hrp0097p1-82 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Leptin receptor’s mutation in a patient with childhood obesity and hyperphagia

Partenope Cristina , Dondi Elena , De Marchi Irene , Antoniotti Valentina , Monteleone Giorgia , Bianco Carlo , Montafia Ilaria , Pagliero Federica , Aquisti Giulia , Petri Antonella , Rabbone Ivana , Prodam Flavia , Bellone Simonetta

Introduction: Genetic factors play an important role in determining individual susceptibility to weight gain and obesity. In the last few years, several genetic variants have been identified as monogenic forms of obesity. Among them, Leptin (LEP) and its receptor on hypothalamic neurons (LEPR) are key players in the regulation of body weight, food intake and energy homeostasis. Pathogenic variants in the LEPR gene cause severe childhood-onset obesity with an a...

hrp0097p1-397 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Increased frequency of Grave’s Disease during COVID-19 pandemic

Kosteria Ioanna , Athanasouli Fani , Dikaiakou Eirini , Leka-Emiris Sofia , Papadopoulou Katerina , Fakiolas Stefanos , Kafetzi Maria , Vakaki Marina , Vlachopapadopoulou Elpis-Athina

Introduction: Increased frequency of Grave’s disease (GD) has been reported both in adults and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aim: To compare the frequency of GD prior and during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: Retrospective analysis of children diagnosed with GD over the last 13 years in our Department.Results: A total of 22 children (31.8% boys) with a mean age of 10.55...

hrp0092p1-370 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

Challenges Experienced in Delivering Growth Hormone Therapy in Children's with Prader Willi Syndrome in Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Kollurage D Udeni Anuruddhika , Barrett Tim , Jayamanne B D W , Krone Ruth

Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare neuro-genetic disorder inherited as a result of lack of expression in 15q11-13 gene and 70% are paternally inherited. Characteristic features are dysmorphism, behavioural problems, infantile hypotonia, short stature, hypothalamic dysfunction, hyperphagia and morbid obesity. The long-term morbidity and mortality depend on hypothalamic dysfunction and obesity. While multidisciplinary care is essential, growth hormone (GH) is a recognized...

hrp0092p1-396 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty (2) | ESPE2019

The Relationship Between Precocious Puberty and Premature Thelarche withSerum Irisin Levels

Kutlu Esra , Özgen Ilker Tolga , Bulut Huri , Temur Hafize Otçu , Torun Emel , Cesur Yasar

Background and Aims: Irisin is a newly discovered adipomyokine that occurs by the cleaved from a transmembrane protein called "Fibronectintype III domain containing 5" (FNDC5).Previously, there was a change in irisin levels in different prepubertal and pubertal stages.Although the mechanisms that trigger the onset of puberty cannot be explained yet, there is a hypothesis that peripheral adipose tissue and adipokines secreted there may induce the initia...

hrp0089p3-p086 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion in Children and Adolescents: Analysis of Initial and Follow Up Basal Rates

Demir Gunay , Darcan Sukran , Ozen Samim , Işıklar Hafize , Atik Altınok Yasemin , Goksen Damla

Objective: Initiation of continuous subcutaneous insulin therapy (CSII) requires an appropriate basal rate profile. Although different approaches exist; there is a lack of evidence-based recommendations, especially in young children. Our aim was to show how the % of basal rates change at the end of first year of therapy when basal rates are equally distributed at the start of therapy.Materials and Methods: In this survey, 129 CSII patients were analyzed....

hrp0094p2-166 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

How Does Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems Effect Metabolic Control In Type 1 Diabetes: Single Center Experience

Arslan Emrullah , ER Eren , Demir Gunay , Isiklar Hafize , Atik Altinok Yasemin , Ozen Samim , Darcan Sukran , Goksen Damla ,

Introduction: Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS) takes place increasingly in the daily routines of diabetic patients. It has been shown that metabolic control improves when CGMS is used consistently. We aimed to show the effect of CGMS in patients using MDI therapyMaterials - Methods: All patients using multiple-dose insulin therapy at our center and continued their regular follow-up and using CGMS for at least three months were...

hrp0089p2-p300 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P2 | ESPE2018

Somatostatin Experiment in Prohormone Convertase Deficiency

Eğritaş Odul , Uğurlu Aylin Kılınc , Doğer Esra , Demet Akbaş Emine , Bideci Aysun , Dalgıc Buket , Camurdan Orhun , Cinaz Peyami

Introduction: Prohormone convertase (PC) is a calcium-dependent serine endoprotease. PC 1/3 is responsible for converting hormones and neuropeptitids which has role on energy homeostasis, food intake,glucose metabolism (a-MSH, CART, NPY, AgRP, Orexin, Hypocretin, Ghrelin, insulin, cholecystokinin, GLP-1, GHRH, GnRH, ACTH, TRH) from proforms to active form. PC 1/3 deficiency’s clinical signs are diarrhea that started in the newborn period, obesity, hypoglycemia, multiple ...

hrp0095p2-286 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

A Case of Sjogren's Syndrome with systemic involvement combined with exacerbated hyperthyroidism improved after glucocorticoid treatment

Lee Donghyun , Sik Kim Heung , Yun Park So , Kang Seokjin

Background: Sjogren’s syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease, and it is rare in pediatric population. Primary symptoms are dry mouth and dry eyes. However, it may present with systemic manifestations, involving lungs, liver, kidneys, vasculature, and blood. We report a case of Sjogren's syndrome with systemic involvement in a child with Graves' disease.Case report: A 9-year-old 11-month-old girl presen...

hrp0092p1-150 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

Acquired Von Willebrand's Syndrome Caused by Primary Hypothyroidism in a 5-Year-Old Girl

Flot Claire , Edouard Thomas , Tauber Maïthé , Oliver Isabelle , Claeyssens Segolene , Savagner Frederique , Caron Philippe

Background: Acquired Von Willebrand's syndrome (aVWS) associated with hypothyroidism is rare in children and more often diagnosed during the peripubertal period in the context of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.Case presentation: A 5-year-old girl was referred to the paediatric haematology unit for rectal bleeding, anaemia, and prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time. Her developmental and learning skills were no...

hrp0082s4.2 | Recent Advances in Our Understanding of Hypothyroidism | ESPE2014

Novel Role(s) for Immunoglobulin Superfamily, Member 1 (IGSF1) in the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Thyroid Axis

Bernard Daniel

Background: Immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1 (IGSF1) was originally proposed to function as an inhibin co-receptor in pituitary gonadotroph cells. More recently, however, loss of function mutations in the human IGSF1 gene were linked to a novel syndrome of central hypothyroidism, testicular enlargement, and variable prolactin-deficiency. Igsf1-deficient mice are also centrally hypothyroid, with reduced pituitary thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (<em...