hrp0094p1-25 | Diabetes A | ESPE2021

Longitudinal Auxological Recovery and Reduced Neurodevelopmental Problems in Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia

Worth Chris , Hashmi Laila Al , Yau Daphne , Salomon-Estebanez Maria , Perez-Ruiz Diego , Hall Caroline , O’Shea Elaine , Pimlott Helen , Foster Peter , Flanagan Sarah , Cosgrove Karen , Dunne Mark , Banerjee Indraneel ,

Background: Hypoglycaemia due to congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is the commonest cause of severe, recurrent hypoglycaemia in childhood. Previous follow up studies have focused on neurodevelopmental status which is noted to be delayed in as many as 48% of cases. There has been less emphasis on other long-term outcomes in patients with CHI. Given the requirement for high volume carbohydrate in most patients, there are concerns regarding the adverse effects on ...

hrp0095p2-13 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Failure to Thrive as A Manifestation of Neonatal Cushing.

Isabel Scheidt Maria , de Assis Galan Camila , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antonio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme

Failure to thrive is a term used to describe inadequate growth or the inability to maintain growth, which usually occurs in early childhood. Case report: female patient, 7 months old, referred to the pediatric clinic of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre due to a possible syndromic condition. He had no diagnosed comorbidity to date and was using only prophylactic ferrous sulfate and vitamin D. No family history of similar illness. Physical examination showed hypertric...

hrp0092p2-182 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Auditory Phenotypes and Dynamics of Hearing Thresholds in 246 Turner Syndrome Females

Aversa Tommaso , Bruno Rocco , Santucci Simona , Messina Maria Francesca , Scarano Emanuela , Borrello Simona , Perri Annamaria , Costa Margherita , Casto Celeste , Alibrandi Angela , Mazzanti Laura , Wasniewska Malgorzata

Objectives: To describe the auditory phenotype and dynamics of hearing thresholds in patients with Turner Syndrome (TS).Patients and Methods: Cross-section study evaluating the hearing thresholds in 246 TS patients (age range 4-44 yrs). Patients were divided into three age groups: Group 1 (79 TS, age range 4.0-12.9 yrs); Group 2 (109 TS, age range 13.0-25.9 yrs,) and Group 3 (66 TS, age range 26.0-44.9 yrs,). Pure tone a...

hrp0089fc1.6 | Adrenals & HPA Axis | ESPE2018

A Novel Stem Cell Model for the Triple A Syndrome

Da Costa Alexandra Rodrigues , Qarin Shamma , Bradshaw Teisha Y. , Watson David , Prasad Rathi , Barnes Michael R. , Metherell Louise A. , Chapple J. Paul , Skarnes William C. , Storr Helen L.

Triple A syndrome (AAAS) is a rare, incurable, recessive disorder, characterised by achalasia, alacrima, adrenal failure and a neurodegenerative phenotype. The AAAS gene encodes ALADIN, is a nuclear pore complex (NPC) protein necessary for nuclear import of DNA protective molecules, important for redox homeostasis. ALADIN’s role is not fully characterised: its discovery at the centrosome and the endoplasmic reticulum suggests a role outside the NPC. To date, the ...

hrp0089rfc10.4 | Late Breaking | ESPE2018

Comparative Analysis between Immunoassay and Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Androgens before and after Human Recombinant Gonadotrophin in Children with Genital Ambiguity and 46,XY Karyotype

Oliveira Leticia , Guerra-Junior Gil , Longui Carlos , Guaragna-Filho Guilherme , Costa Jose Luiz , Lanaro Rafael , Silva David , Mello Maricilda , Maciel-Guerra Andrea , Morcillo Andre

Liquid chromatography associated with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is currently considered the gold standard for steroid measurement. The aim of this study was to compare traditional immunoassay and LC-MS/MS methods for androgens measurement before and after human recombinant chorionic gonadotrophin (hrCG) stimulation in children with diagnosis of disorder of sex development (DSD) with 46,XY karyotype and past of normal testosterone secretion. We evaluated 19 patients, ...

