hrp0095fc10.2 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

The first-year growth response to once-weekly growth hormone (GH) treatment can be predicted from the pre-treatment blood transcriptome in children with GH deficiency (GHD)

Garner Terence , Clayton Peter , Murray Philip , Bagci Ekaterine , Højby Michael , Stevens Adam

Growth response to daily GH treatment can be predicted using pre-treatment gene expression profiles.1 Once-weekly GH treatment potentially reduces the burden of daily injections2 and thus may be a major advancement in care for patients with GHD, vs standard, daily GH treatment. Here we investigate the prediction of first-year growth response based on pre-treatment blood transcriptome in children with GHD undergoing treatment with daily or once-weekly GH. ...

hrp0095p2-145 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

A user-centred approach to improve digital health solutions in patients requiring growth hormone therapy: Results of a participatory workshop

Alherbish Abdullah , Kaplan Walid , Fernandez-Luque Luis , Rivera-Romero Octavio , Tamer Eladly Farag , Martin O. Savage , Koledova Ekaterina

Background: Digital health is becoming increasingly important worldwide. However, there is a lack of research on barriers to the implementation of digital health solutions for growth disorders in the Gulf Region. Participatory research can help to understand barriers faced by different stakeholders, design effective solutions and evaluate their implementation, whilst taking cultural aspects into consideration. Involving clinicians in understanding barriers to ...

hrp0092fc12.5 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Integrated Analysis of Baseline Blood Transcriptome and Genome Identifies Clusters of Turner Syndrome Patients with Different Responses to Recombinant Human Growth Hormone

Sellers Robert , Amin Amina , Patel Kajal , Garner Terence , Whatmore Andrew , Koledova Ekaterina , Murray Philip , Chatelain Pierre , Clayton Peter , Stevens Adam

Responsiveness to recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) treatment in Turner syndrome (TS) is highly variable. Previous research has characterised genetic variants associated with rhGH response but these only have a minor impact. The relationship of these genetic variants to the blood transcriptome is unknown. The aim of this analysis was to relate unsupervised baseline blood transcriptome and genetic data from TS patients to their phenotype, karyotype and responsiveness to r...

hrp0094p1-134 | Growth Hormone and IGFs A | ESPE2021

Starting recombinant human growth hormone treatment at an early age improves adherence and catch-up growth in patients with growth disorders, and highlights the importance of the new guideline on referral of short children to paediatric care

van Dommelen Paula , Zoonen Renate van , Vlasblom Eline , Wit Jan M. , Beltman Maaike , Arnaud Lilian , Koledova Ekaterina ,

Background: The new preventive child health care guideline for referral of short/tall children facilitates early detection of growth disorders. Understanding the impact of early treatment initiation on recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) adherence and catch-up growth can support the use of the guideline.Aim: To evaluate the impact of age at rhGH treatment start on adherence (≥85% vs <85% of prescribed doses...

hrp0095p1-522 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Positive impact of the TuiTek® patient support programme on caregivers of patients receiving treatment for growth hormone deficiency in Argentina

Sordelli Micaela , Debicki Matías , Gonzalez Judit , María Sosa Ana , Hernán Cejas Leopoldo , Ginaca Romina , Jheeta Amrit , Malik Sumaira , Koledova Ekaterina , Assefi Aria

Background: Good adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) is crucial to achieve optimal growth outcomes in children with GH deficiency (GHD). Controlling factors that negatively impact adherence is difficult in clinical practice. In order to obtain a better understanding of caregiver behaviour, an Argentinian patient support programme (PSP) implemented TuiTek®, a personalised programme comprising behavioural change training, call guides...

hrp0086p1-p639 | Growth P1 | ESPE2016

Spanish ECOS Study Analysis: Socioeconomic Data, Adherence and Growth Outcomes with Case Studies

Rodriguez-Arnao Maria , Sanchez Amparo Rodriguez , Lopez Ignacio Diez , Fernandez Joaquin Ramirez , de la Vega Jose Bermudez , Ballano Virginia , Nieto Jenny Alvarez , Koledova Ekaterina

Background: The ECOS observational study in Spain (NCT01376921) aims to evaluate adherence to r-hGH therapy prescribed via the easypod™ electromechanical auto-injector device and to analyse factors that may influence adherence in paediatric patients. Easypod™ administers pre-set doses of Saizen® r-hGH and stores accurate records of each dose and injection taken, which can then be shared with the HCP for evaluation of the patient’s adherence.<...

hrp0097p1-99 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Clinicians’ perceptions on ease of use and usefulness of Aluetta® Smartdot™ and comprehensive digital health ecosystem in Italy to support patients receiving r-hGH treatment

Felicia Faienza Maria , Vergani Edoardo , Di Mase Raffaella , Frasca Francesco , Giavoli Claudia , Klain Antonella , Laura Iezzi Maria , Aversa Antonio , Koledova Ekaterina , Rivera Romero Octavio

Background: Aluetta® Smartdot™ (Merck Healthcare KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) is first of its kind digitally connected smart injection pen device for recombinant-human growth hormone (r-hGH) administration. Aluetta® pen with Smartdot™ knob attachment integrated with Growzen™ digital ecosystem enables healthcare professionals (HCPs) to remotely monitor adherence and achieve optimal clinical outcomes for patients....

hrp0097p1-100 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Exploring healthcare professionals’ attitudes towards digitalization and the perceived usefulness and ease of use of digital solutions in patients receiving growth hormone therapy: Results of a Korean participatory study

Wook Chae Hyun , Rivera Romero Octavio , Kun Cheon Chong , Sang Lee Hae , Kim Jihyun , Eun Moon Jung , Koledova Ekaterina , Sil Oh Eun , Yang Yoo-Jin , Rhie Young-Jun

Background: Aluetta® Smartdot™ (Merck Healthcare KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) is a novel injection device for administering recombinant-human growth hormone (r-hGH), integrated with a smart knob attachment for data transmission that combines ease of use with advanced capabilities. Integration with Growzen™ digital ecosystem empowers healthcare professionals (HCPs) with remote monitoring of patient adherence, thereby promoting optimal cl...

hrp0097p1-299 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Real-world adherence to growth hormone treatment and catch-up growth in children with growth disorders in France: An interim analysis from the SCOPE study

Polak Michel , Bouhours-Nouet Natacha , Tauber Maithé , van Dommelen Paula , Khebbeb Sarah , Castello-Bridoux Claire , De Buyst Valerie , Koledova Ekaterina , Linglart Agnès

Background: The SCOPE French retrospective study follows children affected with growth hormone (GH) disorders treated with recombinant human GH (r-hGH) therapy via the easypod® connected injection device for up to 5 years.Aim: To show the results from an interim analysis of the SCOPE study analysing adherence to r-hGH therapy in a real-world setting and its effect on catch-up growth.Met...

hrp0095p1-305 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Once-Weekly Somapacitan vs Daily Growth Hormone in Children Born Small for Gestational Age: 1-year Results from a Randomised Phase 2 Trial

Juul Anders , Backeljauw Philippe , Bakhtadze Bagci Ekaterine , Højby Michael , Kawai Masanobu , Juul Kildemoes Rasmus , Linglart Agnès , Zuckerman-Levin Nehama , Horikawa Reiko

Treatment of short stature in children born small for gestational age (SGA) requires daily growth hormone (GH) injections that can be burdensome for patients and caregivers. Once-weekly somapacitan is a long-acting GH in phase 3 development for replacement therapy in children with GH deficiency. We report the 52-week results of the first phase 2, multinational, randomised, open-label, controlled, dose-finding trial (NCT03878446) investigating efficacy and safety of somapacitan...