hrp0094fc10.4 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

Towards a novel genetic model for Congenital Hypothyroidism due to thyroid dysgenesis

Stoupa Athanasia , Jabot-Hanin Fabienne , Kariyawasam Dulanjalee , Quoc Adrien NGuyen , Hanein Sylvain , Bole-Feysot Christine , Nitschke Patrick , Polak Michel , Carre Aurore ,

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) affects one in 3000 children at birth. In 65% of cases, CH is due to thyroid dysgenesis (CHDT). For CHDT, there is a family component and therefore genetic. Over the past 20 years, disease-causing mutations in 10 genes have been implicated in CHDT cases (NKX2-1/TTF1, FOXE1/TTF2, NKX2-5, PAX8, GLIS3, NTN1/Netrin-1, JAG1, BOREALIN/CDCA8, TUBB1</...

hrp0094p1-193 | Thyroid B | ESPE2021

Further evidence that Borealin/CDCA8 is involved in thyroid morphogenesis and aging

Didier-Mathon Hortense , Stoupa Athanasia , Karyiawasam Dulanjalee , Yde Sonny , Cagnard Nicolas , Nitschke Patrick , Scharfmann Raphael , Luton Dominique , Polak Michel , Carre Aurore ,

Background: We found BOREALIN/CDCA8 mutations in patients with Congenital Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Dysgenesis, varying from asymmetric lobes to athyreosis (Carré et al. Hum Mol Genet 2017). Borealin is a major component of the Chromosomal Passenger Complex, an essential regulator of mitosis. We demonstrated a new feature of BOREALIN: involvement in the adhesion and the migration of the thyrocytes.<strong...

hrp0094p2-253 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

GROWPATI Study: Growth and puberty description pattern in a well-characterized cohort of patients with growth retardation due to severe primary IGF1 deficiency

Stoupa Athanasia , Flechtner Isabelle , Viaud Magali , Pinto Graziella , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Thalassinos Caroline , Netchine Irene , Brioude Frederic , Amselem Serge , Legendre Marie , Polak Michel ,

Background: Severe primary insulin-growth factor-1 (IGF1) deficiency (SPIGF1D) is a rare cause of growth delay. The diagnostic criteria include age- and sex-dependent low basal IGF1 concentration (<2.5th percentile), height SDS < -3SDS, absence of growth hormone deficiency and of any secondary causes of growth failure.Objectives: 1) Report the growth pattern and pubertal status 2) Identify the molecula...

hrp0097p1-5 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Glucose profiles of children with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia: lesson from continuous glucose monitoring

Nguyen Quoc Adrien , Galderisi Alfonso , Kariyawasam Dulanjalee , Stoupa Athanasia , Pinto Graziella , Viaud Magali , Brabant Severine , Beltrand Jacques , Polak Michel , Samara-Boustani Dinane

Background: While the risk for hypoglycemia during acute illness is well described in children with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), there is little evidence for the prevalence of asymptomatic hypoglycemia in CAH. We explored the glucose profile of children with classical CAH by the use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).Methods: We conducted an observational study in children aged 1-6 years with a dia...

hrp0097p1-298 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Quality of life at adult height in adolescents and young adults treated by GH

González Briceño Laura , Magali Viaud , Beltrand Jacques , Flechtner Isabelle , Dassa Yamina , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Thalassinos Caroline , Busiah Kanetee , Pinto Graziella , Jaquet Delphine , Polak Michel

Background: short stature can lead to emotional and social stress in children and adolescents. We previously demonstrated in a cohort of 74 children that a one-year growth hormone treatment (GHT) is associated with a significant improvement of quality of life (QoL) especially on emotional and social scales, both in general (PedsQL 4.0) and height-specific (QoLiSSY) questionnaires. Whether this improvement is sustained until adult height remains to be documente...

hrp0097p1-299 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Real-world adherence to growth hormone treatment and catch-up growth in children with growth disorders in France: An interim analysis from the SCOPE study

Polak Michel , Bouhours-Nouet Natacha , Tauber Maithé , van Dommelen Paula , Khebbeb Sarah , Castello-Bridoux Claire , De Buyst Valerie , Koledova Ekaterina , Linglart Agnès

