hrp0094p2-293 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Effects of GH replacement therapy on body composition and muscle health in children and adolescents with GH deficiency: one-year prospective case-control study.

Improda Nicola , Capalbo Donatella , Di Mase Raffaella , Di Pinto Rosita , Alicante Paola , Scalfi Luca , Salerno Mariacarolina ,

Background: The effects of GH deficiency (GHD) and GH replacement therapy (GHRT) on body composition and functional measures of physical fitness are largely unknown particularly in children.Study aim: To evaluate body composition, muscular strength and flexibility, and exercise tolerance in GHD children at baseline and after one-year GHRT.Patients and methods: We enrolled 19 children and adolescents with untreated ...

hrp0095p1-528 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

The SHOX gene between duplication and deletion: when the follow-up guides the treatment

Maggio Maria Cristina , Simona Alaimo , Flavia Volpe , Vincenzo Antona , Giovanni Corsello

SHOX gene haploinsufficiency is a well-documented cause of short stature and skeletal abnormalities; SHOX duplications appear very rare and of uncertain clinical significance. If relatively extended, they can result in SHOX overexpression with normal or tall stature. Partial SHOX duplications seems to have a more deleterious effect on skeletal dysplasia and short stature than complete SHOX duplications. MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) analysis of SHOX/P...

hrp0092p1-95 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

The role of Physical Activity on Postural Stability and Fitness Characteristics in Pediatric Patients with GH Deficiency

Brusa Jessica , Maggio Maria Cristina , Bellafiore Marianna , Corsello Giovanni , Palma Antonio , Messina Giuseppe

Purpose: Patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) show low fitness levels before GH treatment is started. Muscular strength, flexibility and postural stability are related to health and quality of life. Since it is widely recognized that physical activity increases GH secretion and GH could ameliorate fitness, if a high adherence to treatment is documented (1), the purpose of this study is to investigate any difference on posturographic parameters and mus...

hrp0092p1-392 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (2) | ESPE2019

Do Children and Adolescents with Idiopathic short Stature show Postural Alterations? Possible Influence of SHOX Haploinsufficiency in a Pilot Study

Maggio Maria Cristina , Messina Giuseppe , Brusa Jessica , Bellafiore Marianna , Corsello Giovanni , Palma Antonio

Purpose: Needs in terms of quality of life (QoL), consisting of physical, emotional and social domains, represent a hot spot in idiopathic short stature (ISS). Between ISS, it is estimated that 12% can have SHOX deficiency. Furthermore, SHOX deficiency can affect posture and GH treatment ameliorate their QoL. Although scientific research has investigated many fields of the physical domain, very few studies highlighted how this pathological condition may af...

hrp0089p1-p064 | Diabetes & Insulin P1 | ESPE2018

Efficacy of Mecasermin Treatment and Long-Term Survival in a Child with Leprechaunism

Maggio Maria Cristina , Barbetti Fabrizio , Vitaliti Marcello , Ragusa Saveria Sabrina , Vitaliti Giuliana , Corsello Giovanni

Homozygous mutation of Insulin receptor (INS-R) gene cause an extremely rare disease called Leprechaunism, and induce intrauterine growth restriction with poor postnatal growth, hyperinsulinemia, postprandial hyperglycaemia, pre-prandial hypoglycaemia, typical facies, lack of subcutaneous fat, thick skin, hypertrichosis, macrogenitosomia in males. The survival is severely compromised in these patients. Treatment with diazoxide could ameliorate glycaemic control, however these ...

hrp0086p2-p714 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P2 | ESPE2016

Autoimmune Hypoparathyroidism and Celiac Disease: A Rare Paediatric Association Outside an Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome

Gallo Francesco , Simeone Giovanni , Conte Pietro , La Torre Francesco , Moramarco Fulvio

Background: The association between primary hypoparathyroidism and celiac disease (CD) is uncommon in paediatrics, even more if they are not part of an autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS, almost exclusively type II). We describe a case of autoimmune hypoparathyroidism coexisting with celiac malabsorption.Objective and hypotheses: Valentina was a 7 year old female child when she was admitted in hospital because she had generalized seizures at home. Sh...

hrp0082p2-d2-527 | Pituitary (1) | ESPE2014

Adolescents with Chronic Endocrine Diseases: a Multidisciplinary Approach: the Experience of the Paediatric Clinic of Palermo

Cristina Maggio Maria , Riticella Rita , Salvo Giuseppe , Santangelo Giuseppe , Corsello Giovanni

Background: Adolescents affected by chronic diseases need a specific support and care, in a contest dedicated to them and not integrated with children. They often ask a specific attention to their asks, only partially secondary to their primary disease.Objective and hypotheses: The need of a support in communication of the diagnosis, in the adherence to a long-life or to a prolonged treatment and a long follow-up, with repeated blood samples, strumental ...

hrp0082p3-d1-668 | Bone | ESPE2014

Lumbar Spine Areal Bone Mineral Density and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Serum Concentrations at 2-Year Follow-up in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Piona Claudia , Moser Giovanni , Ramaroli Diego , Francesca Malesani , Morandi Grazia , Gaudino Rossella , Antoniazzi Franco

Background: Cyclic treatment with bisphosphonates (BP) is now considered a ‘standard care’ for children with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Vitamin D is a necessary nutrient for bone health for all children but especially for those with OI. In the literature few studies have considered the relationship between bone mineral density, vitamin D and pubertal stage in children treated with BP for OI.Objective and hypotheses: The purpose of this study...

hrp0084p2-569 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Parenting Stress Profile and Children Behaviour in Patients with Congenital Hypothyroidism

Maggio Maria Cristina , Piro Ettore , Alongi Alessandra , Riticella Rita , Salvo Giuseppe , Corsello Giovanni

Background: Hypothyroidism has been associated with cognitive and motor impairments, the degree to which mild hypothyroidism, or subclinical hypothyroidism impacts mood and cognitive functions and whether these symptoms respond to treatment, remains controversial. Furthermore, hypothyroidism is associated with an increased susceptibility to depression and reductions in health-related quality of life.Objective and hypotheses: Recent longitudinal studies s...

hrp0084p3-607 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Homozygosity for a Mutation in the CYP11B2 Gene and GH Deficiency in a Child with Severe Growth Delay

Maggio Maria Cristina , Vergara Beatrice , Salvo Caterina , Porcelli Paolo , Fabiano Carmelo , Corsello Giovanni

Background: Isolated hypoaldosteronism is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder of terminal aldosterone synthesis, leading to selective aldosterone deficiency. Two different biochemical forms of this disease have been described, called aldosterone synthase deficiency or corticosterone methyl oxydase, types 1 and 2. In type 1, there is no aldosterone synthase activity and the 18 hydroxycorticosterone (18 OHB) level is low, whereas in type 2, a residual activity of aldostero...