hrp0086p1-p489 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Impact of a Group-based Treatment Program on Adipocytokines, Oxidative status, Inflammatory Cytokines, and Pulse Wave Velocity in Obese Children and Adolescents

Santiprabhob Jeerunda , Limprayoon Kawewan , Aanpreung Prapun , Charoensakdi Ratiya , Kalpravidh Ruchaneekorn W. , Phonrat Benjaluck , Tungtrongchitr Rungsunn

Background: The link between obesity and dysregulation of adipocytokines, inflammatory cytokines, and oxidative status has been found to underline the pathogenesis of obesity-related complications, such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.Objective and hypotheses: The objectives were i) to evaluate the effect of a group-based lifestyle modification program on adipocytokines, inflammatory cytokines, oxidative status, and brachial-ankle pulse wav...

hrp0095fc6.5 | Sex Development and Gonads | ESPE2022

Phenotypes in a large international cohort of individuals with SF-1/NR5A1 variants

Kouri Chrysanthi , Sommer Grit , Martinez de Lapiscina Idoia , Tack Lloyd , Cools Martine , E Flück Christa , study group SF1next

Background: Loss of function variants in Steroidogenic Factor 1 (NR5A1/SF-1) lead to a broad spectrum of phenotypes, but data on the whole picture of phenotypes are currently lacking. We aimed to investigate the phenotype of individuals with SF-1 variants in a large international cohort.Methods: We identified the individuals through the international I-DSD network and through contacting researchers from previous publicat...

hrp0089p3-p408 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P3 | ESPE2018

Genetic Testing by SNP Array Analysis in A Group of Romanian Patients with Disorders of Sexual Development

Miclea Diana , Alkhzouz Camelia , Bucerzan Simona , Cret Victoria , Puiu Maria , Grigorescu-Sido Paula

Context: Disorders of sexual development (DSD) are those medical conditions with abnormalities of sex chromosomes, gonads, internal ducts or external genitalia. Sex determination and differentiation is a process under genetic control, only partially explained. Genetic testing and identification of a cause in DSD is essential for a precise diagnosis and correct management and also has an important psychosocial motivation.Aim: To make a genomic analyse, us...

hrp0086p2-p175 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Assessing the Serum Levels of Ferritin and Selenium in Three Important Infections of Childhood, Compared to a Control Group

Soheilipour Fahimeh , Noorbakhsh Samileh , Javadnia Shima , Jesmi Fatemeh , Pishgahroudsari Mohadeseh , Mohammadi Gholamreza

Background: Micronutrients play a fundamental role not only in general health, but also in treatment and protection of various diseases. Selenium and iron are two of the five major elements, aside from vitamins, detected as anti-oxidant agents, widely used with the aim of preventing diseases.Objective and hypotheses: The purpose of this study is to evaluate serum levels of selenium and ferritin in acute infections of childhood.Meth...

hrp0082p3-d1-761 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity | ESPE2014

25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Deficiency and its Relationship to Obesity and Other Risk Factors in a Group of Iranian Children and Adolescents

Moayeri Heshmat , Ghasemzadeh Maral

Background: There is increasing evidence of vitamin D deficiency world-wide resulting in nutritional rickets. With increasing use of fast foods and reducing appropriate physical activity. Our world is encountered with the problem of obesity which increases the risk of 25-hyroxy vitamin D deficiency.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study was to determine the status of serum 25(OH)D level in children 2–14 years old who visited in a pediatric ...

hrp0092p1-175 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism (1) | ESPE2019

Rare Causes of Osteogenesis Imperfecta are Common in Consanguineous Pedigrees

Kaygusuz Sare Betul , Arman Ahmet , Abali Saygin , Ata Pinar , Kirkgoz Tarik , Eltan Mehmet , Abali Zehra Yavas , Helvacioglu Didem , Tosun Busra Gurpinar , Menevse Tuba Seven , Guran Tulay , Bereket Abdullah , Turan Serap

Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is characterized by low bone mass and bone fragility mainly due to COL1A1/COL1A2 gene defects. However, >17 genes have been identified in the pathogenesis of OI. Here, we aim to characterize genotypic spectrum of our OI cohort.Methods: Forty-nine OI patients (28 males) from 38 different families (13 consanguineous/9 multiplex) were screened with the next-gene...

hrp0095p2-289 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Retrospective assessment of malignant thyroid nodules in a group of polish children and adolescents involving elastography

Borysewicz-Sańczyk Hanna , Sawicka Beata , Karny Agata , Bossowski Filip , Marcinkiewicz Katarzyna , Rusak Aleksandra , Dzięcioł Janusz , Bossowski Artur

Introduction: Thyroid nodules occur in 1.8% children which is not so often in comparison to adults (19–68%), but in children they appear to be at higher risk of malignancy (22–26% vs.5–10% respectively). It has been shown that the probability of thyroid nodules malignancy correlates with the presence of characteristic ultrasonographic features. Elastography - the noninvasive ultrasound imaging technique based on estimation of the tissue flexi...

hrp0089p3-p318 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P3 | ESPE2018

SIG (Special Interest Group)-ENDOPED/RUTE (Brazil): Seven Years Integrating Pediatric Endocrinology Centers throughout the Country

Arrais Ricardo Fernando , Alves Cresio Aragao Dantas , Junior Gil Guerra , Castro Luiz Claudio Goncalves , Filho Geraldo Miranda Graca , Kopacek Cristiane , Damiani Durval , Junior Raphael Del Roio Liberatore , Punales Marcia Khaled

Introduction: Telemedicine, or the use of CIT (Communication and Information Technology) to deliver and/or share medical remote assistance and knowledge, is of paramount importance, mainly in large countries, with social and economic disparities, as Brazil, by means of teleconferences, webconferences, webcasts and use of a wide range of interactive technologies, helping activities of assistance and professional health education. One of the activities provided by our RUTE (Univ...

hrp0095p1-449 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems in a PediatricPopulation with Type 1 Diabetes in a Real-life Setting: The AWeSoMe Study Group Experience

Nir Judith , Rachmiel Marianna , Fraser Abigail , Lebenthal Yael , Brener Avivit , Pinhas-Hamiel Orit , Haim Alon , Stern Eve , Levek Noa , Ben-Ari Tal , Landau Zohar

Aims: Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems (DIYAPS) represent a unique patient-initiated treatment in which commercially available and approved medical devices such as continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMs) and insulin pumps are connected by an off-label algorithm, and are remotely controlled by open-source algorithms to automate insulin delivery. While these systems are co-created by the DIYAPS community, and access is open to everyone, users have...

hrp0082fc3.1 | Diabetes | ESPE2014

High Mobility Group Box-1 Serum Concentrations Increase at Onset of Diabetes in Cystic Fibrosis Patients

Montanini Luisa , Smerieri Arianna , Pisi Giovanna , Giardino Ida , Ziveri Maria Angela , d'Apolito Maria , Cesari Silvia , Spaggiari Cinzia , Merli Silvia , Bernasconi Sergio , Street Maria E

Background: The DNA-binding High Mobility Group Box-1 (HMGB1) is an intracellular gene regulator that can be secreted also in response to inflammatory mediators, including interleukins, binding subsequently to both RAGE and Toll-like receptors forming a self-reinforcing inflammatory circle. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a condition characterized by chronic inflammation. Elevated serum HMGB1 concentrations were described in serum of obese children and to be associated with the metabo...