hrp0097p1-124 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Caloric intake of 6 months-12 years old children with Prader Willi Syndrome under growth hormone treatment at a reference center.

Corripio Raquel , Couto Yolanda , Sánchez-Garvín Dunia , Pérez-Sánchez Jacobo , Garcia-Tirado Diana

Introduction: Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is the most frequent cause of genetic obesity. It has been described that these patients require a reduction in caloric intake of 20- 40% compared to general population. Since 2000, with the approval of growth hormone (GH), the evolution of obesity has changed and it seems that caloric requirements could be different.Methodology: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and re...

hrp0097p1-176 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Mechanism of mutagenesis and phenotype implications of small indels in the Androgen Receptor gene in Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Loch Batista Rafael , Ramos Raquel , Caroline Afonso Ana , Petroli Reginaldo , Tereza Ferrari Maria , Domenice Sorahia , Nishi Mirian , Mendonca Berenice

Indels are highly abundant in human genomes and have contributed massively to genome evolution. However, the role of indels and their underlined mechanisms of mutagenesis in Mendelian disorders still needs to be appreciated. To explore the contribution of indels in a monogenic disorder, we analyzed all indels already described in the AR gene, including three novel indels found in our cohort. We analyzed the indel distribution through the AR coding region, compared wit...

hrp0097p2-198 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Idiopathic diabetes insipidus: beyond the initial diagnosis

Puerto-Carranza Elsa , Campos Martorell Ariadna , Albaladejo-Moreno Raquel , Laguillo-Sala Gemma , Vazquez Elida , López-Bermejo Abel

Introduction: Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a rare disease in children. In most cases it is acquired and central in origin (CDI). The most frequent cause of acquired CDI is brain tumor and idiopathic forms represent between 20-50% of cases, depending on the series. Autoimmune hypophysitis is a rare cause of DI and is a presumptive diagnosis with a suggestive brain MRI and ACTH and TSH deficiencies as the most common hormonal involvement, although it can manifest ...

hrp0095p1-347 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and Cornelia de Lange Syndrome share clinical phenotype and genetic background

Kolesinska Zofia , Xu Cheng , Messina Andrea , Acierno James , Niederlander Nicolas , Santoni Federico , Papadakis Georgios , Pignatelli Duarte , Avbelj Stefanija Magdalena , Smith Kimberly Keefe , Balasubramanian Ravikumar , Crowley William , Pitteloud Nelly

Background: Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is caused by impaired function of GnRH neurons, which clinically manifests by incomplete or absent puberty and infertility. The phenotype may be broader with other developmental anomalies such as anosmia, which is known as Kallmann syndrome. To date, there are more than 40 genes in which mutations underlie CHH. Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) is characterized by facial dysmorphia, psychomotor delay, ...

hrp0086p1-p471 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Improved Clinical and Laboratory Changes after 12 Months of Use of Metformin in Obese Insulin Resistant Children and Adolescents

Cominato Louise , Rocha Ruth , Renie Oliveira Rachid Ludmilla , Filgueiras Vilaca Duarte Nathalia , Cinquini Freitas Franco Natalia , Ybarra Marina , Steinmetz Leandra , Damiani Durval

Background: Childhood obesity is one of the most prevalent and challenging health care concerns. In this context, insulin resistance (IR) is an important disorder with strong association with metabolic (type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia) and cardiovascular (hypertension, atherosclerosis) outcomes. Clinical trials have been showing Metformin as an effective drug on reducing the IR and BMI. However, there is little data on use of metformin in children....

hrp0089p2-p263 | Growth & Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Genetic Investigation of SHORT Stature: A Case Report of Complex Constitutive Rearrangement Involving Chromosome 15

Pinto Renata Machado , Minasi Lysa Bernardes , Pinto Irene Plaza , Silva Juliana Ferreira da , Cunha Damiana Mirian da Cruz , Ribeiro Cristiano Luiz , Silva Claudio Carlos da , Cruz Aparecido Divino da

