hrp0084p3-801 | DSD | ESPE2015

Pseudo-Precocious Puberty in Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Secondary to a Prepubertal Oestrogen Producing Sertoli Cell Tumour

Warman Diana Monica , Berensztein Esperanza , Marino Roxana , Ramirez Pablo , Costanzo Mariana , Maceiras Mercedes , Rivarola Marco A , Belgorosky Alicia

Background: Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is an X-linked hereditary disease with AR gene loss-of-function mutations in 46,XY patients. They undergoes poor development of secondary sex characteristics, except for breast development at puberty. AIS patients are prone to develop germ cell cancer, even though with lower incidence than in dysgenetic gonads secondary to defects in organogenesis.Case presentation: We described a 3-years-old gir...

hrp0084p3-971 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Patients with Childhood Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency Treated with rhGH – Reevaluation in the Transition Period between Childhood and Adulthood – Preliminary Study

Procopiuc Camelia , Caragheorgheopol Andra , Gherlan Iuliana , Brehar Andreea , Padure Adriana , Dumitrascu Andra , Costache Mariana , Ardeleanu Ioana , Dumitrescu Crisina

Background: More than two thirds of teenagers with childhood-onset GH deficiency (CO-GHD) documented normal GH response when retested at final height.Objective and hypotheses: To identify potential predictors for persistent GHD after reaching final height under rhGH with a particular accent on children with isolated GHD (IGHD).Method: Prospective study: reevaluation CO-GHD in the transition period; cohort of 27 CO-GHD patient who r...

hrp0097p2-52 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Patient with ABCD syndrome (Abnormal Calcium, Calcinosis, Creatinine in Down syndrome), a rare cause of pediatric hypercalcemia

Lucia Feller Ana , Aziz Mariana , Gil Silvia , Quarracino Malena , Mendoza Lincolns , Paz Marcos , Vaiani Elisa , Ciaccio Marta , Viterbo Gisela

Introduction: ABCD syndrome is characterized by hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, and renal impairment, generally under 4 years old. This is a rare cause of pediatric hypercalcemia with only 7 cases published, but it is believed to be underdiagnosed. The suspected mechanism would be associated with overexpression of transient receptor potential channels (TRP) that modulate intestinal absorption of calcium, since TRP-M2 is encoded on chromosome 2...

hrp0084p1-40 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Efficacy and Safety of a Fixed Combination of Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes

Battelino Tadej , Deeb Larry , Reiter Panagiota Diamantopoulou , Greve Tina Maria , Klingensmith Georgeanna , Kocova Miriana , Kovarenko Margarita , Shehadeh Naim

Background: Insulin degludec/insulin aspart (IDegAsp) is the first soluble co-formulation that combines two insulin analogues.Aims and objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of IDegAsp administered once-daily (OD) plus meal-time IAsp for remaining meals in controlling glycaemia as assessed by change in HbA1c from baseline in a paediatric population.Methods: A 16-week, 1:1, open-label, parallel group, randomised, t...

hrp0095rfc8.1 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Clinical Spectrum of HNF4A-mody (Mody1): From Neonatal Hyperinsulinism to Diabetes in Adults

Salamanca Fresno Luis , Itza Martín Nerea , Gomes Porras Mariana , Guerrero Fernández Julio , Ramírez Fernández Joaquin , Abad López Ainhoa , Solís López Mariano , Rodríguez Jiménez Carmen , Lía Nattero Chavez María , Alvarez Escolá Cristina , González Casado Isabel , Campos Barros Ángel

Background and Aims: HNF4A-MODY clinical expression is broad, ranging from hypoglycemic hyperinsulinism in the neonatal period and early childhood to hyperglycemia and diabetes, as insulin secretion progressively decreases in adult patients. The main objective was to clinically and molecularly characterize patients with glycemic alterations, negative autoimmunity and confirmed molecular diagnosis of HNF4A-MODY.Materials and Metho...

