hrp0084p3-873 | Fat | ESPE2015

Sex Differences in the Pubertal Response to High-Fat Diet

Freire-Regatillo Alejandra , Argente-ARizon Pilar , Diaz Francisca , Barrios Vicente , Arevalo Angeles , Argente Jesus , Garcia-Segura Luis Miguel , Azcoitia Inigo , Chowen Julie A

Background: It is well known that ingestion of a high fat diet (HFD) can induce rapid weight gain and metabolic imbalances. However, males and females are not equally susceptible to these effects. Furthermore, an individual may be more prone to gain weight during specific developmental periods.Aims and objectives: We aimed to analyse the response to the acute exposure to a HFD during pubertal/adolescent period and to determine whether males and females r...

hrp0095fc8.2 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Detection of anti-islet antibodies in capillary blood by the antibody detection by agglutination-PCR (ADAP) technology is sensitive and suitable for general population screening programs

Oron Tal , de Jesus Cortez Felipe , Shtaif Biana , Robinson Peter V. , Yackobovitch-Gavan Michal , Seftel David , Phillip Moshe , Tsai Cheng-ting , Gat-Yablonsky Galia

Background: Detection of type 1 diabetes (T1D) at the pre-clinical stage is possible by detecting islet autoantibodies (IA) years before the appearance of symptomatic diabetes. An efficient screening program based on these antibodies will identify children at risk of developing diabetes during childhood. The antibody detection Israeli research (ADIR) is a general population screening program in Israel searching for children with multiple IA who are at risk of ...

hrp0086rfc11.3 | Thyroid | ESPE2016

Germline and Somatic DICER1 Mutations in Familial Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Multinodular Goiter

Lumbreras Cesar , Chueca Maria Jesus , Arribas Laura , de Randamie Rajdee , Alonso Angel , Fernandez Pilar , Berrade Sara , Anda Emma , Regojo Rita Maria , Mendiola Marta , Moreno Jose Carlos

Background: The inheritable component of familial Papillary Thyroid Cancer (fPTC) was recently attributed to monogenic defects in a reduced number of genes including DICER1. DICER1 codes for a ribonuclease of the RNaseIII family essential for the biogenesis of microRNAs.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to identify germline and/or somatic mutations in DICER1 in a familial pedigree with PTC, multinodular goiter (MNG) and other ...

hrp0086p2-p183 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Hyperphosphatemic Familial Tumoral Calcinosis: Novel Indication to Sevelamer Carbonate

Fuentes-Bolanos Noemi , Canovas Sanchez Laura , del Toro Codes Marta , Martinez Moya Gabriela , Natividad Pedreno Moises , de la Cruz Moreno Jesus

Background: Hyperphosphatemic familial tumoral calcinosis (HFTC) is a condition characterized by hyperphosphatemia and abnormal deposit of phosphate and calcium most often around the hips, shoulders and elbows and rarely in the brain.Case presentation: A four-year-old-girl from Arabian origin was referred to the regional paediatric endocrine clinic from the Orthopedics Team due to: recurrent calcinosis of the right calcaneus and incipient left wrist pain...

hrp0097p2-105 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Self-perception of voice in trans girls adolescents depends on pubertal stage blockage.

Domínguez-Riscart Jesus , Larran-Escandon Laura , Baez-Castillo Celia , Triviño-Garcia Adrian , Mateo-Gavira Isabel , De Mier-Morales Miguel

Introduction: A transgender individual’s voice may contribute to the negative psychosocial outcomes. Some studies have shown that an incongruence between one’s voice and internal gender identity can be a potential source of ongoing psychological distress and could impact on their social interactions, employment outcomes, and invite verbal or physical harassment. This study was aimed to examine whether early puberal blockage (PB) impacts on self per...

hrp0084p3-834 | Fat | ESPE2015

Liver Steatosis in Obese Children Courses with Enhanced Insulin Resistance and Dyslipidaemia, Which are Influenced by Gender, Puberty, Race and Body Fat Distribution

