hrp0097p1-148 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Prevalence of brain alterations in boys with isolated central precocious puberty

Amodeo Mariaelisa , Deodati Annalisa , Pedicelli Stefania , Pampanini Valentina , Cianfarani Stefano

Introduction: Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is routinely performed to identify brain lesions in boys with central precocious puberty (CPP). In contrast to girls, in whom more than 90% of cases are idiopathic, it has been reported that 4 up to 75% of boys with CPP have pathological brain lesions.Aim: to evaluate the prevalence of brain lesions in males with isolated CPP and to identify potential clinical and bioc...

hrp0097p1-555 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Genetic bases of familial central precocious puberty

Khabibullina Dina , Kolodkina Anna , Bezlepkina Olga , Peterkova Valentina

Background: Nowadays, single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes KISS1, KISS1R, MKRN3, DLK1 have been described as the leading cause of precocious hypothalamic-pituitary axis activation in children. Genetic testing in patients with hereditary forms of precocious puberty (PP) can expand our knowledge in underlying molecular mechanisms of the disease. The diagnosis of genetic bases is necessary for genetic counselling.Aim: T...

hrp0082fc3.6 | Diabetes | ESPE2014

Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Anti-Oxidant Diet Helps to Improve Endothelial Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes

Scaramuzza Andrea , Ungheri Saverio , Redaelli Francesca , Bosetti Alessandra , Giani Elisa , Ferrari Matteo , Comaschi Valentina , Giudici Valentina , Zuccotti Gian Vincenzo

Background: Endothelial dysfunction is a macrovascular complication of type 1 diabetes. Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes may suffer of endothelial dysfunction, irrespective of chronological age and disease duration.Objective and hypotheses: After evaluating the prevalence of early endothelial dysfunction, as measured by mean of reactive hyperaemia in adolescents with type 1 diabetes, at baseline and after 1-year follow-up, we started a 6-mon...

hrp0097p1-468 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Efficacy of zinc and myo-inositol on weight loss and metabolic features in a pediatric population with obesity

Antoniotti Valentina , Colombo Alice , Mancioppi Valentina , Solito Arianna , Partenope Cristina , Petri Antonella , Rabbone Ivana , Ferrante Daniela , Prodam Flavia , Bellone Simonetta

Pediatric obesity is constantly increasing and exposes to serious cardiovascular and metabolic risks. The first treatment against obesity is lifestyle change. Actually, any intervention seems to be effective on the evolution of this condition, especially in the long term. For this reason, the interest in non-pharmaceutical compounds is growing. Several studies mentioned the use of zinc and inositol as compounds acting on weight loss and insulin resistance. The aim of this stud...

hrp0089p2-p291 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P2 | ESPE2018

Hypoglycemia in Adolescence as the Presenting Sign of Familial MEN1

Justine Bailleul , Natacha Bouhours-Nouet , Valentine Suteau , Maryam Azgal , Marie-Neige Campas , Aurelie Donzeau , Regis Coutant

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (MEN1) is an inherited autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the MEN1 tumor suppressor gene. Penetrance increases with age. It combines mainly hyperparathyroidism, adenomas of the pancreas and pituitary gland. The prevalence is about 2/100 000. Diagnosis in children is rare except in the case of family screening. We report the diagnosis of a familial MEN1 whose index case was an adolescent girl investigated because of hypoglycae...

hrp0095p1-73 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Glucose alterations, insulin resistance, hypertension, and activation of the renin-aldosterone system are strictly associated in pediatric obesity

Antoniotti Valentina , Amore Martina , Bellone Simonetta , Ricotti Roberta , De Grandi Roberta , Caputo Marina , Spadaccini Daniele , Mancioppi Valentina , Aimaretti Gianluca , Prodam Flavia

Background: The increase of global childhood obesity has led to an increase of associated co-morbidities also at a young age. The pro-inflammatory state and insulin resistance are two master regulators of several complications, including hypertension and pre-diabetes frequently connected in a complex crosstalk.Aim: To evaluate the relationship between glucose alterations and blood pressure and the pathogenetic involvemen...

hrp0095rfc10.3 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

A rare HESX1 variant in a patient with congenital hypopituitarism

Anastasia Ibba , Paraluppi Valentina , Lussu Anna , Guzzetti Chiara , Casula Letizia , Loche Sandro

Background: Congenital hypopituitarism (CH) is characterized by a deficiency of one or more pituitary hormones. Mutations in the genes coding for transcription factors, such HESX1, involved in the development of the pituitary, determine a highly variable phenotype which may include severe midline defects, septo-optic dysplasia and other congenital abnormalities. A small number of HESX1 variants have been identified in humans. The phenotype sh...

hrp0095p1-346 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

In between isolated premature thelarche and central precocious puberty: when DHEAS makes the difference

Rodari Giulia , Collini Valentina , Giacchetti Federico , Profka Eriselda , Dall'Antonia Alberta , Arosio Maura , Giavoli Claudia

Background: Precocious puberty (PP) in girls is most frequently an idiopathic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-dependent PP, being thelarche the typical first sign. It is well established that increased dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) levels are associated with premature adrenarche and may characterize PP too. However, its relationship with signs of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis activation and estrogen exposure is still to be elucidate...

hrp0092fc7.4 | Diabetes and Insulin Session 2 | ESPE2019

Metabolic Syndrome Features in Pre-Pubertal Children Born After Maternal Pre-Eclampsia

Goffin Sarah , Derraik José , Chiavaroli Valentina , Biggs Janene , Hofman Paul , Groom Katie , Cutfield Wayne

Background: Pre-eclampsia is associated with important complications for both mother and baby in the short term, but there are limited data about its long-term effects on offspring metabolism. Thus, we aimed to assess whether maternal pre-eclampsia was associated with adverse effects on metabolism and body composition in the offspring in childhood.Methods: We studied healthy pre-pubertal children (aged 4–10 years) b...

hrp0092p1-165 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

How the Level of Antibodies Against 21-Hydroxylase Changes with Time in Patients with Addison's Disease

Sozaeva Leila , Nikankina Larisa , Malysheva Natalia , Kareva Maria , Orlova Elizaveta , Peterkova Valentina

Objectives: To investigate changes in levels of autoantibodies(Abs) against 21-hydroxylase(21OH) in APECED patients and in patients with isolated primary autoimmune adrenal insufficiency (AI) over time after manifestation of AI.Methods: 24 patients with APECED with AI and 5 patients with isolated autoimmune AI were recruited. APECED was confirmed by finding at least two major components of the disease and/or two mutation...