hrp0084p2-447 | Growth | ESPE2015

SHOX Mutation Spectrum in an Unbiased Cohort of 585 Patients Referred for Leri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis or Idiopathic Short Stature

Belinchon Alberta , Benito-Sanz Sara , de la Torre Carolina , Barreda-Bonis Ana C , Gonzalez-Casado Isabel , Heath Karen E

Background: SHOX encodes a transcription factor implicated in skeletal development. Approximately 70% and ~2.5% of Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (LWD) and idiopathic short stature (ISS) patients, respectively, have a defect in SHOX or its regulatory regions.Objective and hypotheses: i) To perform SHOX mutation screening in a cohort of 585 patients referred with a clinical suspicion of LWD or ISS. ii) To determine which is the <e...

hrp0089p2-p274 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

KBG Syndrome: Our Experience and Unreported Clinical Features

Scarano Emanuela , Tassone Martina , Tamburrino Federica , Graziano Claudio , Perri Annamaria , Stefanelli Francesca , Vestrucci Benedetta , Mazzanti Laura

KBG syndrome (OMIM 148050) is a an emerging autosomal dominant disorder caused by heterozygous mutations in the ANKRD11 gene or deletions of 16q24.3, characterized by developmental delay, short stature, dysmorphic facial features and skeletal anomalies. Patients and methods: We report 22 patients with dysmorphic features, learning disabilities, behavior problems and macrodontia, where a clinical diagnosis of KBG was suspected. An ANKRD11 defect was confirmed in 12 patients. In...

hrp0095p2-13 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Failure to Thrive as A Manifestation of Neonatal Cushing.

Isabel Scheidt Maria , de Assis Galan Camila , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antonio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme

Failure to thrive is a term used to describe inadequate growth or the inability to maintain growth, which usually occurs in early childhood. Case report: female patient, 7 months old, referred to the pediatric clinic of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre due to a possible syndromic condition. He had no diagnosed comorbidity to date and was using only prophylactic ferrous sulfate and vitamin D. No family history of similar illness. Physical examination showed hypertric...

hrp0097p2-77 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Massive adrenocortical carcinoma with right atrium invasion in a two-year old girl with li fraumeni syndrome – possibility of succesful ressection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Reis Krämmer Bárbara , Faviero de Vasconcellos Natália , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antônio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila

Background: In Brazil, specially in the south, there is a high prevalence of p53 mutations – 1:300 compared to 1:5000-1:20000 incidence worldwide. (1) As a consequence, adrenocortical carcinoma as a cause of virilization in children is much more common in our practice.Clinical Case: M.P.O., a 32-month-old girl, was referred to our institution - Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - in May 2022 due to progre...

hrp0097p2-78 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Massive adrenocortical carcinoma with right atrium invasion in a two-year old girl with Li Fraumeni syndrome – possibility of succesful ressection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Reis Krämmer Bárbara , Faviero de Vasconcellos Natália , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antônio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila

Background: In Brazil, specially in the south, there is a high prevalence of p53 mutations – 1:300 compared to 1:5000-1:20000 incidence worldwide. (1) As a consequence, adrenocortical carcinoma as a cause of virilization in children is much more common in our practice.Clinical Case: M.P.O., a 32-month-old girl, was referred to our institution - Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - in May 2022 due to progre...

hrp0097p2-103 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Clitoromegaly as a manifestation of neurofibromatosis type 1

Faviero de Vasconcellos Natália , Reis Krämmer Bárbara , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antônio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila

Background: Clitoromegaly usually is a sign of virilization, and should lead to prompt evaluation in order to allow adequate treatment. Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a syndrome characterized by pigmentary changes, development of benign tumors of peripheral nerve and increased risk of other malignant tumors.Clinical Case: A five year old female patient was referred to the pediatric clinic of Hospital de Clínicas de Por...

hrp0092ha1 | Development of Testicular Organoids to Understand Disorders of Sex Development | ESPE2019

Development of Testicular Organoids to Understand Disorders of Sex Development

Eozenou Caroline , McElreavey Ken , Bashamboo Anu

Disorders of sex development (DSD) constitute an array of rare disorders affecting the genito-urinary tract and the endocrine-reproductive system and are often identified in the newborn or adolescent. Gene mutations causing DSD are slowly being identified using high-throughput sequencing, but the interpretation of the data and ascribing causality to novel variants is challenging. This is because DSD mutations occur in multiple genes with each gene affecting a small number of i...

hrp0084p3-1207 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Neonatal Hyperthyrotropinaemia – Watchful Waiting vs Treatment: Experiences from a Tertiary Centre

Ponmani Caroline , Peters Catherine , Langham Shirley

Background: Neonatal hyperthyrotropinaemia (HT) is defined by elevated TSH and normal fT4. HT is an increasingly common diagnosis and may be transient or permanent. There is a often a diagnostic dilemma whether to treat to prevent subclincal hypothyroidism or to wait thereby avoiding the risks of iatrogenic hyperthyroidism.Objective and hypotheses: To examine a large population of infants referred to a tertiary centre over one year and determi...

hrp0082fc5.2 | Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2014

Mutations in the Maternally Imprinted Gene MKRN3 are a Frequent Cause of Familial Central Precocious Puberty

Mekhail Nancy , Ba Ibrahima , Simon Dominique , Paulsen Anne , Zenaty Delphine , Houang Muriel , Jesuran-Perelroizan Monique , de Filippo Gianpaolo , Salerno Maria Carolina , Carel Jean-Claude , Leger Juliane , de Roux Nicolas

Background: Recently, mutations in the maternally imprinted MKRN3 gene have been associated to familial idiopathic central precocious puberty (iPPC). The clinical phenotype and the frequency of these mutations are poorly described.Objective and hypotheses: Delineate the frequency of MKRN3 mutations in iPPC and perform a genotype–phenotype correlation in MKRN3 mutated patients.Method: 59 index cases with iPPC have been included...

hrp0092p2-61 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Genetic Evaluation

Castro-Feijoo Lidia , de la Torre Marina , Cabanas Paloma , Pino Jesus , Pombo Manuel , Barreiro Jesus , Loidi Lourdes

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare, hereditary bone dysplasia with a broad clinical spectrum that includes skeletal and extra-skeletal manifestations. It is genetically heterogeneous and there are multiple described mutations that explain the clinical variability of this entity and make it difficult to establish a genotype-phenotype correlation.Objectives: To evaluate the clinical and genetic characteristics of the patient with OI.</...