hrp0086p2-p504 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2016

Analysis of Circulating miRNAs in Obese Children Born Small for Gestational Age

Faienza Maria Felicia , Marzano Flaviana , Inzaghi Elena , Annese Anita , Caratozzolo Mariano Francesco , D'Erchia Annamaria , Chiara Matteo , Horner David , Sbisa Elisabetta , Cavallo Luciano , Pesole Graziano , Tullo Apollonia , Cianfarani Stefano

Background: Children born small for gestational age (SGA) are at increased risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes in adulthood, due to reprogramming of endocrine and metabolic functions. Dysregulation of specific miRNAs in response to genetic and environmental factors contribute to aberrant gene expression patterns underlying metabolic dysfunction.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to identify miRNAs associated with increased risk of obesity ...

hrp0092fc5.2 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

Lower Proportion of CD19+IL-10+ and CD19+CD24hiCD27+ IL-10+, but not CD1d+CD5+CD19+CD24+CD27+ IL-10+ B Cells in Children with Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases

Stozek Karolina , Grubczak Kamil , Marolda Viviana , Eljaszewicz Andrzej , Moniuszko Marcin , Bossowski Artur

Introduction: Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) and Graves' disease (GD) become increasingly common in children's population. Pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) bases on coexistence of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers which finally drive to breakdown of immune tolerance. Many mechanisms in human body moderate process of inflammation. While some of them answer for up-regulation, some agents like B regulatory lymphocytes (...

hrp0095p2-30 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Long QT revealing hypoparathyroidism in a B thalassemic major

Khensal Sabrina , Bouhelassa Amina , Benmohammed Karima , Nouri Nassim

Introduction: Beta thalassemia major (BTM), a hereditary haemoglobinopathy due to a deficiency in the synthesis of beta-globin, leads in the homozygous state to severe anemia requiring regular transfusions associated with chelator treatment. The endocrine complications encountered in BTM, secondary to martial overload by direct damage to the glandular parenchyma, continue to be observed in our consultations, although early and well-managed chelation can reduce...

hrp0092s4.1 | ISPAD/Complications of Type 1 Diabetes | ESPE2019

Hypoglycemia in Children with T1D: Past, Present, and Future

Maahs David

Among the many complications of type 1 diabetes (T1D), hypoglycemia is an acute concern for children with T1D and their families. Moreover, fear of hypoglycemia is a common barrier to achieving glucose targets. Numerous advances in care have been made since the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial was published in 1993 in which lower HbA1c was associated with increasing risk of severe hypoglycemia. More recent data indicate that lower HbA1c (7% ISPAD target) can be ach...

hrp0089s6.2 | Molecular Mechanisms of Tissue Sensitivity to Glucocorticoids: Potential Clinical Implications | ESPE2018

Immune Regulation by Glucocorticoids

Ray David

Glucocorticoids (cortisol in humans, corticosterone in rodents) are critical regulators of energy metabolism and immunity. Their secretion by the adrenal gland follows a circadian pattern, with serum concentrations peaking before the active phase (day in humans, night in rodents). Synthetic glucocorticoids are the most potent anti-inflammatory agents known, and are widely used therapeutically, with >1% of the UK population holding a prescription long-term. However, frequen...

hrp0086s8.3 | Stem cells in endocrine organs | ESPE2016

Hubs in the Pancreas

Hodson David

Background: The arrangement of beta cells within islets of Langerhans produces a gain-of-function in insulin release through the generation of rhythmic activity patterns. A privileged role for individual beta cells in orchestrating these responses has long-been suspected, but not directly examined.Objective and hypotheses: Identify and characterize a rare subpopulation of beta cells tasked with pacemaking insulin release.Method: Op...

hrp0084p2-530 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus with Partial Response to Ddavp Caused by a Novel AVPR2 Splice Site Mutation

Schernthaner-Reiter Marie Helene , Adams David , Nilsson Ola , Trivellin Giampaolo , Ramnitz Mary Scott , Raygada Margarita , Golas Gretchen , Faucz Fabio R. , Dileepan Kavitha , Lodish Maya B. , Lee Paul R. , Markello Thomas C. , Tifft Cynthia J. , Gahl William A. , Stratakis Constantine A.

Background: Congenital diabetes insipidus (DI) can be due to mutations in the arginine vasopressin (AVP) gene (familial neurohypophyseal DI), the AVP receptor type 2 (AVPR2) or aquaporin 2 (AQP2) genes (congenital nephrogenic DI, NDI). The clinical manifestation of congenital NDI, especially the response to AVP, can vary greatly depending on the functional effect of the AVPR2 mutation. Here we present two male siblings with NDI and partial response to ddAVP.<p class="abste...

hrp0095p1-175 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Primary Ovarian Failure as a Result of Homozygous Mutations in MCM10 Gene

Landau Zohar , Florsheim Natan , Simon Itamar , Kramer Joyce , Renbaum Pinchas , Levy-Lahad Efrat , Zangen David

Background: Primary ovarian failure is (POF) characterised by primary amenorrhoea or early menopause in females. Minichromosome maintenance 10 (MCM10) is a gene involved in DNA damage repair, DNA replication and chromatin formation has received attention as a potential genetic etiology for neoplastic disease. Drosophila with mutated MCM10 have subfertility and dysfunction in female germline development. In humans, biallelic mutations of the MCM10 causes NK cel...

hrp0092p1-258 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty (1) | ESPE2019

Novel Pubertal References for Girls Using Ultrasound to Stage Breast Development. The Bergen Growth Study 2

Bruserud Ingvid S. , Roelants Mathieu , Oehme Ninnie HB , Madsen André , Eide Geir Egil , Rosendahl Karen , Júlíusson Pétur B.

Background: Using ultrasound to examine the glandular breast tissue is a promising method for staging pubertal breast development. However, breast ultrasound for this purpose has not been explored in a large sample of healthy girls in different developmental stages, and normative data have been unavailable.Objective: To present novel pubertal references for breast ultrasound stages, Tanner breast (B) and pubic hair (PH) ...

hrp0084p3-1157 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Assessment of Endocrine Function in Egyptian Adolescent B-Thalassemia Major Patients

Dayem Soha Abd El , Kader Mona Abd El

Objective: To evaluate the endocrine function among Egyptian adolescent thalassemic patients.Patients and methods: 54 patients and 28 age-matched normal controls was included. Anthropometric measurements, clinical pubertal assessment were done for all patients. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was done to all patients and controls with measuring serum insulin level at 0.120 minutes. Insulin sensitivity and release index were calculated. 32 patients had...