hrp0092p2-300 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

The Encephalopathy as Complication of Hashimoto Thyroiditis in Children: A Wide Variety of Clinical Manifestations

Chiarello Paola , Talarico Valentina , Galati Maria Concetta , Raiola Giuseppe

Hashimoto encephalopathy is an autoimmune encephalopathy predominantly diagnosed in the adult population. In the pediatric population, the mean age is determined to be 14 years, with the majority of adolescent females. The diagnosis of Hashimoto encephalopathy is clinical and based on the highly variable neuropsychiatric conditions, often affecting more than one area of the central nervous system, the detection of antiperoxidase or antithyroglobulin antibodies in serum, and on...

hrp0084p3-1020 | Growth | ESPE2015

GH Deficiency and Glucose 1 Transporter Deficiency Syndrome

Patti Giuseppa , Tornese Gianluca , Costa Paola , Faleschini Elena , Ventura Alessandro

Background: GLUT1 deficiency syndrome (GLUT1DS) is a treatable epileptic encephalopathy resulting from impaired glucose transport into the brain. Clinical features comprise motor and mental developmental delay, seizures with infantile onset, deceleration of head growth often resulting in acquired microcephaly, and a movement disorder with ataxia, dystonia, and spasticity. While it is known that ketogenic diet may cause growth retardation, GH deficiency (GHD) may represent anot...

hrp0084p3-813 | Endocrine Oncology | ESPE2015

Metabolic Syndrome in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Survivors

Delvecchio Maurizio , Luce Vincenza , Monteduro Mariantonietta , Giordano Paola , Muggeo Paola , Santoro Nicola , Cavallo Luciano , Faienza Maria Felicia

Background: A significant number of long-term complications are reported in childhood acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL) survivors, and among them metabolic syndrome (MetS).Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the prevalence of features of MetS. In addition, we evaluated the presence of steatohepatitis which is described in association with MetS in otherwise healthy subjects.Method: We assessed waist circumference, triglycerides level...

hrp0092p1-33 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2019

Plasma Tocopherols and Carotenes are Decreased in Spanish Children and Adolescents with Insulin Resistance, Independently of Obesity

Rupérez Azahara I. , Lozano Gloria Bueno , Leis Rosaura , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Gil Ángel , Moreno Luis A. , Mesa María D. , Aguilera Concepción M.

Introduction: Childhood obesity and insulin resistance (IR) are rising in prevalence, increasing the future adults' cardio-metabolic risk. One of the potential mechanisms behind these alterations is oxidative stress, fruit of increased free radical production and diminished antioxidant defense. Although low plasma vitamin concentrations and oxidative stress have been observed to be associated with obesity in adults and children, their association with IR i...

hrp0089p2-p129 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Early-Life Risk Factors and Their Association with Hypertension in Spanish Children and Adolescents

Perez-Gimeno Gloria , Ruperez Azhara I , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Leis Rosaura , Aguilera Concepcion M , Gil Angel , Moreno Luis A , Bueno-Lozano Gloria

Introduction: In the last years, the prevalence of high blood pressure (HBP) has increased in children, contributing to raise the risk of future cardiovascular disease. It is known that family history, pregnancy characteristics and type of feeding in the first months of life are of great importance in the prevention of diseases in the offspring. In this study we aimed to investigate the association between early life risk factors and HBP in children and adolescents.<p clas...

hrp0095p1-550 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Clinical description of ten paediatric patients with rapid-onset obesity and clinical signs of ROHHAD-NET Syndrome

Aziz Mariana , Leske Vivian , Caminiti Carolina , Armeno Marisa , Ciaccio Marta , Gil Silvia

Rapid-onset obesity with central hypoventilation, hypothalamic, autonomic dysregulation (ROHHAD) syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by respiratory failure and autonomic dysregulation with endocrine abnormalities. Some of these patients could also present with neuroendocrine tumors (ROHHADNET).Aim: To evaluate the clinical, biochemical, treatments and outcome in a cohort of pediatrics patients with ROHHAD-NET syndrome follow in a s...

hrp0095p2-53 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Clinical and immunological characteristics of new-onset type 1 diabetes in children during the COVID-19 pandemic

Gil Margolis Merav , Weizman Sarit , Lazar Liora , Yakobovich-Gavan Michal , Tenenbaum Ariel , Phillip Moshe , Oron Tal

Background: Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is a chronic disease resulting from autoimmune destruction of insulin-secreting pancreatic β cells. Viruses are known to play a role in the pathogenesis of T1D. There is no consistent evidence that SARS-CoV-2 induces T1D in children or adults. Nevertheless, evidence suggests that the SARS-CoV-2 affects β cell function, suggesting a role for the virus in the pathogenesis of the disease. It is thus plausible that the e...

hrp0095p2-67 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Impact on metabolic control in pediatric patients with use of technology applied to type 1 diabetes

Gil Poch Estela , Babiano Benito Lucía , Javier Arroyo Díez Francisco

Background and Aims: The treatment of type 1 diabetes (T1D) requires a great involvement of the patient to achieve optimal blood glucose levels. Technological devices have been developed for individualized treatment, fewer interventions of the patient, and evidence of improved metabolic control. The aim of the study is to know data on metabolic control in a group of pediatric patients with T1D treated with new technologies, compared to patients treated with mu...

hrp0092p3-306 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Improvement of Metabolic Control in Children with Type1 Diabetes Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices

Gil-Poch Estela , Roco-Rosa María , Javier Arroyo-Díez Francisco

Introduction: Achieving metabolic control in children with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is not an easy task. Despite the new profiles of insulins and therapies with continuous infusion, hypoglycemia continue to be the most important barrier that prevents us from correctly controlling these patients.Close control of capillary glycaemia is important for treatment adjustment. This self-control provides us with static information about capillary g...

hrp0089p3-p028 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P3 | ESPE2018

Discrete Virilization in Girls with the Classic Form of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: the Importance of a Detailed Genital Examination at Birth

Santos Silva Chagas Leticia , Guerra-Junior Gil , Palandi De-Melo Maricilda , Helena Valente Lemos-Marini Sofia

Introduction: Differentiation of the external genitalia depends on serum androgen concentrations in the foetal life. The classic form of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is the most frequent cause of female genital ambiguity. It is an autosomal recessive disorder due to CYP21A2 mutations that are classified in groups based on their in vitro residual enzymatic activity. The phenotype usually is predicted by the less severe mutatio...