anna , Karutz Aurelia , Vagedes Jan , Berger Bettina , Martin David

Aim: This study investigated rhythmical massage therapy (RMT) and heart rate variability-biofeedback (HRV) to treat dysmenorrhea.Methods: As a part of a randomized controlled trial, 60 patients were allocated to one of the two intervention groups or the crossover control group. For the qualitative study, before and after the 3-month intervention, the women drew their pain into a body silhouette. With the aid of these drawings, half-structured interviews ...

hrp0084p1-49 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Can Hypothalamic Obesity be Treated with Stimulants? Follow Up

Denzer Friederike , Lennerz Belinda , Vollbach Heike , Denzer Christian , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Published case reports and anecdotal experience suggest a positive effect of dexamphetamine, a CNS stimulant on impetus and weight in patients with hypothalamic obesity. Based on these observations, patients presenting to our obesity clinic with hypothalamic obesity are offered off-label treatment with dexamphetamine.Method: Between 2010 and 2015, patients starting dexamphetamine treatment were enrolled in a prospective observation study. A r...

hrp0084p1-115 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Clinical Guidance on 17β-Oestradiol and LH Serum Levels in Girls with Premature Thelarche Based on Clinical Outcome of 129 Girls Aged up to 4 Year with Premature Thelarche in West Sweden

Osterbrand Martin , Alvin Kerstin , Fors Hans , Norjavaara Ensio

Background: Simple clinical investigations to differ harmless premature thelarche (PT) from pubertal precocity and other pathological conditions are needed as PT is a common condition in girls under the age of 3–4 year.Objective and hypotheses: Since 17β-oestradiol (17β-E2) is the major driver of breast development, the hypothesis is, that it is possible to define an upper serum 17β-oestradiol (17β-E2) level for harmless PT in gi...

hrp0084p2-371 | Fat | ESPE2015

Prevalence and Phenotypic Characterization of MC4R Mutations in a Large Paediatric Cohort

Vollbach Heike , Brandt Stephanie , Lahr Georgina , Wabitsch Martin

Background: The melanocortin-4-receptor (MC4R) plays a key role in body weight regulation. Hypothalamic activation of MC4R reduces food intake and increases energy expenditure. Mutations in the MC4R gene lead to the most common cause of monogenetic obesity. More than 150 different mutations are currently known. Their prevalence in obese subjects differs between 0.2 and 5.8%, depending on ethnicity, age and grade of obesity of the analysed cohort. Impact on phenotype a...

hrp0084p3-918 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Are Short Children with Low GH Secretion Metabolically Different from Children of Normal Height?

Tidblad Anders , Ekstrom Klas , Ritzen Martin , Marcus Claude

Background: Severe GH deficiency (GHD) leads to several metabolic effects in the body ranging from abnormal body composition to biochemical disturbances such as high insulin sensitivity. However, less is known regarding these parameters in children with a milder deficiency in GH secretion.Objective and hypotheses: To analyse if short children with a relatively low GH secretion differ metabolically from healthy children of normal height.<p class="abst...

hrp0084p3-930 | GH &amp; IGF | ESPE2015

IGF1 Deficiency: An Important Differential Diagnosis in Severe Growth Failure and Its Excellent Response to rhIGF1 Replacement Therapy

Giri Dinesh , Storr Helen , Savage Martin O , Ramakrishnan Renuka

Background: IGF1 is the key effector peptide in the control of normal growth. IGF1 deficiency in the presence of normal GH is associated with growth failure. This may be caused by primary defects in the GH-IGF1 axis or by conditions such as malnutrition or chronic inflammation. Severe primary IGF1 deficiency (height <−3 S.D., serum IGF1 <2.5th centile, GH normal) is an European Medicines Agency (EMA) licensed indication for rhIGF1 therapy. We repor...