Introduction: Growth is a complex process influenced by several genetic factors both pre and postnatal, in which 80% of the height variation is explained by genetic factors. Nevertheless, the standard medical evaluation of short stature (SS) relies upon physical examination and laboratory parameters and identifies a pathological cause of SS in 1–40% of individuals. Rearrangements affecting chromosome 15 are rare and affected patients show a variety of nonspecific features...

hrp0082p2-d2-574 | Sex Development (1) | ESPE2014

Analysis of Steroid 5-Alpha Reductase 2 (SRD5A2) Gene in Patients with 46,XY Disorder of Sex Development

de Souza Giselle Neres , Machado Aline Zamboni , Prado Arnhold Ivo Jorge , Mendonca Berenice , Palma Sircili Maria Helena , Nishi Mirian Yumie , Barbosa Silva Rosana , Frade Costa Elaine Maria , Domenice Sorahia

Background: The diagnosis of 46,XY disorder of sex development (DSD) due to 5-alpha reductase 2 (5α-RD2) deficiency has been based on testosterone:dihydrotestosterone (T:DHT) ratio, urinary steroid profiling and mutational analysis of SRD5A2 gene. The biochemical hallmarks of 5α-RD2 deficiency include increased T:DHT ratio. However, several difficulties are observed in the DHT measurement leading to misdiagnosis. The mutational analysis of the SRD5A2 has been propose...

hrp0084p3-717 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Seip-Berardinelli Syndrome in a Patient Referred by Low Weight Gain

Kopacek Cristiane , Beltrao Luciana Amorim , Guimaraes Victoria Bernardes , Trombetta Julia Santana , Lliguin Karen Lizeth Puma , Rosa Rosana Cardoso Manique , de Mattos Vinicius Freitas , Graziadio Carla , Zen Paulo Ricardo Gazzola , Rosa Rafael Fabiano Machado

Background: Seip-Berardinelli syndrome is a rare form of congenital lipodystrophy.Objective and hypothesis: To report a patient later diagnosed with Seip-Berardinelli syndrome referred initially for evaluation due to low weight gain.Population and/or methods: We performed the report of the case along with a literature review.Results: The patient was referred due to low weight gain. She was the second daughter...

hrp0084p3-899 | Fat | ESPE2015

The Influence of Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in the Metabolic Profile and Microcirculation of Eutrophic, Overweight and Obese Children 5–12 Years of Age

da Penha Jociene Terra , Gazolla Fernanda Mussi , Carvalho Cecilia Noronha de Miranda , Madeira Isabel Rey , Rodrigues Jr Flavio , Machado Elisabeth de Amorim , Sicuro Fernando Lencastre , Farinatti Paulo de Tarso Veras , Collett-Solberg Paulo Ferrez

Background: Obesity is a worldwide epidemic affecting adults and children. Social changes throughout history have contributed to modifications in nutrition and physical activity levels. These changes in lifestyle affected health, increasing the number of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Obese children already have a low grade systemic inflammation as well as markers of increased cardiovascular risk. The endothelial function is an important and early marker of atheroscler...

hrp0084p3-1016 | Growth | ESPE2015

Autosomal Recessive Omodysplasia: A Rare Cause of Disproportionate Short Stature

Kopacek Cristiane , Beltrao Luciana Amorim , Guimaraes Victoria Bernardes , Trombetta Julia Santana , Lliguin Karen Lizeth Puma , de Souza Vinicius , Haubert Gessica , da Cunha Andre Campos , Zen Paulo Ricardo Gazzola , Rosa Rafael Fabiano Machado

Background: Autosomal recessive omodysplasia is considered a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by severe micromelia with shortening and distal tapering of the humeri and femora.Objective and hypothesis: To report the prenatal findings of a patient with autosomal recessive omodysplasia, a rare condition characterized by disproportionate short stature.Population and/or methods: We performed a description of the case along with a ...