hrp0094p1-120 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity B | ESPE2021

Monogenic obesity in children: focusing on SH2B1 deletion

Giannopoulou Eleni Z , Zorn Stefanie , Schirmer Melanie , Herrmann Gloria , Heger Sabine , Reinehr Thomas , Denzer Christian , Rabenstein Hannah , Schnurbein Julia von , Wabitsch Martin ,

Introduction: Monogenic obesity refers to a group of rare, early-onset forms of obesity and accounts for about 7% of patients with severe pediatric obesity. Recent reports demonstrate the emerging role of Src-homology-2 (SH2) B adaptor protein 1 (Sh2b1), an important component in the leptin-melanocortin pathway, as a key regulator of leptin and insulin signaling, with possible roles in the pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes. SH2B1 deletions are found to be a...

hrp0094p2-396 | Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology | ESPE2021

Combining big data science with clinics: Novel approach for understanding human sex development and its variants.

Rodriguez Gutierrez Daniel , Sproll Patrick , Von der Decken Isabel , Stevenson Brian , Lang-Muritano Mariarosaria , Konrad Daniel , L’Allemand Dagmar , Nef Serge , Biason-Lauber Anna ,

Background/Introduction: Whole exome sequencing (WES) revolutionized clinical genetics in patients with differences of sex development (DSD). However, our ability to interpret WES data is limited by our incomplete understanding of the mechanisms involved in DSD. Thus, we created a methodology that scores potential candidates based on single cells transcriptomics of human male gonadal cells and applied it to WES data from a cohort of genetically male (46,XY) DS...

hrp0094p2-427 | Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology | ESPE2021

High throughput screening of DSD candidate genes with the help of the powerful model Drosophila melanogaster

von der Decken Isabel , Gutiérrez Daniel Rodríguez , Sotillos Sol , Castelli-Gair Hombria James , Sprecher Simon , Lauber Anna

Drosophila melanogaster as a study model has already significantly contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms of many human diseases. So far D. melanogaster has rarely been exploited as a model for human sex development. Nanda already demonstrated in 2009 that the Drosophila orthologue of SOX9, Sox100B is essential for testis development in Drosophila. Similarly, we could demonstrate that the fly homolog of STARD8, cv-c</...

hrp0097p1-59 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Diagnostic value of soluble LEPR levels in the serum of patients with disease-causing biallelic LEPR variants

Zorn Stefanie , Tews Daniel , von Schnurbein Julia , Flehmig Bertram , Pridzun Lutz , Wabitsch Martin , Malene IV , Chantana Yay , Khun Leang Chhun , Ban Manet , Tyla Martin , Ngee Lek

Introduction: The soluble leptin receptor (sLR) is the main binding protein of leptin in the serum. It reflects the amount of membrane-bound leptin receptors (LEPR) as the sLR is produced by proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular domain of membrane-bound LEPR. Low sLR but high leptin levels were measured in patients with severe obesity. In patients with monogenic obesity caused by biallelic LEPR variants, sLR levels were found to be either undetect...

hrp0092p3-293 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Clinical Evolution of a Patient with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency Type IA Treated with rIGF1 for 5 Years After The Development of GH-antibodies

Feliu Rovira Albert , Latorre Martinez Esther , Porcar Cardona Ines , Escribano Subias Joaquin

Introduction: Isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) type IA causes a severe growth retardation. Their initial good response to exogenous GH is hampered by the development of anti-GH-antibodies leading to treat with IGF1 as the only therapeutic option. Here we present the evolution of a patient with IGHD type IA treated with IGF1r for more than 5 years.Description of the caseWe present a 5-year-...

hrp0086rfc7.4 | Gonads &amp; DSD | ESPE2016

A Mutation in WT1 (Wilms’ Tumor Suppressor 1) Associated with 46,XX TDSD

Eozenou Caroline , Fusee Leila , Mazen Ines , Bignon-Topalovic Joelle , McElreavey Ken , Bashamboo Anu

Background: 46,XX DSD (Disorder of Sex Development) includes individuals with ovotestes (ovotesticular DSD (OTDSD)) or testes (testicular DSD (TDSD)). Most individuals with 46,XX TDSD carry the SRY gene. Other known causes of TDSD/OTDSD include chromosomal rearrangements involving SOX9 or SOX3 and mutations of WNT4 and a WNT regulator, R-SPONDIN 1. However, our understanding of the molecular causes of TDSD and OTDSD remain incomplete.<p ...

hrp0086p2-p512 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2016

Weight Status in Children at 8 Years: A Prospective Cohort Study

Riano-Galan Isolina , Cristina Rodriguez-Dehli Ana , Olaya-Vazquez Ines , Fernandez-Somoano Ana , Tardon Adonina

Background: Prevalence of childhood obesity represents a major public health concern, given the tracking of body weight from childhood to adult age and its health sequelae.Objective: To describe prevalence of overweight (OW) and obesity (OB) in children at 8 years and investigate the relationship with pre-pregnancy maternal weight and weight status at 4 years.Methods: 485 pregnant mothers recruited between 2004 and 2007 and 409 chi...

hrp0082p3-d2-888 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2014

Neonatal Neurogenic Diabetes Insipidus: a Case Report

Alves Ines , Clemente Fatima , Castro-Correia Cintia , Pinto Helena , Guimaraes Hercilia , Fontoura Manuel

Background: Neurogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is extremely rare in the neonatal period. In most cases, itÂ’s secondary to CNS injury. The clinical presentation in this group (particularly in preterm) is unspecific and a high degree of suspicion for the diagnosis is necessary.Objective and hypotheses: Diagnose NDI in a neonate with sodium and diuresis instability.Method: We present a case report.Results:...

hrp0084p2-462 | Growth | ESPE2015

Advanced Bone Age and Accelerated Dental Development Associated with Elevated Retinoic Acid Levels and Haploinsufficiency of CYP26A1 and CYP26C1

Nilsson Ola , Isoherranen Nina , Guttmann-Bauman Ines , Jee YouHee , Guo Michael , Lui Julian , Dauber Andrew

Background: Nutritional excess of vitamin A, a precursor for retinoic acid (RA), causes premature epiphyseal fusion, craniosynostosis, as well as light-dependent retinopathy. Similarly, homozygous loss-of-function mutations in one of the major RA-metabolizing enzymes CYP26B1 causes advanced bone age, premature epiphyseal fusion, and craniosynostosis. We studied a patient with markedly accelerated skeletal and dental development, retinal scarring, and autism-spectrum disease.</...

hrp0084p2-492 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Syndromic Hypoketotic, Hypoinsulinemic Hypoglycaemia due to a Mosaic Activating Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Mutation

Kummer Sebastian , Leiter Sarah M , Welters Alena , Barroso Ines , Meissner Thomas , Semple Robert K

Background: In contrast to hypoglycaemia due to congenital hyperinsulinism, there are patients with a similar metabolic profile of hypoketotic hypoglycaemia, but low insulin levels and relatively low glucose requirements to maintain euglycaemia. So far, four patients with activating mutations in the insulin signal-transducing kinase AKT2 have been described, each also showing a syndromic phenotype including hemihypertrophy.Objective and hypotheses: We pr...