hrp0095p1-10 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Outcomes of the low dose short Synacthen test in infancy

Park Julie , Jones Lily , Dharmaraj Poonam , Senniappan Senthil , Morgan Colin , Hawcutt Daniel , Blair Joanne

Background: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may be suppressed at birth. In most infants this is tolerated well. HPA testing in infancy often generates ‘abnormal’ results although abnormalities of the HPA may not be identified and cortisol measurements often ‘normalise’ over time.[1]Aim: To contribute to the evidence base on neonatal HPA activity by reporting outcomes of infants age &...

hrp0086p1-p236 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

Does Adherence to a High HbA1c Policy Improve Outcomes in a Paediatric Diabetic Clinic Population?

Beckett Rachel , Abid Noina

Background: Poor glycaemic control, indicated by a high HbA1c level, increases the risk of developing complications of type 1 diabetes. It is, therefore important to reduce HbA1c levels aiming for the new target outlined by NICE (2015) of 48 mmol/mol. To try and improve HbA1c levels in patients attending a large urban diabetic clinic a policy was developed, targeting patients with an HbA1c level of 64 mmol/mol or higher.Objective and hypotheses: To asses...

hrp0089p2-p051 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2018

Bone Marrow Adiposity and IGF System in Obese Children and Adolescents

Darrigo Emiliana , Sader Soraya , Siena Thais , Nogueira-Barbosa Marcelo , Elias Jr. Jorge , Custodio Rodrigo , Ferraz Ivan , Liberatore Jr. Raphael , Del Ciampo Luiz , Jose Albuquerque de Paula Francisco , Martinelli Jr Carlos

Background: Body weight has a close correlation with bone mass in humans and high fracture rates has been reported in both obese and underweighted individuals. It is not clear the role of bone marrow adiposity (BMA) and the IGF system in this process.Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze bone composition and BMA in obese and non-obese children/adolescents and correlate them with the expression of the IGF type-1 receptor (IGF1R) in peripheral lymphocy...

hrp0089p3-p318 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P3 | ESPE2018

SIG (Special Interest Group)-ENDOPED/RUTE (Brazil): Seven Years Integrating Pediatric Endocrinology Centers throughout the Country

Arrais Ricardo Fernando , Alves Cresio Aragao Dantas , Junior Gil Guerra , Castro Luiz Claudio Goncalves , Filho Geraldo Miranda Graca , Kopacek Cristiane , Damiani Durval , Junior Raphael Del Roio Liberatore , Punales Marcia Khaled

Introduction: Telemedicine, or the use of CIT (Communication and Information Technology) to deliver and/or share medical remote assistance and knowledge, is of paramount importance, mainly in large countries, with social and economic disparities, as Brazil, by means of teleconferences, webconferences, webcasts and use of a wide range of interactive technologies, helping activities of assistance and professional health education. One of the activities provided by our RUTE (Univ...

hrp0086ha2 | BOREALIN Mutations in Thyroid Dysgenesis Reveal a New Function of this Protein in Cell Adhesion and Migration | ESPE2016

BOREALIN Mutations in Thyroid Dysgenesis Reveal a New Function of this Protein in Cell Adhesion and Migration

Carre Aurore , Stoupa Athanasia , Karyiawasam Dulanjalee , Gueriouz Manelle , Ramond Cyrille , Gaujoux Sebastien , Glaser Nicolas , Leger Juliane , Zenaty Delphine , Nitschke Patrick , Bole-Feysot Christine , Parisot Melanie , Hubert Laurence , Scharfmann Raphael , Munnich Arnold , Besmond Claude , Taylor William , Polak Michel

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism is primarily due to thyroid dysgenesis (TD). The genes implicated in TD, account for a small number of patients with monogenic forms, less than 5%. Borealin is a major component of the Chromosomal Passenger Complex, an essential regulator of mitosis.Objective and hypotheses: To understand the role of Borealin mutations found in patients with TD.Method: We performed whole exome sequencing (WES) ...

hrp0086fc5.3 | Management of Disorders of Insulin Secretion | ESPE2016

Glibentek, a New Suspension of Glibenclamide for Patients with Neonatal Diabetes, is as Effective and more Convenient than Crushed Tablets

Beltrand Jacques , Godot Cecile , Busiah Kanetee , Djerada Zoubir , Baron Sabine , Tallec Claire Le , Tessier Raphael , Ribault Virginie , Cartigny Maryse , Bruel Henri , Gozalo Claire , Treluyer Jean-Marc , Elie Caroline , Polak Michel

