hrp0097p1-167 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Low-dose pioglitazone for polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescent girls:differential fat-mass redistribution by HOTAIR rs1443512 genotype

de Zegher Francis , Diaz Marta , Ibañez Lourdes

Introduction: Adolescent polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by androgen excess and oligo-amenorrhea, and often results from ectopic lipid storage due to a mismatch between early adipogenesis and later lipogenesis. Endogenous HOTAIR and exogenous pioglitazone are enhancers of subcutaneous adipogenesis, particularly in the gluteofemoral region. The A allele of HOTAIR rs1443512 is an equivalent of a natural knock-down and is thus a candidate to inf...

hrp0086p2-p291 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

The Story of a de novo Heterozygous HNF1A Mutation

Ponmani Caroline , Banerjee Kausik

Background: MODY is characterised by an early onset of diabetes and a positive family history of diabetes with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. We report a 15 year girl with a HNF1A mutation who presented with MODY without a positive family history.Objective and hypotheses: HNF1A-MODY is often misdiagnosed as type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Genetic confirmation of MODY in insulin-treated patients helps in making changes in the treatment modality as ...

hrp0095p1-538 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

Capillary Hyperglycemia in Infants - A manifestation of endocrinological urgency, or not.

de Assis Galan Camila , Isabel Scheidt Maria , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila , Vanessa de Lima Silva Elis , Simão Medeiros Leonardo , de Oliveira Poswar Fabiano

Capillary hyperglycemia in critically ill infants is a situation with numerous interfering factors, from acute illnesses to concomitant use of medications and may or may not be a manifestation of endocrinological urgency. Clinical case: Female patient, 2 months old, with failure to thrive, hepatomegaly without cholestasis, polyuria and compensated metabolic acidosis. On admission, capillary blood glucose levels above 200 mg/dL were measured even without concomitant use of cort...

hrp0089fc5.1 | Thyroid | ESPE2018

Beta1-Tubulin Gene (TUBB1) Mutations Cause Thyroid Dysgenesis Associated to Abnormal Platelet Morphology and Hyper-Aggregation

Carre Aurore , Stoupa Athanasia , Adam Frederic , Kariyawasam Dulanjalee , Strassel Catherine , Gawade Sanjay , Szinnai Gabor , Kauskot Alexandre , Lasne Dominique , Janke Carsten , Natarajan Kathiresan , Schmitt Alain , Bole-Feysot Christine , Nitschke Patrick , Leger Juliane , Jabot-Hanin Fabienne , Tores Frederic , Michel Anita , Munnich Arnold , Besmond Claude , Scharfmann Raphael , Lanza Francois , Borgel Delphine , Polak Michel , Federation Parisienne pour le Depistage et la Prevention des Handicaps de l'Enfant FPDPHE Michel

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is the most common neonatal endocrine disorder, with an incidence of 1:3000 neonates, and one of the most frequent preventable causes of mental retardation worldwide. Most (65%) cases of primary permanent CH are due to thyroid dysgenesis (TD). However, a genetic cause is identified in less than 5% of CH due to DT.Methods: We performed WES (Whole Exome Sequencing) for siblings with childhood-onset TD and we analy...

hrp0084p3-899 | Fat | ESPE2015

The Influence of Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in the Metabolic Profile and Microcirculation of Eutrophic, Overweight and Obese Children 5–12 Years of Age

da Penha Jociene Terra , Gazolla Fernanda Mussi , Carvalho Cecilia Noronha de Miranda , Madeira Isabel Rey , Rodrigues Jr Flavio , Machado Elisabeth de Amorim , Sicuro Fernando Lencastre , Farinatti Paulo de Tarso Veras , Collett-Solberg Paulo Ferrez

Background: Obesity is a worldwide epidemic affecting adults and children. Social changes throughout history have contributed to modifications in nutrition and physical activity levels. These changes in lifestyle affected health, increasing the number of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Obese children already have a low grade systemic inflammation as well as markers of increased cardiovascular risk. The endothelial function is an important and early marker of atheroscler...

