hrp0086p1-p11 | Adrenal P1 | ESPE2016

Evaluation of the Glucocorticoid, Mineralocorticoid, and Adrenal Androgen Secretion Dynamics in A Large Cohort of Patients Aged 6–18 Years with Transfusion-dependent β-Thalassemia Major, with an Emphasis on the Impact of Cardiac Iron Load

Ucar Ahmet , Oner Nergiz , Ozek Gulcihan , Cetincakmak Mehmet Guli , Abuhandan Mahmut , Yildirim Ali , Kaya Cemil , Unverdi Sena , Emeksiz Hamdi Cihan , Yilmaz Yasin , Yetim Aylin

Background: The variable presence of adrenal insufficiency (AI) due to hypocortisolemia (HC) in patients with thalassemia is well established; however, the prevalence of adrenocortical hypofunction (ACH) in the zona glomerulosa and zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex is unknown.Objective and hypotheses: To establish the prevalence of ACH, we examined the cortisol response to 1 μg- and 250 μg- ACTH tests, plasma aldosterone (A)/plasma renin a...

hrp0086p2-p721 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P2 | ESPE2016

Stanazolol Abuse: Diagnostic Dilemma in an Adolescent with Persistent Hypoglycemia

Ucar Ahmet , Yetim Aylin , Battal Muharrem , Pinarli Ferda Alparslan , Kilic Evrim , Tuncel Deniz , Ozturk Feyza Yener , Kaya Reyhan , Oral Arzu , Genc Ozgur

Background: Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)1 is a rare autosomal dominant disorder with primary hyperparathyroidism, enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and anterior pituitary adenomas.Patient: A16-yr-old male was referred to our center due to recurrent seizures. Family history was significant for maternal death due to metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lung,paternal history of low-grade liposarcomas and nephrolitiasis. Physical examination was norma...

hrp0094p2-302 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Two Sibling Cases with Growth Hormone Receptor Mutation: Variable Clinical Expressivity in Laron Syndrome

Sarıkaya Ozdemir Behiye , Cetinkaya Semra , Guleray Lafcı Naz , Şakar Merve , Kucukali Gulin Karacan , Elmaoğulları Selin , Savaş Erdeve Şenay ,

Background: Laron syndrome (LS) is a disorder of primary growth hormone (GH) resistance caused by genetic defects in GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis. Here, we present the variable clinical spectrum in two sibling cases of Iraqi Arab origin with GH receptor (GHR) mutation.CASES: Two siblings referred to our clinic with the chief complaint of short stature. They had been born with a normal weight at term.Their parents were...

hrp0095fc6.6 | Sex Development and Gonads | ESPE2022

Breast ultrasonography: How useful in the diagnosis of precocious puberty?

Helvacıoğlu Didem , Bıyıklı Erhan , Buğdaycı Onur , Turan Serap Demircioğlu , Güran Tülay , Bereket Abdullah

Context: Assessment of breast development by physical examination(PE) can be difficult especially in overweight girls and in early stages. We aimed to study ultrasonography(USG) on evaluation of breast tissue in girls with breast development< 8 years of age.Patients and Methods: In this prospective study, 125 girls (age 7.1&pm;1.5 years) with early breast development were evaluated by breast USG for ultrasonographic b...

hrp0095p1-21 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Etiological analysis of hypophosphatemia: A single-center experience

Eltan Mehmet , Alavanda Ceren , Yavas Abali Zehra , Bayramoglu Elvan , Betul Kaygusuz Sare , Helvacioglu Didem , Gurpinar Tosun Busra , Seven Menevse Tuba , Ata Pinar , Guran Tulay , Bereket Abdullah , Turan Serap

Background: Hereditary hypophosphatemia (HH), is a rare condition related to decreased renal tubular phosphate reabsorption. Although X-linked hypophosphatemia (PHEX mutation) is the most frequent cause of HH, recent advances in the next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques enable the identification of various genetic etiologies. Our study aims to determine the molecular etiology of patients with hypophosphatemia and to identify new candidate genes....