Background: Glibenclamide has proven to be efficient for patients with neonatal diabetes owing to potassium channel mutations. Anyway its pharmaceutical form is not suitable for young children or infants. The tablets dosage is too high for most infants and must be crushed and diluted before administration. We developed a suspension of glibenclamide (EMA Orphean drug designation january 2016) fitting recommendations of drug administration to allow a precise dosage and designed ...

hrp0082fc9.6 | Beta cells | ESPE2014

Sulfonylurea Therapy Corrects Hypotonia, Attention Deficits, Improves Complex Neuropsychological Functions and Motricity in Patients with Neonatal Diabetes Secondary to Mutation in Potassium Channel Subunits, Through a CNS Effect

Beltrand Jacques , Vaivre-Douvret Laurence , Busiah Kanetee , Fournier Emmanuel , Boddaert Nathalie , Vera Myriam , Bahi-Buisson Nadia , Bui-Quoc Emmanuel , Ingster-Moati Isabelle , Flechtner Isabelle , Simon Albane , Scharfmann Raphael , Cave Helene , Elie Caroline , Polak Michel

Background: Sulfonylurea therapy (SU) allows a better metabolic control than insulin in patients with neonatal diabetes secondary to mutation in potassium channel subunits (ND-K). Most of these patients have neurological and neuromotor developmental impairments whose changes under SU has not been studied in a systematic and prospective way in a large cohort.Objective and Hypotheses: To demonstrate the beneficial effect of SU on neuropsychological functio...

hrp0089fc5.1 | Thyroid | ESPE2018

Beta1-Tubulin Gene (TUBB1) Mutations Cause Thyroid Dysgenesis Associated to Abnormal Platelet Morphology and Hyper-Aggregation

Carre Aurore , Stoupa Athanasia , Adam Frederic , Kariyawasam Dulanjalee , Strassel Catherine , Gawade Sanjay , Szinnai Gabor , Kauskot Alexandre , Lasne Dominique , Janke Carsten , Natarajan Kathiresan , Schmitt Alain , Bole-Feysot Christine , Nitschke Patrick , Leger Juliane , Jabot-Hanin Fabienne , Tores Frederic , Michel Anita , Munnich Arnold , Besmond Claude , Scharfmann Raphael , Lanza Francois , Borgel Delphine , Polak Michel , Federation Parisienne pour le Depistage et la Prevention des Handicaps de l'Enfant FPDPHE Michel

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is the most common neonatal endocrine disorder, with an incidence of 1:3000 neonates, and one of the most frequent preventable causes of mental retardation worldwide. Most (65%) cases of primary permanent CH are due to thyroid dysgenesis (TD). However, a genetic cause is identified in less than 5% of CH due to DT.Methods: We performed WES (Whole Exome Sequencing) for siblings with childhood-onset TD and we analy...

hrp0086fc3.3 | Pituitary | ESPE2016

Contribution of GLI2 Mutations to Pituitary Deficits and Delineation of the Associated Phenotypic Spectrum

Cohen Enzo , Pham Aurelie , Dastot Florence , Collot Nathalie , Afenjar Alexandra , Carel Jean-Claude , Furioli Jean , Leger Juliane , Leheup Bruno , Mignot Brigitte , Naud-Saudreau Catherine , Nivot Sylvie , Polak Michel , Rappaport Raphael , Simon Dominique , Sizonenko Pierre , Vincent-Delorme Catherine , Zung Amnon , Amselem Serge , Legendre Marie

Background: GLI2 is a zinc-finger transcription factor of the SHH signaling pathway, expressed during ventral forebrain and pituitary development. GLI2 mutations account for microforms of dominant holoprosencephaly. So far, only 15 unambiguous mutations were found in hypopituitarism –essentially combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD)– frequently associated with holoprosencephaly-like malformations and/or polydactyly.Objective and...

hrp0084p2-283 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Variables in Diabetic Children and Adolescents Associated with High, Acceptable and Low Range of Glycosylated Haemoglobin in a DGH Setting – An Analysis

Manoharan Karthi , Thomas Rachel , Lim Sharon

Background: Diabetes education empowers children and adolescents with diabetes to acquire practical skills in problem-solving and goal-setting to improve self sufficiency. Our aim was to identify variables that have an the impact on diabetes control in terms of psychosocial wellbeing and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c).Objectives and hypotheses: To compare the level of understanding & knowledge of diabetes between three groups of diabetic children. ...