hrp0097p1-367 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Changes in body composition in transgender adolescents during puberty suppression and hormone treatment

Boogers Lidewij , Reijtenbagh Sterre , Wiepjes Chantal , van Trotsenburg Paul , den Heijer Martin , Hannema Sabine

Context: Transgender adolescents can be treated with puberty suppression (PS) using GnRH agonists (GnRHa), and subsequent hormone therapy (HT). Up to this date, it has not been described at what rate body composition in transgender adolescents changes during the first years of treatment. Also, it is unknown whether Tanner stage at which treatment is initiated, might affect this treatment outcome.Methods: Transgender adol...

hrp0084p2-197 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Evaluation of Medical Treatment in the First 2 Years of Life with a New Dutch National Longitudinal Registry for Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

van der Linde Annelieke , van den Akker Erica , Bakker- van Waarde Willy , Hannema Sabine , Hoorweg-Nijman Gea , van de Kamp Hetty , Klink Daniel , Odink Roelof , Straetemans Saartje , van Trotsenburg Paul , Verkerk Paul , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi

Background: Recently, a national database has been developed to register yearly data from all children detected with CAH in the neonatal screening program from 2002 onwards. So far longitudinal data of 105 children have been registered (roughly 65% of Dutch CAH patients) to evaluate medical treatment and long-term effects in CAH. A national CAH work group developed guidelines for diagnostics and follow up in CAH.Objective and hypotheses: Aim of our curre...

hrp0095p2-158 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Global recall of a growth hormone jet delivered device: experiences with children forced to switch from a needle free system to a growth hormone device with needle.

P. van Eck Judith , S. Renes Judith , J.C. Sas Theo , L.T. van den Akker Erica , C.M. van der Kaay Daniëlle

Introduction: Growth hormone (GH) treatment is essential for growth in children with GH deficiency. Also short children born small for gestational age (SGA), and children with syndromes like Turner Syndrome (TS), Noonan Syndrome (NS) and Silver Russel Syndrome (SRS) can benefit from GH treatment. For children with needle anxiety GH delivered by a jet device can be a solution for the daily subcutaneous treatment for many years. In 2021, a global recall of the o...

hrp0084p1-81 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2015

The Growth Response to Growth Hormone Treatment is Greater in Patients with SHOX Enhancer Deletions Compared to SHOX Defects

Donze Stephany , Meijer Caroline , Kant Sarina , Zandwijken Gladys , van der Hout Annemieke , van Spaendonk Resie , van den Ouweland Ans , Wit Jan Maarten , Losekoot Monique , Oostdijk Wilma

Background: Short stature caused by point mutations or deletions of the short stature homeobox (SHOX) gene (SHOX haploinsufficiency, SHI) is a registered indication for growth hormone (GH) treatment. Patients with a SHOX enhancer deletion (SED) have a similar phenotype, but their response to GH is unknown. It is uncertain if duplications of SHOX or its enhancer (SDUP) can cause short stature.Objective and hypotheses: To describe the clinical characterist...

hrp0094p2-191 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Resting energy expenditure and body composition in children and adolescents with severe obesity due to (suspected) medical causes: comparison between different subtypes of obesity

Abawi Ozair , Koster Emma , Welling Mila , Boeters Sanne , van Rossum Elisabeth , van der Voorn Bibian , de Groot Cornelis , van den Akker Erica ,

Background: Paediatric obesity is a multifactorial disease characterized by an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. In rare cases, obesity is caused by underlying medical disorders arising from disruptions in the leptin-melanocortin pathway, which regulates satiety and energy expenditure.Aim: To investigate resting energy expenditure (REE) in relation to body composition in children and adolescents with sever...

hrp0094p2-216 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

The effects of dextroamphetamine treatment in children with hypothalamic obesity

Samaan J , Welling MS , de Groot CJ , Abawi O , Burghard M , Kleinendorst L , van der Voorn B , van Haelst MM , Oude Ophuis B , Kamp GA , Rotteveel J , van Schouten-Meeteren AYN , van den Akker ELT , van Santen HM ,

Introduction: Children with hypothalamic dysfunction, e.g. due to a genetic or acquired cause such as suprasellar tumours, often suffer from hyperphagia and/or decreased resting energy expenditure (REE). This process induces uncontrollable weight gain, resulting in severe hypothalamic obesity (HO). No effective treatment is available yet for HO. Amphetamines are psychostimulants that are known for their appetite reducing and REE stimulating side effects. Here,...

hrp0097fc4.3 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2023

Pathogenic variants in GHSR cause short stature and growth hormone neurosecretory dysfunction; results from a large case series

Punt Lauren , Kooijman Sander , van der Kaay Danielle , van Tellingen Vera , Bakker - van Waarde Willie , Boot Annemieke , van den Akker Erica , van Boekholt Anneke , van Duyvenvoorde Hermine , van Nieuwaal - Van Maren Nancy , Woltering Claire , Heijligers Malou , van der Heyden Josine , Bannink Ellen , Losekoot Monique , de Bruin Christiaan , Maarten Wit Jan , Joustra Sjoerd

Introduction: Ghrelin binds to its receptor GHSR1A, encoded by GHSR, on somatotrophs of the pituitary. Growth hormone (GH) secretion is enhanced by ghrelin binding as well as the receptor’s constitutive activity. Results from in vitro experiments, knock-out mice, and GWAS suggest that heterozygous loss-of-function of GHSR may be associated with short stature, but observations in case studies are equivocal. We aimed to better ch...

hrp0086p1-p21 | Adrenal P1 | ESPE2016

Increased Salivary and Hair Cortisol and Decreased Salivary Alpha-Amylase Concentrations in Obese Prepubertal Girls

Papafotiou Chrysanthe , Christaki Eirini , van den Akker Erica , Wester Vincent , Apostolakou Filia , Papassotiriou Ioannis , Chrousos George , Pervanidou Panagiota

Background: Obesity has been associated with perturbations of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). Scalp hair cortisol has been recognized as a reliable index of long-term cortisol concentrations.Objective and hypotheses: Aim of this study was to compare indices of HPA axis and SNS activities, such as, respectively, the salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase diurnal patterns, and their relations i...

hrp0082fc6.6 | Gonads & DSD | ESPE2014

Effects of Exposure to the Endocrine disruptor di(n-butyl) Phthalate on Testicular Dysgenesis Fetal Germ Cell Development in the Rat and in Human Fetal Testis

Mitchell Rod , van den Driesche Sander , Hrabalkova Lenka , Anderson Richard , McKinnell Chris , MacPherson Sheila , Calarrao Ana , Sharpe Richard

Background: Phthalate exposure results in endocrine disruption by inhibiting steroidogenesis, inducing focal dysgenesis and disrupting germ cell development in the rat fetal testis. Whilst phthalate exposure does not reduce testosterone production by the human fetal testis, its effects on germ cells and induction of dysgenetic areas in the developing human testis are less well described.Objective and Hypotheses: To determine the effects of phthalate expo...

hrp0094p1-103 | Adrenal B | ESPE2021

Leukocyte telomere length in children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Raftopoulou Christina , Abawi Ozair , Sommer Grit , Binou Maria , Paltoglou George , Fluck Christa , Akker Erica van den , Charmandari Evangelia ,

Introduction: Exposure to chronic stress and hypercortisolism is associated with decreased leukocyte telomere length (LTL), a marker for accelerated biological aging and cardiovascular disease. Children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) are treated with glucocorticoids. The aim of our study was to investigate LTL in children with CAH and its relation with CAH subtype, daily glucocorticoid dose and treatment quality.Method...