hrp0089p3-p407 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Degludec Versus Glargine in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients with Type 1 Diabetes

Gil-Poch Estela , Javier Arroyo-Diez Francisco , Beato-Vibora Pilar I

Introduction: To optimal glycemic control without hypoglycemia must be the aim of insulin treatment for all patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM). Despite the advantages of the basal-bolus insulin regimens with MDI, hypoglycemia presents a major barrier in achieving desirable blood glucose levels. Degludec is a new basal insulin analog with longer half-life and lower variability.Objetive: To investigate the differences between long-acting insulins glargin...

hrp0089p2-p310 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

Can Basal Levels of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Replace the GnRH Test in the Diagnosis of Precocious Puberty in Girls?

Llano Juan , Morales William , Pineda Catherine , Ortiz Teresa , Gil Nayibe , Laverde Gladys , Castro Sonia , Llano Mauricio

Aim: To determine the sensitivity, specificity of basal LH measurement compared to the GnRH test in patients with Central precocious puberty (CPP) and determine the cut off point for basal LH to diagnose CPP.Methods: 680 female patients were referred for presumptive diagnosis of central precocious puberty in the city of Bogota. All patients went through a GnRH test, using a Roche immunoassay for Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (...

hrp0082p1-d1-139 | Growth | ESPE2014

Functional Characterization of Three Novel Mutations in the IGF1R Gene

Juanes Matias , Guercio Gabriela , Marino Roxana , Berensztein Esperanza , Ciaccio Marta , Gil Silvia , Rivarola Marco A , Belgorosky Alicia

Background: IGF1R gene mutations have been associated with varying degrees of intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, and microcephaly. We have previously reported three novel variants in the IGF1R gene: de novo p.Arg1256Ser, de novo p.Asn359Tyr and p.Tyr865Cys (ENDO 2013, OR20-2).Aim: To characterize the functional effects of the novel IGF1R gene allelic variants.Methods: In ...

hrp0082p3-d1-877 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology | ESPE2014

Congenital Hyperinsulinism: Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Brazilian Patients

Liberatore Raphael , Martinelli Carlos , Guerra Gil , Manna Thais Della , Silva Ivani

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CH) is the most common cause of persistent hypoglycemia in neonatal period. The inadequate secretion of insulin leads to high morbidity and mortality in those newborns. Despite the recent progress in the diagnosis and management of CH, until recently, the situation in Brazil has been that of early 1990’s. The epidemiology is unknown and state-of-the art management has not been available.Objective and hypothese...

hrp0094p2-347 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

Optic tract glioma and endocrine disorders- comparison between patients with and without NF1- a single center experience

Gil Margolis Merav , Yackobovitz-Gavan Michal , Toledano Hellen , Phillip Moshe , Shalitin Shlomit ,

Background and Aims: Optic pathway gliomas (OPGs) represent 2-5% of brain tumors in children. OPGs are classified by the anatomic location and whether they are associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Children with OPGs face sequelae related to tumor location and treatment modalities, including visual dysfunction, neurologic deficits, and endocrine dysfunction. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence of endocrine dysfunctions in patients with ...

hrp0094p2-362 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

Congenital hypopituitarism: the role of genetics

Gil Poch Estela , Javier Arroyo Diez Francisco , Mendez Perez Pilar , Galan Gomez Enrique ,

Hypopituitarism refers to the insufficient secretion of one or more pituitary hormones. If default is present at the time of birth is called congenital hypopituitarism (CH). Causes of this are perinatal pathology and genetic alterations. The clinical presentation is heterogeneous. The diagnosis is made by clinical suspicion supported by hormonal determinations, brain imaging test (MRI) searching of structural defects and genetic study. The development of the pituitary gland is...

hrp0089p1-p092 | Diabetes & Insulin P1 | ESPE2018

Association of the Sizes and Composition of HDL with Hepatic Steatosis in Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)

Antonio Orozco Morales Jose , Torres Tamayo Margarita , Medina Urrutia Aida , Gabriel Juarez Rojas Juan , Reyes Barrera Juan , Jorge Galarza Esteban , Dies Suarez Pilar , Medina Bravo Patricia

Background: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is an emerging disease in the pediatric population. The association between T2D and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been described; this increases the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Recent evidence suggests that sizes and composition of HDL may be more important that HDL-C levels in predicting CHD. There is not data regarding the HDL subclasses distribution and composition in T2D youths with hepatic steatosis (HE).<p c...

hrp0092p3-119 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

ESPE 2019. Physical Activity, Food and Metabolic Risk in Children and Adolescents

de Lamas Carmela , Vázquez Rocío , José Bedoya Juan , Aguilera Concepción , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Bueno Gloria , Moreno Luis , Gil Ángel , Leis Rosaura

Introduction:The incidence of obesity increases unstoppably in all populations and at all ages, and with it, the associated metabolic morbidity and mortality. The promotion of physical activity and a healthy diet are the fundamental elements to alleviate this situation. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship of physical activity and eating patterns with body composition, the degree of adiposity and certain metabolic risk factors.<p cl...

hrp0089p3-p146 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Does the Level of Studies of Parents Influence the Follow-up of the Recommendations of the Nutritional Pyramid?

Rosaura Leis Trabazo Maria , de Lamas Perez Carmela , Vazquez Cobela Rocio , Jose Bedoya Carpente Juan , Olza Meneses Josune , Gil Hernandez Angel , Alberto Moreno Aznar Luis , Bueno Lozano Gloria , Gil Campos Mercedes , Aguilera Garcia Concepcion

Introduction: Several studies show the negative impact of low level of studies of parents on the dietary patterns and the degree of adiposity of their children. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the level of studies and compliance with the recommendations of healthy eating pyramid.Material and method: An anthropometric study was conducted in 895 Spanish children and adolescents (53% women), between 3 and 18 years old (10...

hrp0086p1-p454 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Influence of Television Viewing During Meals on Eating Patterns

Leis Trabazo Rosaura , Vazquez-Cobela Rocio , Jose Bedoya Carpente Juan , Aguilera Garcia Concepcion , Olza Meneses Josune , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Bueno Lozano Gloria , Gil Hernandez Angel , Moreno Aznar Luis , Tojo Sierra Rafel

Background: Recent studies show negative impact of the use of television while having food on the eating patterns.Objective and hypotheses: Our goal is to use cluster analysis to evaluate this influence in children.Method: In 895 Spanish children and adolescents (47% male and 53% female), from 3 to 18 years of age (10.25±2.67 years), a validated food frequency and food consumption habits questionnaire (CFCA) is performed. Thre...