hrp0089p3-p198 | GH & IGFs P3 | ESPE2018

Growth Hormone Deficiency in Neurofibromatosis: Report of Four Cases

Guidoni Elisa , Lotti Federica , Geronzi Ursula , Sorrentino Laura Arianna , Grosso Salvatore , Municchi Giovanna

Introduction: Short stature is frequently associated to neurofibromatosis (NF). In these patients this condition is often caused by growth hormone (GH) deficiency. We describe four boys affected by NF type 1 and GH deficiency treated with GH replacement therapy.Case report: GH deficiency was diagnosed in four patients with NF type 1, who were referred to our Pediatric Endocrinology Unit for short stature. Patient 1 started GH replacement therapy at the C...

hrp0089p3-p232 | Growth & Syndromes P3 | ESPE2018

GH Treatment in Kabuki Syndrome: A Case Report

Guidoni Elisa , Lotti Federica , Geronzi Ursula , Arianna Sorrentino Laura , Grosso Salvatore , Municchi Giovanna

Introduction: Kabuki syndrome (KS) is a rare genetic disorder (1 in 32,000 newborns) caused by mutations in the KMT2D gene (autosomal dominant pattern) or the KDM6A gene (X-linked dominant inheritance). KS is characterized by distinctive facial features including arched eyebrows, long eyelashes, long palpebral fissures with everted lower lids at the outside edges, flat, broadened tip of the nose and large protruding earlobes. The name of this disorder comes from the resemblanc...

hrp0089p3-p233 | Growth & Syndromes P3 | ESPE2018

GH Treatment in Oto-Spondylo-Megaepiphyseal Dysplasia: A Case Report

Guidoni Elisa , Geronzi Ursula , Lotti Federica , Sorrentino Laura Arianna , Grosso Salvatore , Municchi Giovanna

Introduction: The oto-spondylo-megaepiphyseal dysplasia (OSMED) is a rare condition with autosomal recessive inheritance caused by congenital defect in the formation of cartilage collagen. OSMED is caused by mutations in the COL11A2 gene, which encodes the alpha2 chain of XI type collagen, a complex molecule that gives structure and strength to the connective tissues that support the body’s joints and organs. OSMED is characterized by severe sensorineural hearing loss and...

hrp0089p2-p381 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2018

Autoimmune Thyroiditis in Klippel-Feil Syndrome with Arnold Chiari and Syringomyelia

Guidoni Elisa , Lotti Federica , Geronzi Ursula , Arianna Sorrentino Laura , Municchi Giovanna

Introduction: Klippel-Feil Syndrome (KFS), prevalence of 1:40000, is characterized by congenital fusion of cervical vertebrae; three major features are short neck, low hairline at the back of the head and a limited range of motion in the neck. The phenotypic expression is variable, presenting with other vertebral abnormalities (congenital high scapula, scoliosis, kyphosis, spina bifida, hemivertebrae) or extra skeletal symptoms such us deafness, renal, heart or neurological ab...

hrp0089p3-p386 | Thyroid P3 | ESPE2018

Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in a 7 Year Old Boy Presenting with a Goiter Without Microcalcifications and Enlarged Cervical Lymph Nodes

Becker Marianne , Vega Letizia , De Beaufort Carine , Philippe Paul , Kieffer Isabelle

Introduction: Only 1.8% of thyroid malignancies occur during childhood, explaining very limited pediatric data. Most frequent in children are papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), occurring after exposure to radiation, and presenting as a thyroid nodule ± cervical lymph nodes. PTC may present as diffusely infiltrating disease of the thyroid with microcalcifications. We report an uncommon presentation of a PTC in a 7 year old boy.Case report: The boy wa...

hrp0086p2-p428 | Gonads & DSD P2 | ESPE2016

Hematocolpos Revealed by Non-cyclic Lower-back Pain in a Pre-menarcheal Girl

Ly Nathalie , Jaroussie Marianne , Kyheng Christele , De Filippo Gianpaolo , Levy-Zauberman Yael , Fernandez Herve , Duranteau Lise

Background: Hematocolpos is a rare condition in young girls that can be caused by imperforated hymen or vaginal agenesis. It is usually diagnosed at early puberty with cyclic abdominal pain and amenorrhoea. Menarche is usually observed two years after the start of puberty; sometimes pre-menarcheal bleeding can occur, ranging from isolated premature menarche to spotting in course of puberty. In case of imperforated hymen or vaginal anomaly, a pre-menarcheal uterine bleeding can...

hrp0082p1-d2-8 | Adrenals & HP Axis | ESPE2014

Normal Value of Steroids in Amniotic Fluid by LC–MS/MS Method

Plotton Ingrid , Ruet Severine , Rigaud Chantal , Till Marianne , Sanlaville Damien , Morel Yves

Background: Determination of steroids in amniotic fluid (AF; Forest et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1980) has been essentially used in the three past decades for the prenatal diagnosis of 21-OH deficiency. With the recent advances of ultrasound technology (US) and the widespread use of amniocentesis, prenatal diagnosis of DSD appears more common especially if a mismatch between karyotype and external genitalia detected by US occurs. An accurate and specific ...

hrp0082p2-d3-446 | Growth Hormone (2) | ESPE2014

Evaluation of the Safety and Usability of FlexPro® 30 mg/3 ml, for the Delivery of Norditropin® in Patients Requiring GH Therapy

Fuchs Gitte Schoning , Wen Yanhong , Klinck Rasmus , Qvist Marianne , Kappelgaard Anne-Marie

Introduction: This test assessed the safety and usability of FlexPro® 30 mg/3 ml (Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark), a pen-injector for injection of human GH in patients with GH deficiency (GHD), Turner syndrome (TS), Noonan syndrome (NS) and children born small for gestational age (SGA), and validated the instructions for use (IFU) and instructional video.Methods: Children with GHD/SGA or TS/NS, adult patients, caregivers of patients with GHD/S...

hrp0084fc9.6 | Beta cell disorders | ESPE2015

Pharmacokinetics of a New Suspension of Glibenclamide for Use in Young Patients and Infants with Neonatal Diabetes

Beltrand Jacques , Busiah Kanetee , Berdugo Marianne , Treluyer Jean-Marc , Elie Caroline , Polak Michel

Background: Sulfonylurea therapy allows a better metabolic control than insulin in patients with neonatal diabetes secondary to mutation in potassium channel. Its galenic form (tablets) is not suitable for children, as the dosage can’t be easily modulated and as it induces large pharmacokinetics (PK) variations when administer to young children.Objective and hypotheses: To measure relative biodisponibility of a new galenic form of glibenclamide and ...

hrp0084p1-96 | Growth | ESPE2015

Ligase IV Deficiency Syndrome as a Cause of Microcephalic Primordial Dwarfism in Dizygotic Twins

Girardin Celine , Ranza Emmanuelle , Klee Philippe , Dirlewanger Mirjam , Caflisch Marianne , Bottani Armand , Schwitzgebel Valerie

Background: Microcephalic primordial dwarfism (MPD) is a group of rare genetic disorders defined by severe growth restriction of both prenatal and postnatal weight (W), height (H), and particularly head circumference (HC).Objective and hypotheses: To elucidate the genetic origin of the MPD in dizygotic twins.Method: Exome sequencing of 19 genes known to be implicated in microcephaly was performed.Results: Diz...