hrp0084p3-776 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

School Aged Presentation of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 with Repeat Hyperglycaemia, Positive Pancreatic Autoimmunity and Related Genetic Risks

Alcalde Ana Dolores , Hawkins Magdalena , Yebra Julia , Tagarro Alfredo , Canete Alfonso

Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus has three common presentations: Typical (hyperglycaemia with cardinal symptoms), ketoacidosis and asymptomatic hyperglycaemia.Case presentation: A 7.5-year-old girl with a history of bronchial asthma presented to the emergency department with acute-onset diabetic symptoms. The previous year she was admitted to the Paediatric Ward for a pneumonia complicated by pleural effusion. She then developed hyperglycemia (400 mg...

hrp0094p2-75 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

Afebrile seizure in a toddler girl with alopecia: a case report

Crisostomo Mafalda , Simoes Joana , Canteiro Rodrigues Claudia , Galhardo Julia , Lopes Lurdes ,

Background: Calcium homeostasis is primarily regulated by vitamin D. In the absence of the active hormone or a functional receptor, bones are inadequately mineralized, leading to the development of rickets. Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 2 (VDDR2) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene.Case Report: A 12-months-old girl was transported to the local hospital ED with a three-minute ...

hrp0094p2-195 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Assessment of Hyperphagia in Patients with Monogenic Obesity

Zorn Stefanie , von Schnurbein Julia , Schirmer Melanie , Kohlsdorf Katja , Brandt Stephanie , Wabitsch Martin ,

Introduction: Besides an excessive, early-childhood weight gain, hyperphagia is the key symptom in patients with monogenic obesity. However, the assessment of hyperphagia is still challenging. Here, we applied the hyperphagia questionnaire developed for patients with Prader-Willi-Syndrome (PWS) to assess the severity of hyperphagia in patients with monogenic obesity.Methods: Pediatric patients with biallelic pathogenic l...

hrp0094p2-387 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

Isolated central diabetes insipidus and periventricular nodular heterotopia in a 9-year-old girl

Haufler Florentina , Walleczek Nina-Katharina , Vodopiutz Julia , Haeusler Gabriele , Raimann Adalbert ,

Background: Periventricular nodular heterotopia (PNH) is a brain malformation caused by dysregulation of neuronal migration during cerebral development, resulting in nodular neuronal structures in the ventricular surface. Associated ectopy of the posterior pituitary has been reported in literature and is usually associated with deficiencies of the anterior pituitary. The occasion of an isolated central diabetes insipidus due to absence of the posterior pituita...

hrp0097rfc3.6 | Fat, metabolism and obesity 1 | ESPE2023

Glucocorticoid-mediated leptin secretion from human adipocytes is dependent on glucose availability

Tews Daniel , Brandt Stephanie , von Schnurbein Julia , Fischer-Posovszky Pamela , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Leptin is produced by adipocytes and regulates central hunger and satiety sensation. While the central leptin effects are well understood, little is known about the regulation of peripheral leptin production. Clinical data demonstrate that leptin levels are rapidly declining upon fasting, suggesting that leptin secretion is acutely regulated by nutrient availability. Although it has been previously shown that leptin secretion is under control by gl...

hrp0097p1-240 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Age differences in the distribution of diabetes-specific antibodies in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Schweizer Roland , Mayer David , Bung Julia , Liebrich Franziska , Neu Andreas , Ziegler Julian

Background: The assignment to type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) can be confirmed by the determination of diabetes-specific autoantibodies. Five different antibodies can be determined. The determination of several antibodies is more expensive than the determination of a single antibody. In times of scarce resources, the sequential determination of antibodies could save costs. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of antibodies and their age and gen...

hrp0095fc4.2 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Positive effects of a structured pre- and post-bariatric surgery program on follow-up rate and supplement intake in adolescents and youths- Results from the German YES cohort

Brandt Stephanie , Schirmer Melanie , Kleger Pauline , von Schnurbein Julia , Holle Rolf , Holl Reinhard W. , Hebebrand Johannes , Wiegand Susanna , Wabitsch Martin

Introduction: Until recently, bariatric surgery (BS) has been the only option for clinically meaningful weight reduction for adolescents and youth with extreme obesity. Low participation rate in follow-up examinations and low supplement intake after BS in adolescents has been described in literature (PMID: 24048144, 25078533). We developed a structured pre- and post-bariatric surgery program in order to improve follow-up rate and supplement intake in adolescen...

hrp0095p1-444 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Influence of Family Status and Living Circumstances on Metabolic Control in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes

Schweizer Roland , Friz Silas , Hayn Clara , Lösch-Binder Martina , Uber Julia , Ziegler Julian , Liebrich Frankziska , Neu Andreas

Object and Aim: The quality of metabolism in type 1 diabetes depends on different external factors, e.g. the circumstances of living of a patient. We investigated how far the family status, living situation or own children have influence on metabolic control in patients who were transferred to adult care after long-term care in pediatric diabetology.Patients and Methods: From 1998 until 2019 we annually sent a questionna...

hrp0095p1-268 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Preliminary evidence for a strong effect of leptin on mood and behaviour in patients with congenital leptin deficiency

von Schnurbein Julia , Remy Miriam , Brandt Stephanie , Manzoor Jaida , Kohlsdorf Katja , Mahmood Saqib , Hebebrand Johannes , Wabitsch Martin

Purpose: States of starvation are characterized by reduced physical activity and social withdrawal. The reduction of leptin levels during starvation has been proposed to be a mediator of these changes, therefore we aimed to ascertain if leptin substitution in patients with congenital leptin deficiency (CLD) can increase physical activity and improve mood.Methods: Seven CLD patients were filmed prior to and after short te...

hrp0095p2-304 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with hypertriglyceridemia in the pediatric age group – A case report

Zorron Mariana , Duarte Gomes Machado Raquel , Albiero Camargo Daniela , Seben Julia , Fernanda Vanti Macedo Paulino Maria , Mendonça Erika , Fanger Vanessa

Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a potentially fatal hyperglycemic emergency primarily associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). The association between DKA and severe hypertriglyceridemia has already been previously discussed with a prevalence ranging between 7.1%-25%, with pancreatitis present in the majority of cases. Epidemiological data in the pediatric age are scarce and not well established. Its etiology is not yet fully known. The &qu...