hrp0097p2-240 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes Case With Positive Diabetes-Associated Antibodies

Hürmüzlü Közler Selen , Koçyiğit Esra , Sarı Ersöz Hilal , Gürpınar Gözde , Kilci Fatih , Jones Jeremy , Mine Çizmecioğlu Jones Filiz

Introduction: Fulminant type 1 diabetes (FT1D) occurs because of a sudden and almost total destruction of pancreatic β-cells, triggered by a viral infection. FT1DM may cause diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and even sudden death. Thus prompt diagnosis is vital.Case Report: Antibiotic treatment was started for a 4-year-old female patient because of a fever and cough. On the second day of treatment, she was admitted with r...

hrp0097p2-150 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

46,XY disorders of sex development associated with MAP3K1variants: Case and review of the literature.

Koçyiğit Esra , Hürmüzlü Gözler Selen , Gürpınar Gözde , Kilci Fatih , Mine Çizmecioğlu Jones Filiz

The genetic causes of 46, XY disorders of sex development (DSD) are mostly unknown, having been identified in only 20-35%. Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1, part of the MAPK signaling pathway, which controls testicular development, is one of the etiological genetic pathways. Here, we present a case of 46, XY DSD with heterozygous MAP3K1 variant. A 6-month-old baby was referred to pediatric endocrinology because of ambiguous genitalia. They were born by C-section at 28 weeks ...

hrp0095p1-361 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Blue Light Exposure and Exposure Duration Effects on Rats' Puberty Process

Kılınç Uğurlu Aylin , Bideci Aysun , Mürşide Demirel Ayşe , Take Kaplanoğlu Gülnur , Dayanır Duygu , Gülbahar Özlem , Saadet Deveci Bulut Tuba , Döğer Esra , Orhun Çamurdan M.

Introduction: In the last 10 years, blue light (BL) sources such as tablets and phones has increased in every age group. Especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic, screen exposure has also increased in childhood. However, the effects of BL exposure in the puberty process aren’t clear. We aimed to examine the effect of BL exposure and exposure time on pubertyMethods: Immature eighteen 21-day-old female Sprague Dawley ...

hrp0095p1-566 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Cystic Giant Prolactinoma in Childhood:

kinali ÇetİN Yasemin , Özgün Böcek Alp , DÖĞER Esra , POYRAZ Aylar , GÜÇLÜ PINARLI Faruk , SOLMAZ Nihan , BİDECİ Aysun , Orhun ÇAMURDAN Mahmut

Giant prolactinomas are rare tumours, with a prevalence of 0.5–4.4% among all pituitary tumours. In the literature, relatively few series describing their management and outcomes are available; moreover, only individual case reports of giant prolactinomas in children have been documented. We report a 10-year-old boy presented with painless progressive vision loss, insidious in onset, and bitemporal headache of six mounths duration. On physical examination; height: 134.2 ...

hrp0092p2-103 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2019

Evaluation of the Association of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody and Limbic Encephalitis in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Ugurlu Aylin Kilinç , Bideci Aysun , Arhan Ebru , Döger Esra , Serdaroglu Ayse , Tekin Orgun Leman , Soysal Acar Azime Sebnem , Çamurdan Orhun , Cinaz Peyami , Gücüyener Kivilcim

Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) is the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of L-glutamat into GABA, one of the classical neurotransmitters with neuroinhibitory function. GAD is present in GABAergic neurons and in pancreatic beta cells. It is remarkable that Anti-GAD antibody(Anti-GADab) can have different disease manifestations, i.e., Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), Stiff-Person Syndrome, limbic encephalitis (LE), epilepsy. Cooccurence of T1DM and LE is reported in the lit...

hrp0092p3-202 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

A Case Of Syndromic Hypopituitarism

Kaygusuz Sare Betul , Arslan Ateş Esra , Kirkgöz Tarik , Eltan Mehmet , Abali Zehra Yavas , Helvacioğlu Didem , Seven Menevse Tuba , Tosun Busra Gurpinar , Tutar Engin , Volkan Burcu , Tuney Davut , Turan Serap , Bereket Abdullah , Guran Tulay