hrp0089p3-p204 | GH & IGFs P3 | ESPE2018

Children Born Small for Gestational Age Treated with Growth Hormone: Evolutionary Aspects

Vazquez Veronica Maria Padin , Costa David Albino Gomez , Garcia Aida Del Campo , Cordo Lourdes Rey , Martin Jose Luis Chamorro , Lorenzo Jose Ramon Fernandez

Introduction: Short stature is defined as stature less than −2 standars deviations (SD) for a person’s age and sex of the reference population. Short for gestational age children (SGA) represent 20% of all children with short stature. 10% of these can not catch-up and remains their height below −2 SD. Growth hormone (GH) treatment is a recognized therapy for SGA children authorized in Europe at 4 years old. There are studies that support that younger children ...

hrp0086p1-p931 | Thyroid P1 | ESPE2016

Radioiodine Therapy for Graves’ Disease – the Experience of a Portuguese Single Centre

Vicente Nuno , Cardoso Luis , Dias Ines , Serra-Caetano Joana , Cardoso Rita , Dinis Isabel , Costa Gracinda , Barros Luisa , Carrilho Francisco , Mirante Alice

Background: Besides surgery, radioactive iodine therapy (RAI) is an effective and safe option to treat children with hyperthyroidism from Graves disease (GD) who cannot achieve euthyroidism with antithyroid drugs.Objective and hypotheses: To present the experience of a Portuguese paediatric unit with the use of RAI in children with GD.Method: The authors performed a review of 7 cases of Graves disease of age under 18 years treated ...

hrp0082lbp-d3-1009 | (1) | ESPE2014

Family Studies of CYP21A2 Gene Identify Different Haplotypes for Nonclassical 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency in Brazilian Population

de Paula Michelatto Debora , Grimaldi Larissa Magalhaes , Alpiste Marcel Costa , Baptista Maria Tereza Matias , Guerra-Junior Gil , Valente de Lemos-Marini Sofia Helena , Palandi de Mello Maricilda

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, one of the most frequent autosome recessive disorders, is caused by defects in steroidogenic enzymes involved in the cortisol biosynthesis. Approximately 95% of cases are caused by a deficiency of the 21-hydroxylase enzyme. Its deficiency leads to androgen excess, consequently, to virilization and rapid somatic growth with accelerated skeletal maturation. Mutations in CYP21A2 are responsible for different forms of 21-hydroxylase defi...

hrp0084p1-122 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Congenital Hypothyroidism in Twin Couples and Triplets

Olivieri Antonella , Weber Giovanna , Cassio Alessandra , Costa Pietro , Calaciura Francesca , Medda Emanuela , Vigone Maria Cristina , De Filippis Tiziana , Gelmini Giulia , Marelli Federica , Di Russo Valeria , Persani Luca

Background: Over the years special screening procedures for preterm and twin babies (re-screening at 2–4 weeks of life) have been adopted by many screening laboratories worldwide. However, no extensive studies have been performed to verify how many co-twins with negative test at first screening (3–5 days) become positive at re-screening, and the utility of a long-term follow-up also in co-twin with negative test at screening and re-screening.Ob...

hrp0084p3-662 | Bone | ESPE2015

Seasonal Differences in Plasma 25-OH Vitamin D Concentrations in Cord Blood

Gomez Sandra Ortigosa , Varo Cristina Manzano , Algar Oscar Garcia , Sierra Antonio Mur , Costa Roser Ferrer , Lezcano Antonio Carrascosa , Fernandez Diego Yeste

Background: 25-OH vitamin D levels in newborns depend directly on their mother’s status. In a previous study, 25-OH vitamin D levels were determined in cord blood in a cohort of women after winter months, showing deficient values in 94% of population (mean 25-OH vitamin D value 10.4±6.1 ng/ml). Correlation between low 25-OH vitamin D levels and low sun exposure, dark skin phototype and Indo-Pakistani ethnicity were observed.Objective and hypoth...