hrp0089p3-p245 | Growth & Syndromes P3 | ESPE2018

Shox Haploinsufficiency in Short and Not Short Children: A Sigle Italian Cetre Data

Maggio Maria Cristina , Ragusa Saveria Sabrina , Miceli Roberto , Corsello Giovanni

SHOX haploinsufficiency (SHOX-D) is a cause of disharmonic short stature and a possible genetic cause of idiopathic short stature also in familial cases. We describe clinical, hormonal and genetic characteristics of patients with SHOX-D haploinsufficiency, followed and treated in the period 2014–2017, in a single Italian centre. The Rappold score was used to screen short children, to select those who needed a genetic analysis of SHOX gene by MLPA and sequencing. We select...

hrp0086p1-p830 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P1 | ESPE2016

A Rare Case of Deletion in 2q24.1: Clinical Features and Response to Gh Hormone Treatment

Maggio Maria Cristina , Malacarne Michela , Vergara Beatrice , Corsello Giovanni

Background: Chromosomal imbalances are often due to sub microscopic deletions or duplications not evidenced by conventional cytogenetic methods.Objective and hypotheses: CGH array can help in the diagnosis of severe short stature, associated with mental retardation and dysmorphisms.Method: We describe the clinical case of a 13.1-year-old girl, born at 35 weeks, from a triplets pregnancy. She was 127.5 cm (<−5 SDS), 33 kg ...

hrp0082p2-d2-609 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

Auxological Pattern, BMI and Endocrine Follow Up in Children with Congenital Hypothiroidism: the Data of the Pediatric Clinic of Palermo

Maggio Maria Cristina , Mineo Mariagrazia Irene , Maltese Marilena , Corsello Giovanni

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) has a high incidence, with a local increase in our screening relieves in the last years.Objective and hypotheses: An accurate follow up and an appropriate treatment guarantee an adequate neurological and auxological development.Method: We describe the personal report of 74 children (27 males and 43 females) with CH, diagnosed by neonatal screening and followed for 8.5±5.3 years.<p...

hrp0082p3-d2-638 | Adrenals &amp; HP Axis (1) | ESPE2014

Addison Disease and Atrophic Gastritis: High Persistent ACTH Levels Although an Adequate Treatment

Prinzi Eugenia , Serraino Francesca , Maggio Maria Cristina , Corsello Giovanni

Background: Primary Addison’s disease (AD) is a rare endocrine condition, with reduced or absent secretion of adrenal hormones. Steroid replacement therapy normalizes endocrine assess and the quality of life. More than a half of patients display additional autoimmune conditions, which represent a considerable clinical concern.Objective and hypotheses: Antiparietal cells antibodies (APC-Ab) are commonly found in patients with autoimmune Addison’...

hrp0082p3-d2-990 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

Bmi and Auxological Follow Up in Children with Hashimoto Thyroiditis: Utility of a Phisical Activity Program

Corsello Giovanni , Maltese Marilena , Mineo Mariagrazia Irene , Maggio Maria Cristina

Background: Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) is the most frequent acquired thyroid disease in childhood and adolescence. However it can evolve silently also for a long period, without signs and/or symptoms evocative of the diagnosis.Objective and hypotheses: A late diagnosis can reduce growth velocity, increase weight and particularly BMI, with an increased risk of obesity in pubertal age.Method: We analyzed 39 patients (age: 11.3±3...

hrp0097p2-225 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Oligomenorrhea in two girls with familial mediterranean fever: how chronic inflammation can impair ovarian cycle

Cristina Maggio Maria , Romano Domenico , Callari Simonetta , Corsello Giovanni

Introduction: Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an inherited auto-inflammatory disorder still extremely underdiagnosed in the Mediterranean area. The disease is secondary to a gain of function mutation of the MEFV gene, classically defined as “autosomal recessive”, with possible symptoms also in heterozygous patients. The mutation induces a hyperexpression of IL-1 beta and a chronic inflammation. Clinical manifestations are characterized by rec...

hrp0086p2-p943 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2016

Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis, an Under-Recognized Condition

Nip Siu Ying , Di Blasi Carolina

Background: Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a rare clinical manifestation of hyperthyroidism, commonly seen in Asian males. Patients often present with sudden onset muscle weakness associated with severe hypokalemia.Case presentation: A 16-year-old Filipino male presented with acute onset bilateral lower extremities weakness. He woke up at night but was unable to move his legs. He denied any recent viral infections, ingestion of canned food or his...

hrp0082p1-d2-155 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

Clinical Characteristics and Imprinting Analysis of Chinese Silver Russell Syndrome

Wu Di , Gong Chunxiu , Zhao Yang

Background: Silver Russell syndrome (SRS) is an imprinting defect disease.Objective: To study clinical characteristics and imprinting defects in Chinese children with SRS.Methods: Forty-nine SRS cases were studied retrospectively. Out of these 49 cases, 36 were available to be detected chromosome 11p15 imprinting defects and 21 cases were detected uniparental disomy of maternal chromosome 7 (UPD(7) mat).Resul...

hrp0084p3-792 | DSD | ESPE2015

Physical Assessment and Growth Curve of 46, XY Disorders of Sex Development Children Who Aged 0–16-Years-Old

Wu Di , Gong Chunxiu , Chen Hui

Background: The growth pattern of normal children was inappropriately used to evaluate those who with DSD.Objective: To understand growth and development of the 46, XY disorders of sex development (DSD) children, drawing height, weight and BMI curve of children with 46, XY DSD at the age of 0–16.Method: The registration database was used in this study. Non- CAH 0-16 years old 46, XY DSDs were collected. Growth curves were fitt...

hrp0084p3-646 | Bone | ESPE2015

Diagnosis and Management of Gorham-Stout Disease: A Protocol Proposal

Iorgi Natascia Di , Godano Elisabetta , Mascio Alberto Di , Vercellino Nadia , Napoli Flavia , Dalmonte Pietro , Maghnie Mohamad

Background: Gorham-Stout syndrome (GSD) is a rare disorder characterized by lymphangiomatosis, osteolysis and potentially lethal in the presence of chilothorax.Objective and hypotheses: As the management of GSD is not univocal and outcomes are unpredictable we build a multifaced protocol in order to study its natural history, biomarkers of bone disease and to treat uniformly patients.Method: Seven patients (five males, two females,...