hrp0092p3-191 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Hormone-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas in Children and Adolescents

Akulevich Natallia , Kuzmenkova Elena , Zhuravlev Vladimir , Solntsava Anzhalika

Background: Hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas in children and adolescents are rare.Methods: We report clinical course, management and outcome of 6 cases diagnoses in 2013-2019.Results: Patients (3M, 3F), aged 9,5 – 16,5 years at referral. In them, 3 ACTH-secreting adenomas (ACTHA) and 3 prolactinomas (PROLA) were recognized. The family history for endocrine tumors was negat...

hrp0092p3-289 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Quality of Life of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes

Markosyan Renata , Aghajanova Elena , Navasardyan Lusine , Bayburdyan Gayane

The objective of the study was to evaluate the Pediatric Quality of Life (PedsQL) of children from 8-12 y/o with T1DM, to compare PedsQL perceived by their parents, to understand gender and other factors influence on PedsQL and disease management.We conducted a prospective non-randomized cross-sectional study. Children with T1DM were identified from pediatric endocrinology department registries. The onset of diabetes had to be more than 6 months. All con...

hrp0089fc11.1 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism 2 | ESPE2018

Successful Immune Tolerance Induction in the First Case of Neutralizing Antibody Mediated Loss of Efficacy of Asfotase Alfa Treatment in Hypophosphatasia

Martos-Moreno Gabriel A , Gonzalez-Vicent Marta , Sebastian Elena , Argente Jesus

Introduction: Generation of neutralizing antibodies (Nab) is a complication in enzyme replacement therapies and can lead to loss of treatment efficacy. Asfotase alfa (AA) was recently approved as the first replacement therapy in severe hypophosphatasia (congenital deficiency of alkaline phosphatase [TNSALP]). We report a case of neutralizing antibody mediated loss of efficacy of AA treatment in hypophosphatasia and the successful result of immune tolerance ind...

hrp0089p3-p026 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P3 | ESPE2018

Rare Case of Androgen Producing Tumor in 14 Month Old Girl

Kheladze Nino , Lundberg Elena , Totogashvili Nino , Tkeshelalashvili Tinatin

Background: Adrenocortical tumors (ACT) are rare in children. Mostly occurs in younger age, before 4 years and predominantly in girls. ACT represents 1.3% of all carcinomas in paediatric age group and 0.2% of all pediatric neoplasms.Case report: 14 month old girl presented with signs of progressive hirsutism started first few months of life. She was referred to our clinic due to suspect diagnosis of virilizing CAH. Physical exams showed virilization in c...

hrp0089p3-p078 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Characteristics of MODY-GCK Diabetes in Children and Adolescents in Siberia

Ovsyannikova Alla , Rymar Oksana , Shakhtshneider Elena , Ivanoshchuk Dinara

The purpose: To identify the clinical features of MODY-GCK diabetes which we need to follow of this group of patients.Materials and methods: We examined 35 patients under the age of 18 years with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Inclusion criteria were: diagnosed carbohydrate metabolism disorder or diabetes mellitus (DM), normal weight, family history of diabetes, no antibodies, normal or slightly decreased C-peptide level for at least 2 years, absence ...

hrp0089p3-p079 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Clinical Case of MODY-GCK Diabetes: Heterogeneity of Course among Relatives from One Family

Ovsyannikova Alla , Rymar Oksana , Shakhtshneider Elena , Ivanoshchuk Dinara , Voevoda Mikhail

We described a family in which MODY-GCK was detected in 6 people and its course varied.Materials and methods: The diagnosis of GCK-MODY was verified by the proband and his relatives on the basis of direct automatic sequencing and sequencing by Sanger.Results: Proband – a boy of 12 years, diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 is diagnosed at the age of 11 years. He felt polydipsia, polyuria. Body weight was normal, he has not any disea...

hrp0089p2-p236 | GH & IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction Final Height in Children with growth Hormone Deficiency

Gavrilova Anna , Nagaeva Elena , Rebrova Olga , Shiryaeva Tatiana , Peterkova Valentina

Background: Mathematical models predicting final height (FH) and its standard deviation score (SDS) in children with growth hormone deficiency is an important tool for clinicians to manage treatment process. Previously developed models do not have enough accuracy or are not good enough for practical use.Objective and hypotheses: We used four binary and seven continuous predictors available at the time of diagnosis and start of therapy and developed multi...

hrp0089p2-p334 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

Hypertension During GNRH Analogues Therapy in a 10-year-old Girl

Barreca Massimo , Carboni Elena , Scavone Maria , Giancotti Laura , Miniero Roberto

We report a case of a 10-year-old girl born at 41st week and spontaneous birth, in therapy with analogous GnRH for idiopathic central puberty. At 4 years bilateral thelarche, performed first and second level investigations and recives diagnosis of early idiopathic central puberty. Since then, therapy with triptorelin 3.75 mg i.m every 21 days was administrated. Regular checks, good compliance, and response to therapy. At 10 years old recurring episodes of headache and vertigo....

hrp0089p3-p322 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P3 | ESPE2018

New Method of Surgical Correction of Female Hypospadias in Girls with Disorders of Sex Development and Stenosis of Artificial Introitus

Anikief Alexander , Brovin Dmitriy , Volodko Elena , Okulov Alexey

Introduction: Female hypospadias (FH) is one of disorders of sex development signs (DSD). Short and wide urethra that opens into the vagina predisposes to occurrence of recurrent infection of urinary tract, vaginal voiding and postoperative narrowing of artificial vaginal introitus (AVI).Aim: Improve the results of correction FH with stenosis AVI using reintroitoplasty separating the urinary and genital tracts in patients with DSD....

hrp0089p3-p375 | Thyroid P3 | ESPE2018

Congenital Hypothyroidism – Diagnose Early and Keep Going

Sergeyev Elena , Sloltze Anette , Kiess Wieland , Pfaeffle Roland , Koerner Antje

Background: Serious mental and physical retardation are sequelae of untreated congenital hypothyroidism. These complications have become rare since the introduction of neonatal screening in Germany.Case report: Here we report about a girl with congenital hypothyroidism, who suffered from extreme short and thickset stature, rough facial features and straw-like hair at the age of 12 years. She had been detected in newborn screening with a TSH of 132 IU/ml....