hrp0095lb23 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Ten years of growth hormone treatment in children born small for gestational age with persistent short stature- results of a Portuguese multicenter study

Diamantino Catarina , Caetano Francisco , Luísa Leite Ana , Costa Carla , Vieira Paula , Novais Sandrina , Borges Teresa , Pereira Carla

Background: Growth hormone (GH) treatment is indicated for children who are born small for gestational age (SGA) and fail to achieve sufficient catch-up growth during infancy and remain short throughout childhood.Aims: To evaluate the effect of GH treatment in a large, multicentric, Portuguese SGA children cohort and to analyze for correlation between GH treatment response and clinical factors.<str...

hrp0094p2-408 | Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology | ESPE2021

Plexiform neurofibroma of the penis as an infrequent manifestation debut in a pediatric patient

Peña Fernanda , Martínez Alejandro , García Cristian , Dossi Teresa , Kolbach Marianne , Mellado Cecilia , Baquedano Paulina

Background: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) caused by loss of function mutation in the NF1 gene; leads to the hyperactivation of RAS and its downstream mediators and contributes to tumour formation. The main manifestations of NF1 are café au lait macule, axillary and/or inguinal freckling. Neurofibroma plexiform is specific for NF1 and identified on the face and trunk. Urogenital presentation is infrequent in the penis. Identification of this lesion is essential because it...

hrp0095p2-202 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

AgRP neurons mediate sex differences in response to the activity-based anorexia model

Consolata Miletta Maria

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a multifaceted and debilitating illness characterized by self-induced starvation, persistent anxiety about weight gain, preoccupation with body image, and maladaptive food choices. It is characterized by the disruption in homeostatic energy balance mechanisms and the persistence of homeostatic hunger is overridden by dysfunctional self-regulatory and reward pathways that drive food aversion and severely restrict food intake. Epidemiological studies hav...

hrp0092p2-124 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Markers of Bone Metabolism in Obese Children and Adolescents

Kovalenko Tatiana , Larionova Maria

Relevance: Evaluation of bone metabolism is a new scientific direction in the study of the long-term effects of childhood obesity.Objective: To study markers of bone metabolism in children and adolescents with obesity.Materials and Methods: 74 children with overweight and obesity in accordance with the WHO criteria and 25 healthy children with an average age of 15.4[11.6;19.2] year...

hrp0082s2.2 | Endocrine Cancer Syndromes: An Update | ESPE2014

MEN1 in Children and Adolescents

Brandi Maria Luisa

Background: MEN1 is an autosomal dominant disorder that is due to mutations in the tumor suppressor gene MEN1, which encodes a 610-amino acid protein, menin. MEN1 is characterized by the occurrence of parathyroid, pancreatic islet, and anterior pituitary tumors. The prognosis for MEN1 patients might be improved by presymptomatic tumor detection and undertaking treatment specific for MEN1 tumors.Objective and Hypotheses: Genetics is increasingly becoming ...

hrp0082p3-d3-689 | Bone (2) | ESPE2014

Vitamin D Levels in Short Prepubertal Children Born Small for Gestational Age

Korpal-Szczyrska Maria

Background: Adequate vitamin D level is essential for optimal child’s growth. Small for Gestational Age (SGA) is a common cause of short stature in childhood. Being born SGA is associated with a risk of developing insulin resistance.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of the study was to evaluate serum vitamin D levels in short children born SGA and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) and to assess their relationship with insulin sensitivity.<p ...

hrp0084wg1.5 | Bone &amp; Growth Plate | ESPE2015

Fracture Prevention in Cystic Fibrosis

Bianchi Maria Luisa

The pathogenesis of altered bone metabolism leading to bone mass loss and fractures in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is complex, and can involve malnutrition, malabsorption, lack of physical activity, vitamin D and K insufficiency, systemic inflammation, respiratory failure, liver disease, hypogonadism, and treatment with glucocorticosteroids. Many studies reported osteopenia, osteoporosis and fractures in adults with CF, with bone loss starting at an earlier age than in ...

hrp0084p3-908 | Fat | ESPE2015

The Prevalence of Obesity in Children and Adolescents in the Udmurt Republic

Kovalenko Tatiana , Larionova Maria

Background: Obesity is an increasing problem among children and adolescents in recent decades however official statistics are contradictory.Objective and hypotheses: The purpose of this epidemiological study was to determine the prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents in the Udmurt Republic – the region in European part of the Russian Federation with a child population of 300 thousand people.Method: According to the ...

hrp0094mte5 | Management of MEN1 in children and adolescents | ESPE2021

Management of MEN1 in Children and Adolescents

Luisa Brandi Maria ,

Approximately 12% to 17% of MEN1 patients are diagnosed with the disease in the first two decades of life. Clinical evident disease appears uncommon before adolescence, with consensus guidelines currently recommending phenotype screening of confirmed MEN1 carriers commencing by age 5 years. A recent publication reviewed the recent literature in this area, that demonstrates that mortality is rare in children and young adults, whereas morbidity is not uncommon for various endocr...

hrp0094p2-231 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) | ESPE2021

Hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia as a MEHMO syndrome component: a case report

Gubaeva Diliara , Melikyan Maria ,

Introduction: MEHMO syndrome (mental retardation, epileptic seizures, hypogenitalism, microcephaly, and obesity) is a rare X-linked disorder causes by EIF2S3 gene mutations. This gene encodes a key factor for integrated stress response and initiation of protein synthesis. Since many hormones are proteins or peptides by nature, some of the reported cases of MEHMO syndrome include endocrine disorders: hypopituitarism (hypogonadism, growth hormone defici...