hrp0086p2-p265 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

Efficacy and Safety of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Treatment in Pre-schoolers. Long Term Experience of a Tertiary Care Centre in Spain

Colino Esmeralda , Villafuerte Beatriz , Martin Maria , Roldan Belen , Alvarez Angeles , Yelmo Rosa , Barrio Raquel

Background: There is limited knowledge in children younger than 6 years of age about the safety and efficacy of CSII treatment during long periods of time.Objective and hypotheses: Evaluate the efficacy and safety of CSII treatment in pre-schoolers with T1D, assess if ISPAD/ADA criteria for good metabolic control are achieved and define general and specific characteristics of the treatment in this range of age.Method: Charts of pat...

hrp0086p1-p455 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Seven-year Follow-up of Mothers from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Exercise in Pregnancy and their Offspring

Chiavaroli Valentina , Hopkins Sarah , Derraik Jose , Seneviratne Sumudu , Biggs Janene , Rodrigues Raquel , Cutfield Wayne , Hofman Paul

Background: We have previously shown in a randomised controlled trial that moderate-intensity exercise over the last 20 weeks of gestation in healthy nulliparous women led to a birth weight reduction of approximately 250 g.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to assess the long-term effects of exercise in pregnancy on anthropometry and body composition in mothers and offspring 7 years after the intervention. We hypothesized that women who exercised in preg...

hrp0082p3-d1-699 | Diabetes | ESPE2014

Efficacy and Safety of CSII Treatment in Paediatric Age: Long Term Experience of a Tertiary Care Centre in Spain

Roldan Belen , Colino Esmeralda , Martin-Frias Maria , Alvarez Angeles , Yelmo Rosa , Barrio Raquel

Aims: The aims of the study are to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CSII treatment in paediatric patients, to determine if ISPAD criteria for good metabolic control are achieved and to define the general and specific characteristics depending on age and pubertal stage.Methods: Charts of all the patients who started CSII in the last 10 years were reviewed. The cohort consisted of 90 patients (age 10.1±4.4 years, 58% males). Age at start, DM durati...

hrp0082p3-d2-721 | Diabetes (1) | ESPE2014

Glycemic Variability and Metabolic Control in Pediatric Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Martin-Frias Maria , Roldan M Belen , Alonso M Milagros , Oyakawa Yoko Patricia , Alonso Daniel , Barrio Raquel

Introduction: Recently, the impact of glycemic variability in the development of chronic complications of diabetes has been put in question. The gold-standard method to quantify glycemic variability is not well established.Objective: To analyze the relationship between HbA1c and glycemic variability as determined from self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) in type 1 diabetes (T1D) pediatric population.Patients/methods: Cross-sectiona...

hrp0084p2-170 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Usefulness of Salivary Cortisol Levels in Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency in Paediatric Population

Corripio Raquel , Perez Jacobo , Borras Ariadna , Capdevila Laura , Sanchez Judith , Rivera Josefa

Background: The main cause of secondary adrenal insufficiency (SAI) in children is prolonged treatment with exogenous corticosteroids. plasma cortisol (PC) levels after administration of ACTH is the most used indicator of adrenal function in clinical practice. However, salivary cortisol (SC) levels is emerging as an alternative technique in the diagnosis of adrenal pathology, especially useful in the paediatric population because it is a simple noninvasive test.<p class="a...

hrp0084p3-699 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Continuous Intersticial Glucose Monitoring in Early Detection of Glucose Tolerance Abnormalities in Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis

Perez Jacobo , Corripio Raquel , Belver David , Asensio Oscar , Bosque Montserrat , Rivera Josefa

Background: Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD) and glucose abnormalities have a negative impact on pulmonary function and survival in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGGT) is the screening test of choice for CFRD, although undetected high glucose levels can be missed with this test. The use of a continuous intersticial fluid glucose monitoring system (CGM) can be useful in these patients.Objective and hypotheses: To deter...

hrp0084p3-731 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Influence of Pancreatic Autoinmunity in the Onset and Progression of Diabetes in Paediatric Population

Oyakawa Yoko , Martin-Frias Maria , Yelmo Rosa , Alonso Milagros , Roldan Belen , Barrio Raquel

Background: Anti-islet autoantibodies are predictive and diagnostic markers for type 1 diabetes (T1D). The most frequently determined pancreatic autoantibodies in T1D are anti-glutamic acid decarboxilase (GAD), anti-tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2) and anti-insulin (AAI).Objective and hypotheses: To study whether the pancreatic autoimmunity profile influences the initial presentation of diabetes, its metabolic behaviour and the presence of other autoimmune di...

hrp0084p3-746 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Residual C-Peptide in Paediatric Patients with Type 1 Diabetes

Martin-Frias Maria , Oyakawa Yoko P , Alonso Milagros , Roldan Belen , Alvarez M Angeles , Barrio Raquel

Background: Preservation of C-peptide is important and has become regarded a relevant endpoint as already a quite small residual C-peptide seems to be related to both less acute and late diabetes complications.Objective: To assess the residual C-peptide secretion in pediatric patient with T1D.Method: Cross-sectional study of 157 patients with T1D. We analyzed: age at diagnosis, age at time of study (years), sex, diabetes duration (...

hrp0084p3-1021 | Growth | ESPE2015

Response to rhGH Treatment in Patients with Transient or Permanent GH Deficiency

Villafuerte Beatriz , Barrio Raquel , Martin-Frias Maria , Alonso Milagros , Oyakawa Yoko , Roldan Belen

Background: GH (rhGH) treatment improves adult height in GH deficient (GHD) patients. However, there are differences in short and long term responses to treatment between children with permanent deficit (PDGH) and those who present a transient deficit (TDGH) when reassessed at final height (FH).Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the response to rhGH treatment in patients with PDGH or TDGH one year after initiating treatment and at FH when treatment wa...

hrp0094p2-197 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Triponderal mass index for the categorisation of childhood obesity on the basis of 58.364 observations of 7.792 patients

Corripio Raquel , Alder Lorna , Perez Jacobo , Sanchez-Garvin Dunia , Rivera Josefa ,

Introduction: childhood obesity constitutes a relevant problem of public health. Body mass index (BMI) is the most used anthropometric parameter for its definition: >2 z-score deviation (SD) according to age and sex for reference charts. Recent studies have proposed triponderal mass index (TMI) to identify metabolic risk by obesity. TMI presents the advantage to be a constant value simplifying the calculations.Aims: determine the use...