hrp0097p2-137 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

rhGH treatment in SGA patient with spondylo-epi-metaphyseal chondrodysplasia

Aquisti Giulia , Ilaria Montafia , Carlo Bianco , Federica Pagliero , Ivana Rabbone , Simonetta Bellone , Flavia Prodam , Antonella Petri , Cristina Partenope

We report rhGH-treatment results in a 14-yrs-old SGA patient with spondylo-epi-metaphyseal chondrodysplasia. The patient carries a rare de novo eterozygous variant of COLA1 (c.1510G>A, P.Gly 504Ser) associated with a rare AD spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia. Born at term after olygohidramnios-complicated pregnancy, SGA for weight and lenght, the patient has showed a post-natal reducing growth with regular cognitive development. At the age of two height was -4 SDS, with parenta...

hrp0097p2-196 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

A case of ACAN mutation: from onset to final stature.

Pagliero Federica , Bianco Carlo , Aquisti Giulia , Montafia Ilaria , Prodam Flavia , Rabbone Ivana , Bellone Simonetta , Partenope Cristina , Petri Antonella

Short stature is a frequent disorder in the pediatric population caused by multiple possible reasons. One of them it can be the mutation of the ACAN gene, with an autosomal dominant transmission, which also correlates with accelerated bone maturation and early osteoarthritis up to bone dysplasia. A 10.8-year-old patient came to our observation for poor statural growth (125.8 cm, -2.6 SDS) with a parental target of 150.4 cm +/- 8 cm (-2 SDS), on Triptorelin braking therapy, sin...

hrp0095lb15 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Examining Sedentary and Activity Status Predictors in Adolescents and Their Implications for Diabetes Prevention

Balhara Maria

Background: Physical activity (PA) has been conclusively shown to reduce the incidence of diabetes in prior research. A 2,000 steps/day increment yielded hazard ratio (HR) 0.88 for incidence of diabetes 95% CI 0.78–1.00; P=0.046 (Garduno, 2022). Despite this, the role of different factors associated with higher adolescent after-school PA is understudied after the coronavirus pandemic, during which a greater proportion of parents worked remotely....

hrp0089s9.2 | Novel advances in endocrine imaging | ESPE2018

Novel CNS Imaging Techniques

Argyropoulou Maria

Novel CNS imaging techniques is a fast advancing field with frequent new developments in scanner’s hardware, protocols, clinical indications, and post-processing techniques. These techniques are designed to focus on the assessment of functional tissue characteristics, such as neuronal activity (functional MRI- fMRI), microstructural properties (diffusion tensor imaging-DTI) and tissue perfusion (DSC perfusion, ASL). fMRI reveals brain activation during performance of beha...

hrp0089na1.1 | The clinical relevance of metabolomics; genomic engineering - CRISP-R/Cas9 and its many implications | ESPE2018

The Clinical Relevance of Metabolomics

Klapa Maria

High-throughput biomolecular (omic) analyses enabled the simultaneous quantification of hundreds or thousands of transcripts, proteins, metabolites in a biological system, contributing to the identification of discriminatory multi-component molecular profiles of a pathophysiology. Molecular quantities being interconnected, even subtle differences in one can carry significance if viewed in the context of the observed changes in the rest of the molecules. We can now view molecul...

hrp0089p2-p216 | GH & IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

Incidence and Prevalence of GH Deficiency in the Russian Federation – An Analysis of Two Registries

Vorontsova Maria

Background: GH therapy for GH deficient (GHD) children in Russia is fully state funded as part of the ‘Seven high expenditure diseases’ (7HED) federal program. Thus, it is important to thoroughly understand the disorder, including its epidemiology. In Russia, there are two parallel functioning registries: the official federal medical statistics (OFMS) which provides purely statistical information and the 7HED registry which must contain a patient’s data to make ...

hrp0095p1-73 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Glucose alterations, insulin resistance, hypertension, and activation of the renin-aldosterone system are strictly associated in pediatric obesity

Antoniotti Valentina , Amore Martina , Bellone Simonetta , Ricotti Roberta , De Grandi Roberta , Caputo Marina , Spadaccini Daniele , Mancioppi Valentina , Aimaretti Gianluca , Prodam Flavia

Background: The increase of global childhood obesity has led to an increase of associated co-morbidities also at a young age. The pro-inflammatory state and insulin resistance are two master regulators of several complications, including hypertension and pre-diabetes frequently connected in a complex crosstalk.Aim: To evaluate the relationship between glucose alterations and blood pressure and the pathogenetic involvemen...

hrp0086p1-p348 | Gonads & DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Exonic Splicing Mutations by Silent Nucleotide Variation in the Androgen Receptor Gene Causes Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Loch Batista Rafael , de Santi Rodrigues Andreza , Evilen da Silva Tathiana , Siqueira Cunha Flavia , Lisboa Gomes Nathalia , Rodrigues Daniela , Domenice Sorahia , Frade Costa Elaine , Bilharinho de Mendonca Berenice

Background: Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome is a common form of 46,XY DSD. In the literature, 85–90% of patients with complete form of Androgen Insensitivity (CAIS) and 30% of patients with parcial form (PAIS) have the AR gene mutation identified, In most cases are found a missense mutation with aminoacid change. Mutations without aminoacid changes (silent mutations) are rarely related to human diseases and have never been identified in patients with CAIS.<p class="ab...

hrp0086lbp2 | (1) | ESPE2016

Sexual Outcomes in Brazilian Patients with 46,XY DSD

Batista Rafael Loch , Inacio Marlene , Cunha Flavia Siqueira , Gomes Nathalia Lisboa , Brito Vinicius Nahime , Costa Elaine Frade , Domenico Sorahia , de Mendonca Berenice Bilharinho

Background: Outcomes related to sexual life are poorly explored in 46,XY DSD patients and most studies focus only in 46,XX DSD (CAH). In 46,XY DSD the observations of sexual outcomes are scares, but they overall indicate that the SexQoL is impaired, particularly regarding sexual function and sexual satisfaction.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate sexual outcomes in a cohort of patients with 46,XY in adulthood and compare these observations with the res...

hrp0084fc6.5 | Gonads &amp; DSD | ESPE2015

Characterisation of Mutations in the Androgen Receptor Identified in 38 Brazilian Families with Complete or Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Batista Rafael Loch , Santi Andreza , Arnhold Ivo J P , Cunha Flavia S , Costa Elaine M F , Mendonca Berenince B , Domenice Sorahia

Background: Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a genetic disease X-linked, caused by functional abnormalities of the androgen receptor (AR). Mutations in the AR are associated with broad phenotypic spectrum from partial insensibility (PAIS) to complete insensitivity (CAIS).Objective and hypotheses: To characterize the mutations (MUT) identified in the AR in 38 Brazilian families with AIS. The MUT were analyzed considering their type, location in th...