hrp0082p1-d2-248 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

Vitamin D in Adolescents with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Gumeniuk Olga

Background: The results of several studies suggest that vitamin D could possibly decrease the risk of autoimmune diseases.Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of the vitamin D in adolescents with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT).Methods: The study included 32 adolescents (aged 12–17 years, mean age was 14.4±1.3 years) with HT (normal range TSH, fT3, fT4 and elevated antibodies). HT was diagnosed on...

hrp0092p2-53 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Idiopathic Infantile Hypercalcemia: Mutations in SLC34A1 and CYP24A1 in Two Siblings and Fathers

Güven Ayla , Konrad Martin , Schlingmann Karl Peter

Background: Both CYP24A1 and SLC34A1 gene mutations are responsible for idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia (IIH). Whereas loss-of-function mutations in CYP24A1 (25-OH-vitamin D-24-hydroxylase) lead to a defect in the inactivation of active 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3, mutations in SLC34A1 encoding renal sodium-phosphate co-transporter NaPi-IIa lead to primary renal phosphate wasting combined with an inappropri...

hrp0092p1-321 | Diabetes and Insulin (2) | ESPE2019

A Case of Late-Onset Monogenic Diabetes Due to a Homozygous Variant in the GCK Gene

Filibeli Berna Eroglu , Çatli Gönül , Ayranci Ilkay , Manyas Hayrullah , Kirbiyik Özgür , Dündar Bumin

Introduction: Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the glucokinase (GCK) gene cause MODY 2. Conversely, homozygous loss-of-function mutations in the same gene give rise to permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (DM). Previously, two patients diagnosed with DM in adolescence and had homozygous GCK mutations were reported. Variants in these patients have been shown to exhibit inactivated kinetics that are indistinguishable from neonatal ons...

hrp0089p3-p051 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Clinical and Genetic Evaluations of Three Patients with Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type 1A

Kulikova Kristina , Kolodkina Anna , Vasiliev Eugeny , Petrov Vasily , Tiulpakov Anatoly

Vitamin D dependent rickets type 1A (VDDR-IA) is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern and caused by mutations in CYP27B1 gene encoding enzyme 1α-hydroxylase. Deficiency of 1α-hydroxylase leads to decrease of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D production. VDDR-IA usually manifests clinically during the 1st year of life. Clinical features of VDDR- IA include progressive growth retardation, hypotonia, rachitic skeletal deformities, hypocalcemic seizures in early infancy. Serum ...

hrp0084p3-953 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Vitamin D Levels and not Vitamin A are Correlated with Height Velocity in Children with GH Deficiency Who are Under GH Treatment

Xatzipsalti Maria , Polychroni Ioulia , Vazeou Andriani , Maravelia Vasiliki , Papadimitriou Eirini , Stamogiannou Lela

Background: It has been suggested that Vitamin A intake may affect height velocity in children with GH deficiency (GHD) who were under GH replacement (GHR).Objective and hypotheses: Aim of the study was to evaluate vitamin A levels in GHD children under GHR.Method: Vitamin A levels were measured in 38 children (23 males, mean age 10.8 (S.D. 3.3) years) with GHD, after mean duration of GH treatment of 3.1 (S.D....

hrp0082p3-d1-663 | Bone | ESPE2014

Hypovitaminosis D: Factors Affecting in Spanish Children and Adolescents

Leis Rosaura , Vazquez Rocio , Maria Seoane Luisa , Barja-Fernandez Silvia , Martinez-Silva Isabel , Aguilera Concepcion M , Olza Josune , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Castro-Feijoo Lidia , Cadarso-Suarez Carmen , Gil Angel , Tojo Rafael

Background: Vitamin D adequate concentration is essential for growth, development and health during vital cycle. Hypovitaminosis D pandemic is associated with a wide range of pathologies.Objective and hypotheses: The objectives of the present study were to characterize vitamin D status in children and adolescents residing in Galicia (Northwest of Spain, latitude 43°N) and to determine if serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration is related ...

hrp0084p2-206 | Bone | ESPE2015

Hereditary Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets: Report of Four Cases with Successful Use of Intermittent Intravenous Calcium Via Peripheral Route

Abali Saygin , Tamura Mayuko , Atay Zeynep , Isguven Pinar , Guran Tulay , Haliloglu Belma , Bas Serpil , Isojima Tsuyoshi , Turan Serap , Kitanaka Sachiko , Bereket Abdullah

Background: Hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets (HVDRR) is a rare disease caused by mutations in vitamin d receptor (VDR). Patients with HVDRR are usually treated with intravenous calcium (i.v.-Ca) therapy via a central catheter. However, central catheter-related complications can cause important morbidity. In this report, we described four patients with HVDRR from different families. In three of these cases we used a novel therapeutic regime of intermittent IV-Ca ...

hrp0095p1-340 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

A novel SPINT2 missense mutation(c.386A>G;p.Y129C)causes syndromic congenital sodium loss diarrhea: The first case report in China

Zhang Xianxu , Zhang Xingxing , Chen Xu , Xiao Yangyang , Tan Xinrui , Zheng Songjia , Wu Tingting

Background: Congenital sodium diarrhea (CSD) is a monogenic disorder caused by specific genetic defects that increase sodium content in the stool, resulting in intractable diarrhea. There are two categories of CSD depending on whether it involves other congenital malformations: non-syndromic congenital sodium loss diarrhea (non-sCSD) and syndromic congenital sodium loss diarrhea (sCSD). For non- sCSD, the identified causative genes include SLC9A3 and GUCY2C, w...

hrp0089rfc5.2 | Thyroid | ESPE2018

Analysis of Chosen Polymorphisms rs7138803 A/G - FAIM2, rs7093069 C/T - IL-2RA, rs5742909 C/T - CTLA-4 in Pathogenesis of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in Children

Bossowski Artur , Gościk Joanna , Wawrusiewicz-Kurylonek Natalia , Bossowska Anna , Aversa Tommaso , Corica Domenico , Krętowski Adam , Waśniewska Małgorzata

Introduction: Autoimmune thyroid diseases are multifactorial diseases with a genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. A potential role of the Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 2 (FAIM2) gene, the high-affinity alpha subunit (CD25) of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2RA) gene, the cytotoxic T cell antigen 4 (CTLA-4) gene polymorphisms on autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs) in children has not been established equivocally yet.Objective: To estimate...

hrp0084p2-561 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Analysis of Chosen Polymorphisms rs5742909 C/T – CTLA4, rs7522061 C/T – FCRL3, rs7138803 A/G – FAIM2 in Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases in Children

Jakubowska Ewa , Goscik Joanna , Wawrusiewicz-Kurylonek Natalia , Bossowska Anna , Kretowski Adam , Bossowski Artur

Background: Autoimmune thyroid diseases are multifactorial diseases with a genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. A potential role of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4) gene, Fc receptor-like 3 (FCRL3) gene, Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 2 (FAIM2) gene polymorphisms on autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs) in children has not been established equivocally yet.Objective and hypotheses: To estimate the association of polymorphi...