hrp0094p2-2 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

How do urine steroid metabolites of spot samples correlate with 24 hour urine specimens in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia?

Sommer Grit , Abawi Ozair , Groessl Michael , Halbsguth Ulrike , Charmandari Evangelia , Akker Erika L.T. van den , Fluck Christa E. ,

Introduction: Steroid profiling in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is used to monitor the balance between androgen and cortisol metabolites and to decide on the optimal glucocorticoid dosage. Twenty-four hour collection is the gold standard for measurement of steroid metabolites in urine, because steroid production follows a circadian rhythm and is influenced by short-term stress and steroid drugs. For some children, e.g. those who were diap...

hrp0092p1-367 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

Normal IGF-Bioactivity and Low Free IGF-I in Patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome with High Total Serum IGF-I: Immunoreactive IGF-I Concentration Poorly Reflects IGF Bio-Activity and Bio-Availability.

Elizabeth Melitza , Donze Stephany , Pellikaan Karlijn , van den Berg Sjoerd , van Doorn Jaap , Peeters Robin P. , Hokken-Koelega Anita C.S. , de Graaff Laura C.G.

Introduction: Recombinant Growth Hormone (GH) has changed the lives of many patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS). GH treatment has beneficial effects on body composition, physical performance, cognition, psychomotor development, respiratory function and quality of life of patients with PWS. Due to the narrow therapeutic range, GH treatment is subject to strict limits. Clinicians measure serum immunoreactive Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 ('total IGF-I&#...

hrp0097lb5 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Clinical phenotyping of patients with genetic obesity

S. Welling Mila , Mohseni Mostafa , E.H. Meeusen Renate , R. Boon Mariëtte , J. de Groot Cornelis , M. van Haelst Mieke , A. Visser Jenny , L.T. van den Akker Erica , F.C. van Rossum Elisabeth

Introduction: In rare cases of obesity, genetic defects lead to hyperphagia and severe early-onset obesity. Genetic testing in patients with a suspected genetic obesity phenotype is important, as it can lead to patient-tailored treatment advice. For children, the Endocrine Society (ES) recommends genetic testing in children with early-onset of obesity (<5 years) and hyperphagia. It is unclear whether these recommendations can also be used in adult obesity c...

hrp0094p1-1 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Optimizing the timing of highest hydrocortisone dose in children and adolescents with 21-hydroxylase deficiency

Schroder Mariska A.M. , van Herwaarden Antonius E. , Span Paul N. , Akker Erica L.T. van den , Bocca Gianni , Hannema Sabine E , Kamp Hetty J. van der , Kort Sandra W.K. de , Mooij Christiaan F. , Schott Dina A. , Straetemans Saartje , Tellingen Vera van , Velden Janielle A. van der , Sweep Fred C.G.J , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi L. ,

Context: Children with 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) require chronic glucocorticoid administration to substitute glucocorticoids and suppress adrenocorticotropic hormone-induced hyperandrogenemia. There is still no evidence about the best timing of the highest hydrocortisone (HC) dose. Administration of the highest dose in the morning aims to mimic the physiological rhythm of cortisol, while a high dose late in the evening may inhibit the early-morning inc...

hrp0095p1-379 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

The effect of timing of puberty suppression on breast development in trans girls; a cross-sectional study

Boogers Lidewij , Sardo Infirri Sebastiaan , Bouchareb Asma , de Blok Christel , Liberton Niels , van Trotsenburg Paul , Dreijerink Koen , den Heijer Martin , Wiepjes Chantal , Hannema Sabine

Context: For transgender women undergoing gender-affirming hormone therapy (HT), breast development is an important treatment outcome. Since earlier studies showed small breast volumes in trans women treated with HT, we hypothesized that testosterone exposure during puberty might negatively influence breast development and that early initiation of puberty suppression (PS) might have a positive effect on breast development.Aim:</s...

