hrp0082p2-d2-275 | Adrenals & HP Axis (1) | ESPE2014

Non-virilizing Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in a Female Patient: Report of a Novel HSD3B2 Mutation

Probst-Scheidegger Ursina , Fluck Christa , l'Allemand Dagmar , Camats Nuria

Background: 3β-Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase (3β-HSD) is a key enzyme in steroidogenesis, responsible for the conversion of Δ5- to Δ4-steroids. Deficiency in 3β-HSD results in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). The molecular etiology of 3β-HSD deficiency lies in a defect in HSD3B2 gene.Clinical case: A healthy newborn girl was admitted on day of life (DOL) 8 due to increased 17-OH-progesterone (17OHP) in newborn sc...

hrp0094p1-43 | Sex Endocrinology and Gonads A | ESPE2021

Broad range of phenotypes in an international cohort of 75 DSD individuals with SF-1/NR5A1 variants

Kouri Chrysanthi , Sommer Grit , Ahmed Faisal , Balsamo Antonio , Baronio Federico , Bryce Jillian , Camats Nuria , Cetinkaya Semra , van der Grinten Hedi L Claahsen , Cools Martine , Darendeliler Fatma Feyza , Davies Justin H , Fabbri-Scallet Helena , Globa Evgenia , Guerra-Junior Gil , Guran Tulay , Hannema Sabine , Hiort Olaf , Janner Marco , Kalinchenko Natalia , Lachlan Katherine , Kolesinska Zofia , l’Allemand Dagmar , Lang-Muritano Mariarosaria , Lucas-Herald Angela , Martin Idoia Martinez de Lapiscina , Mazen Inas , Moenig Isabel , Muhrer Julia , Niedziela Marek , Nordenstrom Anna , Orman Burce , Poyrazoglu Sukran , Tack Lloyd , Tadokoro-Cuccaro Rieko , Wasniewska Malgorzata , Yavas Zehra , Zelinska Nataliya , Fluck Christa E ,

Background: Steroidogenic Factor 1 (NR5A1/SF-1) is essential for the development and function of human sex and steroid organs. Variants of SF-1 lead to a broad spectrum of phenotypes including adrenal insufficiency and differences of sex development (DSD), but data on the whole picture of phenotypes in individuals with SF-1 variants are currently lacking. We aim to investigate the phenotype of individuals with SF-1 variants in a large interna...

hrp0095t18 | Section | ESPE2022

SF1next study: spectrum of SF-1/NR5A1 gene variants in this large international cohort

Sommer Grit , Tack Lloyd , Cools Martine , Flück Christa , Study Group SF1next

Background: Loss-of-function variants in the NR5A1 gene are frequent causes of 46,XY differences of sex development (DSD). To date, the Human Gene Mutation Database contains 291 NR5A1 variants, most of which are missense (69%). Mouse models demonstrated the effect of loss of SF-1 on sex development, but the interactome of SF-1 is huge and an explanation for the broad phenotype is still missing. Controversies exist as: a) in vitro transactivation assays of NR5A...

hrp0086fc15.4 | Late Breaking | ESPE2016

Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets Type 1 Caused by Mutations in CYP27B1 Affecting Protein Interactions with Adrenodoxin

Legeza Balazs , Ma Nina , Zalewski Adam , Renthal Nora , Fluck Christa , Pandey Amit

Background: CYP27B1 converts 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 to active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, playing a vital role in calcium homeostasis and bone growth. Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1 (VDDR-1) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in CYP27B1.Objective and hypotheses: Enzymatic and structural analysis of mutations in a patient with calcipenic rickets.Method: Two siblings presented with calcip...

hrp0086rfc6.6 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management | ESPE2016

Growth Hormone (GH) Deficiency Type II: Clinical and Molecular Evidence of Impaired Regulated GH Secretion Due to an Gln181Arg GH-1 Gene Mutation

Miletta Maria Consolata , Eble Andree , Arnhold Ivo J P , Dauber Andrew , Fluck Christa , Pandey Amit

Background: Main features of the autosomal dominant form of GH deficiency (IGHD II) include markedly reduced secretion of GH combined with low concentrations of IGF-I leading to short stature.Objective and hypotheses: We report on a girl referred for assessment of short stature (−4.6 SDS) at a chronological age of 7 yr 10 mo. The GH deficiency was confirmed by standard GH provocation tests, which revealed severely reduced GH and IGF-I concentration...

hrp0086p2-p278 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

Childhood Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Management with e-learning through Self-educational Tools

Bibal Cecile , Laure Castell Anne , Aboumrad Brigitte , Lucchini Philippe , Bougneres Pierre

Background: Children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their parents need personalized i) information about the disease and glucose homeostasis and ii) knowledge and guidelines about diet and insulin therapy.Objectives: To set a complete educational program that allows children with T1D to improve disease management and daily life.Methods: Education modules were written and trained with children and parents at outpatient visits. Each ...

hrp0097p1-372 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Incidence of differences of sex development in Switzerland 2000-2019

Metzger Sara , Sommer Grit , Flück Christa , DSD Cohort Study Group Swiss

Background: Differences in sex development (DSD) comprise a large group of rare, mostly genetic disorders along the path of human sexual development. Since the Chicago Consensus, health care providers group them in sex chromosome DSD, 46,XY and 46,XX DSD with subgroups regarding their effect on sex hormone synthesis, action or excess, on gonadal development, and others. Incidence of rare DSD is not well established despite public interest.<p class="abstext...

hrp0089p2-p109 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

A Case of Neonatal Diabetes Due to Pancreatic Hypoplasia

Karabouta Zacharoula , Katsafiloudi Maria , Bisbinas Vasiliki , Karametou Margarita , Karali Chrisa , Giannopoulos Andreas

Introduction: Neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) is a rare form of insulin-dependent monogenic diabetes mellitus (1/400,000 live births) diagnosed in the first six months of life. It can be either transient or permanent, with abnormalities in the parental chromosome 6q24 and with mutations in genes related to the ATP-sensitive potassium pump in the β-cell membrane respectively.Aim: We describe a male infant, 2.5 months old, diagnosed with NDM and panc...