hrp0084p3-1027 | Growth | ESPE2015

Impact of Using WHO vs National Growth Charts on the Clinical Performance of a Decision Rule for Growth Monitoring

Scherdel Pauline , Matczak Soraya , Brauner Raja , Salaun Jean-Francois , Martin Chalumeau , Heude Barbara

Background: Since the publication of international growth charts by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2006, the use of national growth charts for growth monitoring (GM) has been questioned.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the potential impact of using WHO vs. national growth charts on the performance of a clinical decision rule for detecting children with one of the target conditions of GM: GH deficiency (GHD).Method: In ...

hrp0084p3-1028 | Growth | ESPE2015

Comparison of the Performance of Algorithms Proposed to Standardize Growth Monitoring

Scherdel Pauline , Matczak Soraya , Brauner Raja , Salaun Jean-Francois , Heude Barbara , Chalumeau Martin

Background: In industrialised countries, the main goal of growth monitoring (GM) of apparently healthy children is the early detection of severe underlying conditions. However, empirical evidence suggests globally poor performances of GM, with important diagnosis delays for priority target conditions and many unnecessary referrals for diagnostic work-up for disease-free children.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate and to compare the performance for ear...

hrp0084p3-1172 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Central Hypothyroidism and GH Deficiency in a Boy with Williams–Beuren Syndrome

Ciccone Sara , Fumarola Adriana , Bigoni Stefania , Bonifacci Valentina , Marrella Elisa Maria Gabriella , Buldrini Barbara , Host Cristina

Background: Thyroid disorders (subclinical hypothyroidism and structural abnormalities) are common in Williams syndrome (WS) patients.Objective and hypotheses: Central hypothyroidism and GH deficiency (GHD) in a WS patient are discussed.Method: Case report and literature review.Results: A 5-month-old male was admitted to our hospital because of growth failure since the 3rd month, mild dysmorphisms, micropenis...

hrp0097p1-320 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Achondroplasia: a novel deep intronic variant of the FGFR3 gene, c.1075 + 95C>G, disrupts mRNA splicing

Hogeabri Dorna , Schwarz Stephanie , Oehl-Jaschkowitz Barbara , Gawai Monika , Zemlin Michael , Rohrer Tilman

Background: In the vast majority of cases, achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia are attributable to hotspot missense mutations in the FGFR3 gene. 96% of patients have a G(1138)A and 3% have a G(1138)C point mutation. We report on a family whose members have a deep intronic mutation that leads to a novel cryptic splicing variant of the FGFR3 gene, and via this pathway results in new pathogenicity manifesting as achondroplasia.Case...

hrp0097p1-351 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Kallmann syndrome as a manifestion of tubulinopathies - a boy with newly defined TUBB3 R262H syndrome.

Folga Barbara , Winczewska-Wiktor Anna , Smigiel Robert , Niedziela Marek , Kolesinska Zofia

Background: Microtubules, polar polymers of αβ-tubulin heterodimers, constitute dynamic cytoskeletal structures implicated in the regulation of axonal activity along with neuronal proliferation and migration. Tubulinopathies, caused by pathogenic variants in genes encoding different isotypes of tubulin, lead to a wide and overlapping range of nervous system malformations and neurodevelopmental disorders. Namely, heterozygous missense and nonsense mu...

hrp0082s9.2 | Novel Insights into Pituitary Development and Function | ESPE2014

Sox2+ve cells in the adult murine pituitary are stem cells with tumour-inducing potential

Martinez-Barbera Juan Pedro , Andoniadou Cynthia

Background: Several lines of evidence suggest that the adult pituitary contains a population of tissue-specific stem cells capable of differentiating into hormone-producing cells. Previously, we have shown that Sox2+ve cells are able to self-renew and differentiate in vitro, suggesting that this population of undifferentiated cells may contain stem cells in vivo. When targeted with oncogenic mutations adult stem cells can become cancer stem cells, able to self-renew and give r...

hrp0092p1-118 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) Reveals Oligogenic Gene Mutations in a Case of Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency (CPHD)

Sertedaki Amalia , Tatsi Elizabeth-Barbara , Nikaina Eirini , Vasilakis Ioannis Anargyros , Fylaktou Irene , Iacovidou Nicoletta , Siahanidou Soultana , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina

Introduction: CPHD is characterized by GH and at least one other pituitary hormone deficiency. Mutations in genes expressed in the developing head, hypothalamus, and/or pituitary cause CPHD. To date around 30 genes have been identified to be related to CPHD, however the 85% of the cases remain with unknown aetiology. Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) enables parallel searching for pathogenic variants of CPHD in targeted known gene panels as well as the identifi...

hrp0092lb-18 | Late Breaking Posters | ESPE2019

Exploratory Case-Control Study on ACE2 Expression in Children with Short Stature

Tornese Gianluca , Tonon Federica , Nicolardi Francesca , Chiara Pellegrin Maria , Toffoli Barbara , Faleschini Elena , Barbi Egidio , Fabris Bruno , Bernardi Stella

Background: Short stature is one of the most common presentations to paediatric endocrinologists. It is estimated that despite all the exams, in 50–90% of cases, children are labeled as having idiopathic short stature. It has been recently reported that genetic ACE2 deficiency is associated with reduced body weight as well as with impaired gestational weight gain and fetal growth restriction in pregnancy. It has been argued that ACE2 deficiency, which...

hrp0086rfc5.2 | Management of Disorders of Insulin Secretion | ESPE2016

Limits of Agreement between HbA1c Levels Measured in Different Laboratories Following the Introduction of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Standardised Values

Arch Barbara , McKay Andrew , Newland Paul , Blair Joanne , Gregory John , Peak Matthew , Didi Mohammed , Thornborough Keith , Gamble Carrol

Background: Between 2011 and 2015, 294 children from 15 UK centres were randomised to the SCIPI study (SubCutaneous Insulin: Pumps or Injections?), which compares insulin delivery by pump to multiple daily injections, during the first year following diagnosis of type I diabetes. HbA1c is measured every 3 months, locally by (1) a ‘point of care’ device or a local laboratory and (2) a central laboratory. Since 2009 HbA1c assays have been calibrated against the Internat...

hrp0086p1-p926 | Thyroid P1 | ESPE2016

Minimally Invasive Video-Assisted Thyroid Surgery in Children: A Single Center Ten-Years Experience

Ferro Giusy , Martini Ludovica , Ferroli Barbara Baldini , Benevento Danila , Ubertini Graziamaria , Cappa Marco , Lombardi Celestino Pio , Grossi Armando

Background: Improved tools for diagnosis, a higher malignancy risk in thyroid nodules and the referral to surgery in Grave’s disease when medication fails, have lead to increased thyroidectomies in children.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of our study was to evaluate thyroid surgery outcomes and the presence of transient or permanent complications, in a cohort of children who underwent surgery, with the same surgical team, in the last 10 years.</p...