hrp0095p1-193 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Diagnostic Features and Risk Factors for Childhood Thyroid Cancers

Sahin Pinar , Gurpinar Tosun Busra , Cemal Yumuşakhuylu Ali , Guran Tulay , Helvacioglu Didem , Yavas Abali Zehra , Haliloglu Belma , Oysu Cagatay , Bereket Abdullah , Turan Serap

A worldwide increase in pediatric thyroid cancers incidence over the years has been observed. Although pediatric thyroid cancers tend to have a more aggressive course compared to adults, the survival rate is better. In this study, we aimed to examine the demographic, clinical, pathological, and laboratory characteristics, prognostic and risk factors of children with thyroid cancer.Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 39 children with thy...

hrp0095p2-271 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Wide phenotypical spectrum with the same karyotype: Mixed gonadal dysgenesis

Seven Menevse Tuba , Gurpinar Tosun Busra , Helvacioglu Didem , Yavas Abali Zehra , Kirmizibekmez Heves , Dursun Fatma , Turan Serap , Bereket Abdullah , Guran Tulay

Context: The 45,X/46,XY mosaicism poses a great clinical challenge influencing gonadal development, histology, hormonal balance, and growth. Patients present a wide spectrum of phenotypes with varying degrees of genital ambiguity from Turner Syndrome to male. Here, we present five children with 45,X/46,XY mosaicism presenting with different clinical phenotypes.Case Descriptions:Case 1:</str...

hrp0092p1-116 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

How to Approach Systemic Hypersensitivity reactions to Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Analogues during treatment of Central Precocious Puberty

Kirkgoz Tarik , Karakoc Elif Aydiner , kiykim ayca , Bugrul Fuat , helvacioglu didem , eltan sevgi bilgic , kasap nurhan , ozen ahmet , baris safa , guran Tulay , bereket abdullah , turan serap

Background: Hypersensitivity reactions to gonadotropin releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) is a rare but serious side effect . Besides, local reactions, urticaria, anaphylaxis, serum disease, Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP) have been reported during GnRHa treatment.. Clinicians should be aware of the potential association of GnRHa with systemic hypersensitivity reactions.Case reports: Here, we report nine girls with syste...

hrp0092p1-176 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism (1) | ESPE2019

Genotype and Phenotype Characterization of Turkish Patients with Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type IA

Kaygusuz Sare Betul , Ata Pinar , Kirkgoz Tarik , Abali Zehra Yavas , Eltan Mehmet , Tosun Busra Gurpinar , Menevse Tuba Seven , Helvacioglu Didem , Guran Tulay , Arman Ahmet , Bereket Abdullah , Turan Serap

Background: Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type IA (VDDR-IA) is the most common type of VDDR and caused by mutations in CYP27B1. Here, we aimed to analyze the genotypic and phenotypic features of our VDDR-IA patients.Materials and Methods: The patients with a clinical diagnosis of VDDR-IA were enrolled and analyzed for CYP27B1 gene mutations.Results: 12 (5 males) pat...

hrp0092p1-402 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty (2) | ESPE2019

Evaluation of Brain Mri Lesions in 381 Girls with Central Precocious Puberty

Helvacioglu Didem , Guran Tulay , Kirkgoz Tarik , Atay Zeynep , Abali Zehra Yavas , Eltan Mehmet , Kaygusuz Sare Betul , Seven Tuba , Gurpinar Busra , Turan Serap , Bereket Abdullah

Central precocious puberty (CPP) in girls is a diagnosis increasingly made by the Pediatric Endocrinologists worldwide. Although it is most frequently of idiopathic origin, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain is recommended to rule out organic lesions causing CPP. However, controversy exists regarding the age limits for routinely performing MRI in girls with CPP.Objective: To evaluate the outcome of brain MRI in girls diagnosed...