hrp0089rfc6.3 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2018

Effect of the Melanocortin-4 Receptor Agonist, Setmelanotide, on Obesity and Hyperphagia in Individuals Affected by Bardet-Biedl Syndrome

Haws Robert M , Fletty Kristina L , McIntee Thomas J , Green Clayton , Pomeroy Jeremy , Hylan Michelle , Folster Cathy , Davis Elisabeth K , Brady Sheila M , Fiedorek Fred T , Yanovski Jack A

Background: Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) causes early-onset extreme obesity and hyperphagia that is hypothesized to arise from leptin receptor dysfunction. Setmelanotide, a melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) peptide agonist, has been shown to induce weight loss in individuals affected by other rare genetic obesity disorders resulting from leptin-melanocortin pathway dysfunction upstream of MC4R.Objective: Report preliminary data on body weight, hunger scores,...

hrp0094p2-186 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Diagnostic accuracy of Tri-Ponderal mass index (kg/m3) for identifying glucose intolerance in obese children and adolescents.

Arciniegas Larry , Mogas Eduard , Tomasini Rosangela , Fabregas Ana , Clemente Maria , Yeste Diego ,

Introduction: The identification of obese patients with increased susceptibility and risk for glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes requires an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Reference values for Body mass index (BMI) and Tri-Ponderal mass index (TMI) according to age and sex of healthy children in Spain without malnutrition or obesity have recently been published (*). TMI values remain very uniform in both boys and girls from the age of 8 to 18 years, ...

hrp0082pl2 | Immune-Based Therapies for T1D | ESPE2014

Learning from Histopathology to Design Novel Immune-Therapies for Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

von Herrath M

Study of the histopathology of human type 1 and 2 diabetes through the national pancreatic organ donor (nPOD) consortium has yielded interesting new insights that should also aid us in developing improved therapeutic approaches.1. When insulitis is observed, it usually shows a predominance of CD8 T cells, some of which are autoantigen specific (see also Coppieters et al. JEM 2012). It will be therapeutically challenging to remove/prevent CD8 mem...

hrp0095p2-143 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2022

All Roads Don’t Lead to Rome After All!!

Diab Dina , El Sayed Shaymaa

Abstract: Hypoglycemia is a frequent and one of the major metabolic emergencies in any age, causing a significant dilemma to reach the correct diagnosis and perform the appropriate management. it Has potentially devastating consequences on brain development and cognitive functions. It Is a heterogeneous disorder with many different possible etiologies, including hyper-insulinism, glycogen storage diseases, fatty acid oxidation defects, hormonal deficiencies (g...

hrp0092rfc3.1 | Multi-system Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2019

European Registries For Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa): Results From The Pilot Phase Of The Platform For e-Reporting Of Rare Endocrine Conditions (e-REC)

Ali Salma , Bryce Jillian , Muir Tom , Okure Akanimo , Cools Martine , Danne Thomas , Dattani Mehul , Dekkers Olaf , Hiort Olaf , Linglart Agnès , Netchine Irène , Nordenström Anna , Patócs Attila , Pereira Alberto , Persani Luca , Reisch Nicole , Smyth Arlene , Šumnik Zdeněk , Taruscio Domenica , Visser W. Edward , Ahmed S.Faisal

Background: EuRRECa (European Registries for Rare Endocrine Conditions) is a new project incorporating the development of a core endocrine registry and the development of an e-reporting programme for rare endocrine conditions (e-REC) that are covered within Endo-ERN ( 24 Endo-ERN centres within 12 countries participated in a pilot phase of e-REC...

hrp0089fc14.1 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2018

Awareness and Participation in Rare Disease Registries Within the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN)

Ali Salma R , Bryce Jillian , Cools Martine , Korbonits Marta , Beun Johan G , Taruscio Domenica , Beuschlein Felix , Danne Thomas , Dattani Mehul , Dekkers Olaf , Linglart Agnes , Netchine Irene , Nordenstrom Anna , Patocs Attila , Persani Luca , Smyth Arlene , Sumnik Zdenek , Visser W Edward , Hiort Olaf , Pereira Alberto M , Ahmed S Faisal

Background: Registries are of key importance for a centre of expertise. Endo-ERN consists of 71 reference centres (RCs) that cover several groups of rare endocrine conditions within 8 themes ( It is unclear if awareness, participation and availability of registries is uniform for all conditions within Endo-ERN.Objective: To determine the extent of engagement in registries of Endo-ERN members.<p cl...

hrp0095p1-412 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

A single centre experience of aromatase inhibitors to limit bone age advancement in pre-pubertal boys with adrenal disorders causing androgen excess

Shaunak Meera , Zichichi Giulia , Peters Catherine , Brain Caroline , Dattani Mehul

Introduction: Anastrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, prevents the conversion of androgen to oestrogen, which is required for the adolescent growth spurt and the attainment of peak bone mass. Anastrozole may help minimise bone age (BA) advancement in conditions associated with adrenal androgen excess, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and premature adrenarche.Objectives: 1. To describe baseline characteristics an...

hrp0089p2-p058 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2018

Validation of an Automated Method (BoneXpert) for the Determination of Bone Age in Paediatric Endocrinology – A Single Centre Experience

Calder Alistair , Dastamani Antonia , Spoudeas Helen , Dattani Mehul

Background: The BoneXpert method is an automated determination of bone age, which employs deformable models of each bone to locate the bones, and extracts the component of the bone appearance related to maturity in a holistic, statistical manner. The BoneXpert has been validated on normal children and children with diagnoses typical of pediatric endocrinology. Multiple clinical studies suggested that BoneXpert has adequate accuracy, precision, and efficiency to be clinically u...

hrp0089lb-p16 | Late Breaking P1 | ESPE2018

Successful Treatment of Alopecia Totalis with Calcitriol and Paricalcitol in Two Girls Aged 3 and 7-Years

Papadimitriou Dimitrios T , Bothou Christina , Dermitzaki Eleni , Kleanthous Kleanthis , Karkavitsas Konstantinos , Mastorakos George , Papadimitriou Anastasios

Backgound: Alopecia areata (AA) or Alopecia Totalis (AT) is an autoimmune disease directed at the hair follicle, either limited to patchy hair loss over the scalp (focalis), or as total loss of scalp hair (totalis) or as total loss of both scalp and body hair (universalis). Management can be challenging, and despite multiple treatment modalities, no therapy still stands. While localized AA may respond well to topical corticosteroids, many patients require more aggressive secon...