hrp0082p3-d1-812 | Growth | ESPE2014

Maternal Inheritance of an Heterozygous Exon 4 IGF1 Gene Mutation (g.65941 G>A) in an IUGR Child with Mild Post Natal Growth Retardation

Houang Muriel , Brioude Frederic , Azzi Salah , Thibaud Nathalie , Perin Laurence , Le Bouc Yves , Netchine Irene

Background: We already described a partial IGF1 primary deficiency due to an exon 4 homozygous missense mutation (g.65941 G>A). A few patients are now described with a heterozygous IGF1 deletion or mutation, questioning about IGF1 haplo insufficiency role in short stature.Results: We describe a boy born from consanguineous parents, with an intra uterine growth restriction (IUGR). Birth weight: 2520 g (−1 SDS) birth length: 46 ...

hrp0094fc10.3 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

Genetic analyses in patients having congenital hypothyroidism with gland-in-situ by next-generation sequencing

Levaillant Lucie , Bouhours-Nouet Natacha , Illouz Frederic , Bouzamondo Nathalie , Rodien Patrice , Prunier-Mirebeau Delphine , Coutant Regis ,

Introduction: Primary Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH) is an abnormal function of the thyroid gland present at birth. Anomalies of thyroid function are usually classified between thyroid dysgenesis, corresponding to an abnormal embryological development of the thyroid, and CH with gland-in-situ (GIS), resulting from mutations in genes involved in thyroid hormone synthesis. We report 105 patients with CH with GIS that have been referred to Angers University Hospi...

hrp0092p2-164 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Children with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency and Idiopathic Short Stature Diagnoses

Yesquen Pamela , Clemente María , Campos Ariadna , Mogas Eduard , Vázquez Élida , Carrascosa Antonio , Yeste Diego

Introduction: Diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and idiopathic short stature (ISS) is not straightforward. Nowadays growth hormone (GH) stimulation tests play a key role in the diagnosis but they are controversial due to the lack of normative data, poor reproducibility and poor disease concordance.The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is also a tool in the study of patients with short stature. Structural alterations of the hypo...

hrp0082p3-d3-651 | Autoimmune Endocrine Disease | ESPE2014

Diabetes Mellitus after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Narvaez Barros Karla Maria , Martorell Ariadna Campos , Leon Maria Clemente , Alvarez Izaskun Elorza , Fernandez Diego Yeste , Lezcano Antonio Carrascosa

Background: Patients who have received an hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) have more risk of endocrine complications (hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, and growth retardation) but the incidence of diabetes after HSCT is not as well known. The pathogenesis of the diabetes is not well established, and is believed to be multifactorial: chemotherapy, pancreatic irradiation, inflammatory cascade and cytokines, steroids and predisposing genetic factors.<p class="abstex...

hrp0084p3-1062 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Congenital Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia of Infancy, Renal Fanconi Syndrome and Hepatopathy due to a Mutation in the hnf4a Gene

Pieck Alejandro Vargas , Leon Maria Clemente , Martorell Ariana Campos , Gonzalez Luis Castano , Iraola Gema Ariceta , Lezcano Antonio Carrascosa

Introduction: Congenital hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy (CHHI) associates with mutations in known genes in approximately 60% of cases. CHHI and mutations in HNF4A gene are reported in 0.5–2.4% in large series. A case of CHHI with renal Fanconi syndrome (FS) and hepatopathy is presented.Clinical description: Male newborn, gestational age: 38 weeks, weight: 4250 g +2.7 S.D., length: 55 cm +3.29 S.D., ...

hrp0084p3-1220 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Transient Hyperthyroidism Associated with a Thyroid Nodule

Pieck Alejandro Vargas , Fernandez Diego Yeste , Pontnou Marta Garrido , Leon Maria Clemente , Martorell Ariadna Campos , Lezcano Antonio Carrascosa

Introduction: Developing an acute onset thyroid nodule is rare in children and usually associates with infectious or neoplastic disease; when linked to hyperthyroidism, the most likely diagnosis is toxic adenoma.Clinical description: 9-year-old boy with no relevant medical history was seen at the emergency department for acute cervical pain and tumor involving the left thyroid lobe with no inflammatory signs or history of trauma. Physical examination rev...

hrp0094p1-200 | Thyroid B | ESPE2021

Functional studies of PAX8 gene variants in patients affected by congenital hypothyroidism with eutopic thyroid gland

Camats Nuria , Baz-Redon Noelia , Fernandez-Cancio Monica , Clemente Maria , Campos-Martorell Ariadna , Antolin Maria , Soler Laura , Yeste Diego ,

Introduction: Thyroid dyshormonogenesis is a heterogeneous group of hereditary diseases produced by the total/partial blockage of the biochemical processes involved in thyroid-hormone synthesis and secretion. Many genes are involved in this process. PAX8 is a transcription factor essential for thyroid-gland morphogenesis and synthesis of thyroid hormones, since it activates TG, TPO and TSHR gene transcription. More than 50 PAX8</...

hrp0094p2-72 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

ACAN gene skeletal dysplasia (short size syndrome, with or without advanced bone age and early onset osteoarthritis)

Aguilar Riera Cristina , Arciniegas Larry , Murillo Valles Marta , Ros Pena Andrea , Alvarez Paula Fernandez , Clemente Maria , Yeste Diego ,

Aggrecan is a structural glycoprotein of the extracellular matrix of cartilage present in the articular cartilage, growth plate and cartilage of the intervertebral disc. Biallelic pathogenic variants are the cause of aggrecan type spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (OMIM#612813) while the presence of heterozygous pathogenic variants determine Kimberley type spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (OMIM#608361) and short stature associated or not with acceleration of bone maturation and early o...

hrp0097rfc6.5 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty 1 | ESPE2023

Efficacy and security of gonadotropin treatment in adolescents with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Sayol-Torres Laura , González Judith , Gonzalez Núria , Campos Ariadna , Mogas Eduard , Yeste Diego , Clemente Maria

Objective: To describe efficacy and security of treatment protocol with gonadotropins in adolescents with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH).Methods: Prospective study of patients with HH who received hGH and rhFSH in puberty. HH diagnosed during first months of life or in adolescence (testicular volume<4cc in >16 year-old with FSH<1.2UI/L, testosterone<40ng/dL and GnRH-test with LH-peak<6UI/L)<p class...

hrp0086p2-p943 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2016

Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis, an Under-Recognized Condition

Nip Siu Ying , Di Blasi Carolina

Background: Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a rare clinical manifestation of hyperthyroidism, commonly seen in Asian males. Patients often present with sudden onset muscle weakness associated with severe hypokalemia.Case presentation: A 16-year-old Filipino male presented with acute onset bilateral lower extremities weakness. He woke up at night but was unable to move his legs. He denied any recent viral infections, ingestion of canned food or his...