Background: The SCOPE French retrospective study follows children affected with growth hormone (GH) disorders treated with recombinant human GH (r-hGH) therapy via the easypod® connected injection device for up to 5 years.Aim: To show the results from an interim analysis of the SCOPE study analysing adherence to r-hGH therapy in a real-world setting and its effect on catch-up growth.Met...

hrp0094p1-138 | Growth Hormone and IGFs A | ESPE2021

Safety and effectiveness of pediatric growth hormone therapy: Results from the full cohort in KIGS

Maghnie Mohamad , Ranke Michael B , Geffner Mitchell E , Vlachopapadopoulou Elpis , Dorr Helmuth G , Wikland Kerstin Albertsson , Ibanez Lourdes , Carlsson Martin , Cutfield Wayne , Rooman Raoul , Gomez Roy , Wajnrajch Michael P , Linglart Agnes , Stawerska Renata , Polak Michel , Grimberg Adda ,

Objective: KIGS (Pfizer International Growth Survey) was a large, international database of pediatric patients who received recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) as prescribed in real-world clinical settings. This analysis evaluated the long-term safety and efficacy data from all participants until KIGS close in 2012.Methods: Children with growth disorders and treated with rhGH (Genotropin® [somatropin]...

hrp0095p1-34 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Early treatment of neonatal diabetes with oral glibenclamide suspension (Amglidia®) in an extremely preterm infant: evidence for efficacy, safety and easiness.

Galderisi Alfonso , Kermorvant-Duchemin Elsa , Daruich Alejandra , Alice Bonnard Adeline , Lapillonne Alexandre , Aubelle Marie-Stéphanie , Perrella Bruna , Cave Héléne , Berdugo Marianne , Jarreau Pierre-Henri , Polak Michel , Beltrand Jacques

Background: Early treatment of neonatal diabetes with sulfonylureas has shown to improve neurodevelopment, beyond the demonstrated efficacy on glycemic control. Several barriers still prevent its use as an early treatment in preterm babies including the limited availability of a suitable galenic form of glibenclamide. Recently, an oral suspension of glibenclamide (Amglidia®) has been approved for use in EU.Methods: W...

hrp0092p1-80 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Clinical Characteristics, Puberty Pattern and Adult or Near-adult-height Data in a Group of Patients with Growth Failure due to Severe Primary IGF-1 Deficiency (GROWPATI Study)

Stoupa Athanasia , Lorraud Christine , Flechtner Isabelle , Viaud Magali , Pinto Graziella , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Thalassinos Caroline , Brioude Frédéric , Netchine Irène , Amselem Serge , Legendre Marie , Polak Michel

Background: Severe primary insulin-growth factor-1 (IGF-1) deficiency (SPIGF1D) is a rare cause of growth retardation. Diagnostic criteria include age- and sex-dependent low basal IGF-1 levels (<2.5th percentile), height ≤ -3SDS, absence of growth hormone deficiency and of any secondary causes of growth failure.Objectives: Description of pubertal onset and growth spurt, data on adult or near-adult-he...

hrp0089p2-p207 | GH &amp; IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

Clinical and Preliminary Molecular Description of a Cohort of Patients with Growth Retardation due to Severe Primary IGF1 Deficiency (GROWPATI Study)

Stoupa Athanasia , Viaud Magali , Flechtner Isabelle , Pinto Graziella , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Thalassinos Caroline , Briceno Laura Gabriela Gonzalez , Beltrand Jacques , Netchine Irene , Brioude Frederic , Legendre Marie , Amselem Serge , Polak Michel

Background: Severe primary insulin-growth factor-1 (IGF1) deficiency (SPIGF1D) is a rare cause of growth retardation. Diagnostic criteria include age- and sex-dependent low basal IGF1 levels (<2.5th percentile), height ≤ −3SDS, absence of growth hormone (GH) deficiency and of any secondary causes of growth failure.Objectives: Phenotypic description, follow-up and molecular studies in a cohort of patients diagnosed with growth f...