hrp0086p1-p478 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

BMI Correlates Positively with Hair Cortisol, whereas Excessive Body Fat Correlates Positively with Hair Cortisol: Salivary Cortisol and Fasting Insulin Concentrations in Prepubertal Girls

Christaki Eirini , Papafotiou Chrysanthe , Bastaki Despoina , van den Akker Erica L.T. , Wester Vincent L. , Boschiero Dario , Pervanidou Panagiota , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina , Chrousos George

Background: Chronic stress and increased adiposity have been associated with each other in children. Further studies are needed, however, to evaluate both the directionality of this association and the mediating metabolic mechanisms.Objective and hypotheses: This study investigates the interrelations between BMI, body composition parameters, indices of the stress response, such as hair and salivary cortisol levels, and, metabolic mediators, such as insul...

hrp0094p1-114 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity B | ESPE2021

EuRRECa Registry Genetic Obesity Survey Results

Shaikh Guftar , Akker Erica van den , Bryce Jillian , Ali Salma , Amin Rakesh , Cools Martine , Dattani Mehul , Grugni Graziano , Khairi Ranna El , Persani Luca , Peters Catherine , Rossum Elisabeth van , Waele Kathleen De , Gan Hoong-Wei , Ahmed Faisal ,

Introduction: The diagnosis and treatment of patients with rare diseases is often difficult as most clinicians do not encounter them. Therefore, centralization and collaboration between centers of expertise is necessary. European Reference Networks (ERN’s) such as RareEndoERN provide a platform for this, with one of its main thematic groups having a specific focus on rare growth and obesity disorders. Genetic obesity encompasses a heterogeneous group of c...

hrp0097s12.2 | What's new for the HPG Axis | ESPE2023

SEMA6A drives GnRH neuron-dependent puberty onset by tuning median eminence vascular permeability

Cariboni Anna , Oleari Roberto , Lettieri Antonella , van den Munkhof Marleen , van Battum Eljo , Tacconi Carlotta , Spreafico Marco , Paganoni Alyssa , Amoruso Federica , Eberini Ivano , Dunkel Leonard , Fantin Alessandro , Howard Sasha , Pasterkamp Jeroen

Innervation of the hypothalamic median eminence by Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) neurons is vital to ensure puberty onset and successful reproduction. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying median eminence development and pubertal timing are incompletely understood. Here we show that Semaphorin-6A is strongly expressed by median eminence-resident oligodendrocytes positioned adjacent to GnRH neuron projections and fenestrated capillaries, and that Sem...

hrp0095rfc1.1 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

European Thyroid Association Guideline on the Management of Pediatric Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Carcinoma

Lebbink Chantal A. , Links Thera P. , Czarniecka Agnieszka , Dias Renuka P. , Elisei Rossella , Izatt Louise , Krude Heiko , Lorenz Kerstin , Luster Markus , Newbold Kate , Piccardo Arnoldo , Sobrinho Simões Manuel , Takano Toru , Paul van Trotsenburg A.S. , Verburg Frederik A. , van Santen Hanneke M.

At present no European recommendations for the management of pediatric thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) exist. Differences in clinical, molecular, and pathological characteristics between pediatric and adult DTC emphasize the need for specific recommendations for the pediatric population. An expert panel was instituted by the executive committee of the European Thyroid Association (ETA) including an international community of experts from a variety of...

hrp0092p1-7 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

Influence of Internal Standards Choice on Quantification of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) Using Mass Spectrometric Based Methods

Greaves Ronda , Hartmann Michaela F. , Zakaria Rosita , Shun Ho Chung , de Rijke Yolanda B. , van den Berg Sjoerd , Cooke Brian , Hoad Kirsten , Graham Peter , Davies Stephen , Mackay Lindsey , Ping Loh Tze , Wudy Stefan A.

Objective: This project aims to evaluate the effect of two isotopically labelled internal standards on the quantification of 17OHP by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) as an orthogonal technique.Methods: Three LC-MS/MS and one GC-MS/MS laboratories, spanning four countries worldwide, who routinely measure serum17OHP, compared two internal ...