Objectives: Forkhead box A2 (Foxa2) is a transcription factor that plays a key role in foregut, pancreatic and central nervous system development. Here, we describe a 7 years old boy whose phenotype is consistent with FOXA2 defect.Case: A 3 months old boy was referred for recurrent hypoglycemic events. He was born to unrelated parents at term with a birth weight of 3690 gr. At 6 hours of life he had severe hypoglycemia (...

hrp0089p2-p300 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P2 | ESPE2018

Somatostatin Experiment in Prohormone Convertase Deficiency

Eğritaş Odul , Uğurlu Aylin Kılınc , Doğer Esra , Demet Akbaş Emine , Bideci Aysun , Dalgıc Buket , Camurdan Orhun , Cinaz Peyami

Introduction: Prohormone convertase (PC) is a calcium-dependent serine endoprotease. PC 1/3 is responsible for converting hormones and neuropeptitids which has role on energy homeostasis, food intake,glucose metabolism (a-MSH, CART, NPY, AgRP, Orexin, Hypocretin, Ghrelin, insulin, cholecystokinin, GLP-1, GHRH, GnRH, ACTH, TRH) from proforms to active form. PC 1/3 deficiency’s clinical signs are diarrhea that started in the newborn period, obesity, hypoglycemia, multiple ...

hrp0086p2-p70 | Adrenal P2 | ESPE2016

Vitamin D Insufficiency is Related to Premature Adrenarche

Akin Onur , Doğer Esra , Bideci Aysun , Akbaş Emine Demet , Uğurlu Aylin Kılınc , Yavuz Suleyman Tolga , Elbeğ Şehri , Camurdan Orhun , Cinaz Peyami

Background: Vitamin D, mainly important in calcium phosphate homeostasis and bone health, has been recently suggested as an important factor in pathogenesis of numerous chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between PCOS and premature adrenarche (PA), suggested as predictor of PCOS.Method: A ...

hrp0094fc4.5 | Diabetes | ESPE2021

Molecular Genetic Diagnosis and Research of Candidate Genes by Targeted Next Generation Sequence Analysis and Whole Exome Sequencing Method in Monogenic Diabetes: MODY-TURK Project

Gokşen Damla , Evin Ferda , Işık Esra , Ozen Samim , Atik Tahir , Ozkınay Ferda , Akcan Neşe , Ozkan Behzat , Buyukinan Muammer , Ozbek Mehmet Nuri , Darcan Şukran , Onay Huseyin ,

Introduction: MODY; is a rare type of diabetes that occurs clinically and genetically due to a single heterogeneous gene defect. To date, 14 different genes have been identified. In order to develop a holistic genetic diagnosis approach to monogenic DM, it is aimed to investigate molecular genetic diagnosis and responsible candidate genes with targeted new generation sequence analysis and whole exome sequencing (WES) method.Metho...

hrp0097fc13.6 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty 2 | ESPE2023

Effects of Blue Light Exposure and Exposure Duration on Male Rats Puberty Process

KilinÇ Uğurlu Aylin , B&idot;dec&idot; Aysun , Mürşide DEMİREL Ayşe , Take kaplanoğlu Gülnur , dayanir Duygu , Gülbahar Özlem , Saadet Devec&idot; Bulut Tuba , DÖĞer Esra , ÇAmurdan M. Orhun

Purpose: Our study aimed to examine the effects of blue light exposure on prepubertal male rats’ puberty and testis tissue.Methods: Eighteen 21-day-old male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into three groups consisting of six rats in each group: Control Group (CG), Blue Light-6 hours (BL-6), and Blue Light-12 hours (BL-12). CG rats were maintained with 12/12-hour light-dark cycles. The rats of BL-6 and BL-12 were e...