Martos-Moreno Gabriel A , Martinez-Villanueva Julian , Gonzalez-Leal Rocio , Sirvent Sara , Minguez Arturo , Martinez Guillermo , Hawkins Federico G , Argente Jesus

Background: Liver steatosis (LS) is diagnosed in obesity at very early ages, not exclusively related to overweight severity.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the features of patients diagnosed with obesity associated LS (ultrasonography).Method: We retrospectively studied 88 obese (BMI>+2 SDS) children with LS (LS-OB) and 88 age, gender, race and puberty matched obese children without LS (no-LS-OB). BMI-SDS, body composi...

hrp0084p3-717 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Seip-Berardinelli Syndrome in a Patient Referred by Low Weight Gain

Kopacek Cristiane , Beltrao Luciana Amorim , Guimaraes Victoria Bernardes , Trombetta Julia Santana , Lliguin Karen Lizeth Puma , Rosa Rosana Cardoso Manique , de Mattos Vinicius Freitas , Graziadio Carla , Zen Paulo Ricardo Gazzola , Rosa Rafael Fabiano Machado

Background: Seip-Berardinelli syndrome is a rare form of congenital lipodystrophy.Objective and hypothesis: To report a patient later diagnosed with Seip-Berardinelli syndrome referred initially for evaluation due to low weight gain.Population and/or methods: We performed the report of the case along with a literature review.Results: The patient was referred due to low weight gain. She was the second daughter...

hrp0084p3-1016 | Growth | ESPE2015

Autosomal Recessive Omodysplasia: A Rare Cause of Disproportionate Short Stature

Kopacek Cristiane , Beltrao Luciana Amorim , Guimaraes Victoria Bernardes , Trombetta Julia Santana , Lliguin Karen Lizeth Puma , de Souza Vinicius , Haubert Gessica , da Cunha Andre Campos , Zen Paulo Ricardo Gazzola , Rosa Rafael Fabiano Machado

Background: Autosomal recessive omodysplasia is considered a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by severe micromelia with shortening and distal tapering of the humeri and femora.Objective and hypothesis: To report the prenatal findings of a patient with autosomal recessive omodysplasia, a rare condition characterized by disproportionate short stature.Population and/or methods: We performed a description of the case along with a ...

hrp0086rfc14.4 | Growth : Mechanisms | ESPE2016

Genetic Diagnosis of Congenital Growth Hormone Deficiency by Massive Parallel Sequencing Using a Target Gene Panel

Nakaguma Marilena , de Lima Jorge Alexander Augusto , de Assis Funari Mariana Ferreira , Lerario Antonio Marcondes , de Azevedo Correa Fernanda , de Carvalho Luciani Renata Silveira , de Mendonca Berenice Bilharinho , Arnhold Ivo Jorge Prado

Background: Congenital GH deficiency (GHD) can be isolated (IGHD) or combined with other pituitary hormone deficiencies (CPHD). The identification of mutations has clinical implications for the management of patients and genetic counseling1.Objective: To prospectively conduct a molecular-genetic analysis in genes associated with IGHD or CPHD.Method: Forty patients with IGHD (n=8) or CPHD (n=32) were stu...

hrp0095p1-169 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Analysis of the GHR gene poly¬morphism in a non-disgenetic 46,XY DSD cohort without molecular diagnosis.

Celeste Mattone Maria , Perez Garrido Natalia , Costanzo Mariana , Hidalgo Lorena , Berger Malena , Zoff Luciana , Sonia Baquedano Maria , Ramirez Pablo , Berensztein Esperanza , Ciaccio Marta , Marino Roxana , Belgorosky Alicia , Guercio Gabriela

Background: Being born small for gestational age (SGA) is an associated condition to nonspecific 46,XY DSD (without molecular diagnosis and with no specific disorders of undermasculinization). However, the underlying mechanism of the relationship between the presence of genital abnormalities and intrauterine growth restriction is unknown. The GH-IGF system is crucial for sex differentiation in mice and in humans, members of this system were detected in embryon...