hrp0086p2-p658 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Early Diagnosis and Treatment of a Newborn with POU1F1 Mutation

Bouthors Therese , Antoniou Marie-Christina , Dwyer Andrew , Stoppa-Vaucher Sophie , Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Phan-Hug Franziska , Pitteloud Nelly , Hauschild Michael

Background: POU1F1 encodes a pituitary-specific homeodomain transcription factor that is crucial for development and differentiation of anterior pituitary cell types. Mutations in this gene result in GH, TSH and prolactin (PRL) deficiencies.Objective and hypotheses: To describe a male newborn of a mother with known dominant p.R271W mutation in the POU1F1 gene.Methods: Case report with clinical follow up, endocrine investigations, n...

hrp0082p1-d3-86 | Diabetes (2) | ESPE2014

Implementation of Effective Transition from Paediatric to Adult Diabetes Care with an Outpatient Transition Nurse

Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Aquarone Marie-Paule , Schluter Virginie , Stoppa-Vaucher Sophie , Phan-Hug Franziska , Dwyer Andrew , Pitteloud Nelly , Hauschild Michael

Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder requiring daily care to prevent both acute and chronic complications. Intensive support to facilitate coping and self-care skills is advocated. Healthcare providers are challenged to manage the transition of adolescents from paediatric to adult diabetes services.Objective and hypotheses: While centres providing structured integrated paediatric and adult care seem optimal, many patients op...

hrp0082p1-d1-140 | Growth | ESPE2014

Severe Short Stature and GH Insensitivity Due to a De Novo Heterozygous STAT5B Missense Mutation

Klammt Jurgen , Neumann David , Andrew Shayne F , Drahosova Marcela , Stobbe Heike , Buckham Kyle , Rosenfeld Ron G , Pfaffle Roland , Hwa Vivian

Background: GH insensitivity is caused by disturbances of GH receptor function or inability to transduce the hormone signal. Affected children are severely growth retarded and may also present immune complications when the transducer STAT5B is defective. Only autosomal-recessive STAT5B mutations have been described to date.Clinical case: Two male 14.5 year monozygotic twins presented with heights of 131.5 cm (−5.3 SDS). Bone age of the ind...

hrp0082p2-d3-500 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology | ESPE2014

The Contribution of Maternal Malaria Exposure and Metabolic Markers to Change in Blood Pressure in Nigerian Children over the First 3 Years of Life

Farikullah-Mirza Jasmin , Whatmore Andrew , Ayoola Omolola , Omotade Olayemi , Butcher Imogen , Soran Handrean , Cruickshank Kennedy , Clayton Peter

Background: In Nigeria, where malaria is endemic, hypertension is common. We reported that exposure to maternal malaria resulted in smaller babies with lower BP at birth, but a greater change (Δ) in BP to 12 months of age.Objective and hypotheses: To now present BP measurements out to 3 years of age.Method: Height, weight, and blood pressure (BP) were measured on 164 babies (75 males and 89 females) at birth, 12, 24, and 36 mo...

hrp0084fc4.1 | Growth | ESPE2015

Heterozygous Dominant Negative STAT5B Variants associated with Short Stature and GH Insensitivity

Pease-Gevers Evelien , Neumann David , Klammt Jurgen , Andrew Shayne , Kowalczyk Julia , Metherell Lou , Dattani Mehul , Hwa Vivian

Background: Homozygous mutations in STAT5B result in GH insensitivity and immune dysfunction. Heterozygous dominant negative mutations have not been described.Aims and objectives: To characterize genomic STAT5B DNA in two families exhibiting short stature.Methods: Sanger sequencing of STAT5B from genomic DNA. Mutant STAT5B constructs were expressed in HEK293 cells.Results: ...

hrp0084fc9.4 | Beta cell disorders | ESPE2015

Novel Molecular Mechanisms of Congenital Hyperinsulinism due to Autosomal Dominant Mutations in ABCC8

Nessa Azizun , Aziz Qadeer , Thomas Alison , Harmer Stephen , Flanagan Sarah , Ellard Sian , Kapoor Ritika , Tinker Andrew , Hussain Khalid

Background: Dominant mutations in ABCC8 can cause congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI), which is characterised by unregulated insulin secretion.Objective and hypotheses: To understand the molecular basis of medically unresponsive CHI due to dominant ABCC8 mutations.Method: We investigated ten patients with diazoxide unresponsive CHI who required a near total pancreatectomy. DNA sequencing revealed seven dominant heter...

hrp0084p2-315 | DSD | ESPE2015

Chimerism in a Teenager with Ovotesticular Disorder of Sexual Development

Buzduga Mihaela , Meyrat Blaise , Typaldou Sofia Anna , Estremadoyro Vanina , Maestre Leonor Alamo , Dwyer Andrew , Pitteloud Nelly , Phan-Hug Franziska

Background: Chimerism is the phenomenon of two or more genetically distinct cell lines (originating from different zygotes) in the same individual. In situations when the sex of the fertilised eggs is disparate, it can lead to intersex phenotypes.Objective and hypotheses: We report a case of ovotesticular disorder of sexual development with chimerism resulting from a twin pregnancy (not involving assisted reproductive technologies).<p class="abstext"...

hrp0084p2-486 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Transient Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia in Association with a Novel ABCC8 Mutation: Expanding the Clinical Phenotypes

Arya Ved Bhushan , Aziz Qadeer , Mohamed Zainaba , Flanagan Sarah E. , Ellard Sian , Ehtisham Sarah , Tinker Andrew , Hussain Khalid

Background: Hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia (HH) can be transient or permanent. Transient HH (spontaneous resolution of HH within few weeks) is associated with intrauterine growth restriction, maternal diabetes, erythroblastosis fetalis etc. Transient HH has not been reported with ABCC8/KCNJ11 mutations, which are the commonest cause of HH.Aim: Molecular characterisation of a novel ABCC8 mutation associated with a transient HH phenotype seen in a family ...

hrp0084p2-534 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Evaluation of Body Proportions in Children with Precocious or Delayed Puberty

Wagner Anaelle , Phan-Hug Franziska , Stoppa-Vaucher Sophie , Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Dwyer Andrew , Pichard Silvia , Pitteloud Nelly , Hauschild Michael

Background: Over the past 20 years there is growing evidence that onset of puberty and changes in body proportions occur at an earlier age, especially in girls. Several studies have suggested this trend is linked to increasing rates of overweight and obese children. However, data on delayed pubertal trends are scant.Objective and hypotheses: To characterize body proportions of children evaluated for pubertal disorders.Method: Retro...

hrp0084p3-727 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Single Centre Experience of Neonatal Diabetes

Nagesh V Sri , Hattersley Andrew , Ellard Sian , Sethi Bipin Kumar , Kanithi Ravishankar , Nalli Ravi Kumar , Kelwade Jayant , Parekh Harsh

Background: 6 patients with neonatal diabetes presenting to a single centre from April 2014 to March 2015 were studied for clinical presentation, biochemical findings of the disorder, genetics and treatment outcomes.Objective and hypotheses: Six children presenting to a single centre in South India were studied for correlation of disease with clinical features and genetics, suitability of current treatment regimens and treatment outcomes.<p class="ab...