hrp0084p3-773 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Mauriac Syndrome, a Rare Complication of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Rivero-Martin Maria Jose , Perez-Segura M Pilar , Alcazar-Villar Maria Jose , Montes-Bentura David , Milian M Eugenia Oros

Background: Mauriac syndrome (MS) classically involves hepatomegaly (hepatic glycogenosis), growth impairment and cushingoid features in a patient with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The typical age of presentation is adolescence. With the advent of improved insulin regimens, MS has seen less frequently. However, new cases appear each year in medical literature.Clinical case: We report the case of a 9 years and 9 months of age male, w...

hrp0084p3-964 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Evaluation of the Facility of Use of a New GH Administration Device – Study DAGH2014

Rivero-Martin Maria Jose , Ontanon-Nasarre Ana , Alcazar-Villar Maria Jose , Carrasco-Torrents America , Andres-Rosado Ana , Montes-Bentura David

Background: One of the limiting factors in adherence to GH therapy, is satisfaction with the administration device used.Objective and hypotheses: With the emergence of a new biosmiliar GH (BGH) administration device, we will assess the simplicity, ease of use, management and pain perceived by the patients.Method: Prospective through survey caregivers and children treated with BGH at least for 6 months. Signed informed consent was r...

hrp0095p1-519 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Learning outcomes of a MOOC supporting healthcare professionals in treating patients with growth disorders

Dimitri Paul , Fernandez-Luque Luis , Koledova Ekaterina , Malwade Shwetambara , Abdul Shabbir Syed

Background: There is a need to increase digital health literacy in paediatric endocrinology due to the rapid emergence of digital technologies. Massive open online courses (MOOC) provide an opportunity to rapidly increase digital health capabilities at scale, as previously demonstrated in diabetes.1 To our knowledge, there are no comparable examples in the field of growth hormone deficiency.Aim: This study evaluates the ...

hrp0095p2-149 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Advancing personalised medicine for growth hormone delivery: mixed-methods participatory study of a next generation, smart auto-injector device

I Labarta José , Rivera-Romero Octavio , Fernández-Luque Luis , Keiser Matthew , Koledova Ekaterina

Background: Treatment of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) requires daily injections over multiple years. Novel technologies facilitate this by automating the injection process – thereby adding comfort and reducing anxiety. An always-connected device, enabled by mobile technologies, also facilitates the collection of injection data such that adherence information is available to healthcare professionals (HCPs) in real-time. In developing new solutions, it ...

hrp0092p1-374 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (2) | ESPE2019

Growth in the First Ten Years after Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Among HIV-Infected Children in the CoRISpe Spanish Pediatric Cohort.

Riscart Jesus Dominguez , Montojo Fatima Ara , Garcia Luis Escosa , Costa Talia Sainz , Casado Isabel Gonzalez

Objectives: Previous studies have described impaired growth in HIV-infected children. Many of them showed weight and height improve after ART initiation Most series include children from resource limited settings in which malnutrition is frequent and treatment is not fully available. We aim to characterize long-term growth in a cohort of HIV-infected children after ART initiation and to identify determinant factors.Methods</stron...

hrp0089p2-p065 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus due to not Described Mutation in ABCC8 Gene with Different Behaviour in Affected Family Members

Angeles Santos Mata Maria , Pilar Fernandez Viseras Irene , Torres Barea Isabel , Castano Gonzalez Luis

Neonatal diabetes (ND), classified as either permanent (PND) or transient (TND), occurs in 1/200,000 live births. In 50% cases of TND, remission presents within the first year of life, only to relapse later before puberty in 50% of cases. The most frequent cause is mutation of the 6q24 gene accompanied by mutations in heterozygosis of ABCC8 gene. 80% of mutations in this gene are in novo, due to autosomal recessive inheritance. Such cases respond to treatment with sulfonylurea...

hrp0089p2-p075 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

Type 5 Monogenic Diabetes: Reportof 7 Cases

Eduard Mogas , Rosa Pacheco , Diego Yeste , Ariadna Campos , Luis Castano , Maria Clemente

Introduction: Type 5 monogenic diabetes is an autosomal dominant disease due to a mutation in HNF1beta gene. This gene is expressed predominantly in kidney and pancreas, thus clinical manifestations are characterised by renal abnormalities and diabetes.Objectives: To review the clinical characteristics of patients who were diagnosed with type 5 monogenic diabetes in the Pediatric Endocrinology Unit of a tertiary referral hospital.<p class="a...

hrp0089p3-p102 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

When Type Mody Ii Diabetes Simulates Type I Diabetes

Viseras Irene Pilar Fernandez , Mata Maria Angeles Santos , Barea Isabel Torres , Gonzalez Luis Castano

Introduction: Mutations of the GKN gene are the most common cause of Mody diabetes. MODY II typically results in mildly elevated fasting blood sugar, without noticeable diabetes, maintaining good metabolic control without treatment.Clinical case: A 4.5 years old female infant, was referred due to presenting polyuria, polydipsia and fasting hyperglycemia of 126–130 mg/dl and 2 hours post-intake blood glucose level of 150–220 mg/dl. She was born ...

hrp0089p2-p215 | GH &amp; IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

Systematic Prospective Study of Eye Funduscopy Before and After Starting Treatment with Growth Hormone in 290 Patients

Eduard Mogas , Nieves Martin , Diego Yeste , Luis Castano , Maria Clemente , Ariadna Campos , Antonio Carrascosa

Introduction: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a rare entity in childhood. It is characterized by signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure with normal neurological examination (except for possible paresis of the sixth cranial nerve), cerebrospinal fluid study and neuroimaging. The association between HII and treatment with growth hormone (GH) was first described in 1993 by the Food and Drug Administration and it has later been demonstrated. Incidence ...

hrp0086p2-p68 | Adrenal P2 | ESPE2016

Family Character Isolated Pheochromocytoma by Mutation in Vhl gen

Freijo Martin Concepcion , Laura Bertholt Zuber Maria , De la Rubia Fernandez Luis , Naranjo Gonzalez Cristina

Background: Pheochromocytoma is an uncommon tumor, producer of Catecholamines and causing hypertension in childhood. It is associated to genetic alterations, generally related with RET gene disorders.Method: We present the case of a unilateral familial isolated pheochromocytoma, present in father and son, carriers of a heterozygous mutation in the VHL gene (c.235C > G; p.R79G).Case: Male, 9 years-old with history of fever, prof...