hrp0092p1-392 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (2) | ESPE2019

Do Children and Adolescents with Idiopathic short Stature show Postural Alterations? Possible Influence of SHOX Haploinsufficiency in a Pilot Study

Maggio Maria Cristina , Messina Giuseppe , Brusa Jessica , Bellafiore Marianna , Corsello Giovanni , Palma Antonio

Purpose: Needs in terms of quality of life (QoL), consisting of physical, emotional and social domains, represent a hot spot in idiopathic short stature (ISS). Between ISS, it is estimated that 12% can have SHOX deficiency. Furthermore, SHOX deficiency can affect posture and GH treatment ameliorate their QoL. Although scientific research has investigated many fields of the physical domain, very few studies highlighted how this pathological condition may af...

hrp0092p3-267 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Indexes of Adiposity and Body Composition in the Prediction of Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Children and Adolescents: Which is the Best

Lupi Fiorenzo , Longhi Silvia , Radetti Giorgio , Fanolla Antonio , Grugni Graziano , Sartorio Alessandro

Objective: There is no agreement about which index of adiposity and/or body composition is the most accurate in identifying the metabolic syndrome (METS). The aim of our study was to compare the accuracy of the different indexes in order to recognize the most reliable.Study Design: We evaluated 1332 obese children and adolescents (778 females and 554 males), aged 14.4 ± 1.8 yrs., Body Mass Index (BMI) standard devia...

hrp0089fc4.3 | GH & IGFs | ESPE2018

The Reduction in Longitudinal Growth Induced By PAPP-A2 Deficiency is Associated with Reduced Body Weight, Increased Energy Expenditure and Behavior Modification

Suarez Juan , Rivera Patricia , Vargas Antonio , Rubio Leticia , de Fonseca Fernando Rodriguez , Chowen Julie , Argente Jesus

Background: Pregnancy associated plasma protein (PAPP)-A2 is an insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein (BP) protease that regulates IGF-1 availability, affecting postnatal growth. We have recently reported the first mutations in human PAPP-A2 causing short stature and changes in bone size and mineral density. However, the IGF system is involved in diverse physiological functions and to date it is unknown how mutations in PAPP-A2, which significantly reduce f...

hrp0089p2-p215 | GH & IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

Systematic Prospective Study of Eye Funduscopy Before and After Starting Treatment with Growth Hormone in 290 Patients

Eduard Mogas , Nieves Martin , Diego Yeste , Luis Castano , Maria Clemente , Ariadna Campos , Antonio Carrascosa

Introduction: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a rare entity in childhood. It is characterized by signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure with normal neurological examination (except for possible paresis of the sixth cranial nerve), cerebrospinal fluid study and neuroimaging. The association between HII and treatment with growth hormone (GH) was first described in 1993 by the Food and Drug Administration and it has later been demonstrated. Incidence ...

hrp0089p3-p267 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P3 | ESPE2018

Unusual Clinical Presentation of Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Type 1

Baronio Federico , Ortolano Rita , Ferrari Simona , Cassio Alessandra , Maltoni Giulio , Tonti Giacomo , Balsamo Antonio

Background: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) or autoimmune polyendocrinopathy type 1 (APS-1) is a rare monogenic autosomal recessive disease due to pathogenic variants in the AIRE gene. APECED usually begins during early childhood with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC), followed by hypopathyroidism (HP) and Addison’s disease (AD); however, other endocrine and non-endocrine components may occur with a different prevalen...

hrp0086rfc3.8 | Pituitary | ESPE2016

Anthropometric and Endocrine Features in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Narcolepsy

Ponziani Virginia , Gennari Monia , Pizza Fabio , Balsamo Antonio , Bernardi Filippo , Plazzi Giuseppe

Background: Childhood NT1 has been associated with endocrine disorders like obesity and precocious puberty. These comorbidities may challenge the diagnosis, require tailored treatments and call for a multidisciplinary approach.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the impact of type 1 narcolepsy (NT1) on anthropometric and endocrine features in childhood/adolescence, focusing on weight, pubertal development and growth, and their follow up in treated and ...

hrp0086p1-p364 | Gonads & DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Genotyping Patients with Differences of Sex Development: 25 Years of Investigation of an Italian Population of 308 Cases (194 46,XY and 114 46,XX)

Baldazzi Lilia , Menabo Soara , Baronio Federico , Ortolano Rita , Cassio Alessandra , Mazzanti Laura , Balsamo Antonio

Background: Differences of sex development (DSDs) (conditions with atypical development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomic sex) are classified into three groups: sex chromosome DSD, 46,XYDSD and 46,XX DSD. Around 1 newborn in 5000 presents ambiguous genitalia with a major challenge for male or female assignment. The identification of a genetic cause can contribute to a correct diagnosis and to optimize both management and genetic counselling.<p class="abs...

hrp0086p1-p816 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P1 | ESPE2016

A Case of Patient with Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Type 2 with Complete Deletion of EP300 Gene and Complex Phenotype

Santoro Elisa , Marini Romana , Novelli Antonio , Alesi Viola , Dentici Maria Lisa , Cappa Marco

Background: Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RSTS) is a rare genetic syndrome characterized by postnatal growth retardation, intellectual disability, microcephaly, peculiar facial features, broad thumbs and big toes and other organs malformations. There are two forms: RSTS type 1 characterized by CREBBP gene mutations (16p13.3); RSTS type 2 dues to mutations/ deletions in EP300 gene (22q13.2). The type 2 is associated with mild phenotype with possible absence of the typical diagnost...

hrp0082fc13.3 | Thyroid | ESPE2014

Overexpression of Supressor Tumoral PTEN, but not DREAM, was Detected in Multinodular Goiter in Humans

Shinzato Amanda , Lerario Antonio M , Danilovic Debora S , Marui Suemi , Lin Chin J , Trarbach Ericka B

Background: A high proliferative status of thyroid follicular cells and goiter were observed in mutants mice with Pten−/− or Dream overexpression. In humans, patients with Cowden disease have goiters or other thyroid abnormalities associated with germ-line PTEN mutations.Objective and Hypotheses: The aim of this study was to investigate the tissue expression of PTEN and DREAM, as well as germ-line ...

hrp0082p1-d1-236 | Thyroid | ESPE2014

Genome-Wide Promoter Methylation Analysis in Cytologically Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules

Trarbach Ericka B , Shinzato Amanda , Lin Chin J , Marui Suemi , Lerario Antonio M

Background: Differentiating potentially malignant thyroid nodules among those undetermined by cytology avoid unnecessary surgical procedures. Aberrant DNA methylation is ubiquitous in human cancers, including thyroid tumors. Biomarkers based on methylation profiles have been successfully used to diagnose early stage malignancy in many human cancers.Objective and hypotheses: To determine the genome-wide promoter methylation status of cytologically indeter...