hrp0092p1-129 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Molecular Diagnosis of Patients with 46,XY Differences in Sex Development in A Single Tertiary Center

Touzon Maria Sol , garrido Natalia Perez , Ramirez Pablo , Marino Roxana , Berensztein Esperanza , Costanzo Mariana , Guercio Gabriela , Rivarola Marco Aurelio , Belgorosky Alicia

Disorders/differences in sex development (DSD) are defined as congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical. 46,XY DSD include defects in androgen synthesis or action or complete (CGD)/partial (PGD) gonadal dysgenesis. The aim of this study was to characterize the molecular genetic diagnosis of individuals with 46,XY DSD followed at Garrahan Pediatric Hospital.Medical records of 140 patients (P) followed...

hrp0092p2-259 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Differences of Sex Development with Chromosomal Mosaicism: Histological Characterization and Immunohistochemistry Markers in Gonads During Childhood

Touzon Maria Sol , Galluzzo Mutti Maria laura , Ramirez Pablo , Perez Garrido Natalia , Marino Roxana , Bailez Marcela , Costanzo Mariana , Guercio Gabriela , Rivarola Marco Aurelio , Belgorosky Alicia , Berensztein Esperanza

Sex chromosome disorders, including sex chromosome mosaicism, result in a large clinical spectrum. There is scarce information about the histological pattern of these gonads.Aim: to characterize the histology and cell markers pattern in gonads of patients with chromosomal mosaicism.Gonadal biopsies from thirteen patients with chromosomal mosaicism, including chromosome Y were studied. Six were rearing as male and s...

hrp0086rfc5.3 | Management of Disorders of Insulin Secretion | ESPE2016

Sexual Lifestyle among Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes

Pinhas-Hamiel Orit , Tisch Efrat , Levek Noa , Ben-David Rachel Frumkin , Graf-Barel Chana , Yaron Mariana , Boyko Valentina , Lerner-Geva Liat

Background: Sexual lifestyles including sexual activity, problems, satisfaction, and the formation of relationships, are greatly affected by physical health disorders. Fear from hypoglycemic episodes during sexual intercourse and intimacy issues can impact young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1DM).Objective and hypotheses: To assess sexual lifestyles of people with T1DM.Method: A total of 53 T1DM patients (51% males), mean±SD a...

hrp0086p1-p368 | Gonads & DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Precocious/Early and Accelerated Puberty in a Boy with a Homozygous R192C Mutation in CYP19 (Aromatase) Gene

Costanzo Mariana , Guercio Gabriela , Garcia-Feyling Jose , Saraco Nora , Marino Roxana , Perez Garrido Natalia , Manuel Lazzati Juan , Maceiras Mercedes , Aurelio Rivarola Marco , Belgorosky Alicia

Background: Aromatase deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder produced by CYP19 gene mutations. 46XX affected patients presented with ambiguous genitalia leading to early identification. Most 46XY affected patients presented normal external genitalia and the condition often remains undiagnosed until late puberty. Information on pubertal development in affected boys is scarce since to the present date only two patients, younger than 4 years of age, without lo...

hrp0082p2-d1-459 | Growth | ESPE2014

Comparison Between GH assay: serum GH Cut-off Levels by ECLIA Performed in Pharmacological Estimulation Tests in Children With Short Stature

Aguirre Cecilia , Sobrero Gabriela , Schvab Giselle , Silvano Liliana , Alvarez Julia , Ochetti Mariana , Lescurat Maria , Paez Alejandra , Munoz Liliana , Martin Silvia , Miras Mirta

Background: The diagnosis of GH deficiency in children is based on clinical, auxological, radiographic and biochemical criteria which include response to Pharmacological Estimulation Tests (PhT). It is well known that GH concentrations vary according to the assay method used. Currently in our population, the proposed cut-off value of serum GH PhT is 4.7 ng/ml measured by ICMA using the IRP 98/574.Objective and hypotheses: The aims of this study were to d...