hrp0084p2-314 | DSD | ESPE2015

Pubertal Virilization in Two Unrelated XY Teenagers with Female Phenotype due to NR5A1/SF-1 Gene Mutation

Philibert Pascal , Fenichel Patrick , Dewailly Didier , Audran Francoise , Fauconnet-Servant Nadege , Paris Francoise , Sultan Charles

Background: Pubertal virilization in a 46,XY DSD patient is generally due to partial androgen insensitivity, 5-alpha-reductase deficiency, or 17-ketoreductase deficiency. Recently, reports have identified virilization signs associated with NR5A1/SF-1 gene mutations.Cases presentation and method: We present two unrelated cases of pubertal virilization due to NR5A1/SF-1 gene mutation. Both were suspected to be primarily affected by 5-alph...

hrp0092p3-120 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Toward a Simple Marker of Hepato-Visceral Adiposity and Insulin Resistance:The Z-Score Change from Weight-at-Birth to BMI-in-Childhood

Malpique Rita , de Zegher Francis , Garcia-Beltran Cristina , Ibáñez Lourdes

Insulin resistance and hepato-visceral (central) fat excess are thought to contribute to an earlier timing of adrenarche/pubarche and puberty/menarche; this earlier timing in turn relates often to a mismatch between pre- and postnatal weight gain, which can be estimated by calculating the Z-score change from birth weight (BW) to body mass index (BMI) in childhood. We tested the hypothesis that this calculation may serve as a proxy of insulin resistance and hepato-visceral adip...

hrp0086p1-p382 | Gonads & DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Normalization of Ovulation Rate in Adolescent Girls with Hyperinsulinemic Androgen Excess

Ibanez Lourdes , del Rio Luis , Diaz Marta , Sebastiani Giorgia , Lopez-Bermejo Abel , de Zegher Francis

Background: Oligo-ovulatory androgen excess in women (polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by NIH definition) is a major cause of subfertility and relates to hepatic steatosis, independently of obesity.Objective: To test whether early treatment of PCOS affects subsequent ovulation rate.Method: Adolescent girls with hyperinsulinemic androgen excess – a subgroup of PCOS – (mean age 16 year; BMI 23.7 kg/m2) randomly r...

hrp0084p2-272 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Circulating GLP-1 in Infants Born Small-for-Gestational-Age: Breast-Feeding Vs Formula-Feeding

Diaz Marta , Bassols Judit , Sebastiani Giorgia , Lopez-Bermejo Abel , Ibanez Lourdes , de Zegher Francis

Background: Prenatal growth restraint associates with risk for later diabetes particularly if such restraint is followed by postnatal formula-feeding (FOF) rather than breast-feeding (BRF). Circulating incretins can influence the neonatal programming of hypothalamic setpoints for appetite and energy expenditure, and are thus candidate mediators of the long-term effects exerted by early nutrition.Objective, hypotheses and method: We have tested this conce...

hrp0084p2-386 | Fat | ESPE2015

The Sequence of Prenatal Growth Restraint and Postnatal Catch-Up Growth Leads to a Thicker Intima Media and More Pre-Peritoneal and Hepatic Fat by Age 3-6 Years

Sebastiani Giorgia , Diaz Marta , Bassols Judit , Lopez-Bermejo Abel , De Zegher Francis , Ibanez Lourdes

Background: Infants born small-for-gestational age (SGA) who develop postnatal weight catch-up are at risk for insulin resistance, central adiposity and cardiovascular disease in later life, even in the absence of overweight.Objective and hypotheses: In young (age 3–6 years) non-obese SGA children, we assessed arterial health by intima-media thickness (IMT) and abdominal fat distribution (subcutaneous, visceral, pre-peritoneal and hepatic components...