hrp0086p2-p646 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Metabolic Parameters and Glucose Homeostasis in Childhood Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency at Time of Initial Evaluation and Retesting

Ahmid M , McMillan M , Ahmed S F , Shaikh M G

Background: It is well known that growth hormone (GH) brings about several effects, involving bone, body composition, lipids and glucose homeostasis. However, the complex interplay between these parameters is rather poorly studied in children with childhood-onset-GH deficiency (CO-GHD).Objective and hypotheses: To investigate lipids, adipokines (leptin- adiponectin- resistin) and glucose homeostasis and their relationship with bone and body composition i...

hrp0086p2-p706 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P2 | ESPE2016

Nephrogenic Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis (NSIAD) Managed with Fluid Restriction and Salt Supplementation

Amato Lisa A , Verge Charles F , Walker Jan L , Neville Kristen A

Background: NSIAD is a rare genetic cause of hyponatremia, due to activating mutations in AVPR2 gene, encoding the Arginine Vasopressin Receptor Type 2, and located on Xq28. Of the fewer than 30 reported cases, most have been managed with fluid restriction and urea.Objective and hypotheses: Illustration of the presentation of a family with this genetic abnormality and approach to management.Method: The clinical, biochemical and gen...

hrp0082p3-d2-686 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

I.V. Zolendronic Acid: Experience of Treatment of Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Indonesia

Pulungan A , Zacharin M , Armstrong K , Soesanti F , Pramesti D L

Background: The incidence of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) worldwide is unknown. In the USA, the incidence is ~1/20 000 live births: for Indonesia (population 240 million) this should extrapolate to 12 000 OI patients rather than the 35 patients currently registered with the Indonesian Pediatrics Society (IPS), Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia-Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). This enormous disconnect signifies many missed diagnoses, mortality or both.<p class...

hrp0084p3-1234 | Turner | ESPE2015

Cardiovascular Assessment in Turner Syndrome: Current Practice in the United Kingdom

Mason A , Smyth A , Ahmed S F , Wong S C

Background: In 2007, the Turner syndrome (TS) Consensus Study Group developed an international guideline for clinical care of girls and women with TS. Given emerging concerns of long term cardiovascular complications, the consensus recommends that cardiac MRI should be performed when girls are old enough to tolerate the procedure or at the time of transition and to be repeated at least every 5–10 years.Method: We conducted a survey of cardiovascular...

hrp0084p3-637 | Autoimmune | ESPE2015

About a Case of Basedow-Graves’ Disease in a Infant

Bassaid M A , Bouriche K , Senouci D , Mazari W , Kaddour F Hadj , Ghellai F , Bendjelloul A , Medjahdi A , Berber N , Bendeddouche A S

Background: A disease of the immune system, responsible for 95% of cases of hyperthyroidism in children is very rare at this age, it affects one child in 10 million.Presentation: Khadija 3 year old girl admitted for goiter, no goitrogenic substances No drug Shot, No Inbreeding, goiter paternal aunt, The trouble was in the beginning 1 year a height and weight advance:+1 DS weight, height+3.2 DS, weakness, weight loss, Profuse sweating, tachycardia, irrita...

hrp0095p1-81 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

The relationship between body mass index, adipose indices measured by whole-body DXA and markers of cardio-metabolic risk in survivors of childhood medulloblastoma

Cima Luminita-Nicoleta , Iliescu Marina , Soare Iulia , Nedelea Lavinia , Oprescu Raluca , Tarna Mihaela , Comsa Codruta , Dragomir Monica , Gabriela Barbu Carmen , Fica Simona

Background: Endocrine disturbances are the most prevalent complications in childhood cancer survivors (CSS), especially in those treated with cranial and cervical radiation for brain tumours, such as medulloblastoma. Recent data have shown frequent delays in the diagnosis and treatment of these complications that may lead to potential side-effects on general health. Apart from the well-known hypothalamic–pituitary and growth disorders observed in CSS, th...

hrp0092p2-46 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Seasonal 25-hydroxy Vitamin D3 Variations in School-aged Children from Santiago de Chile

Poggi Helena , Dominguez Gonzalo , Monica Arancibia , Moore Rosario , D'Apremont Ivonne , Solari Sandra , Allende Fidel , Sifaqui Sofia , Garcia Hernan , Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro

Introduction: The main role of Vitamin D (VitD) is the regulation of calcium, which is also regulated by the parathyroid hormone (PTH), and phosphate metabolism. The main source of the more biologically active 25-hydroxy-Vitamin D3 (25OHVitD3) comes from the action of ultraviolet light on the skin.Aim: To determine if there are differences in concentrations of 25OHVitD3, calcium and PTH in school-aged children throughout...

hrp0089p2-p138 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Physical Activity Determined by Accelerometry Before and After an Integral Treatment Program in Children with Abdominal Obesity

Azcona Maria Cristina , Morell Lydia , Ochotorena Amaia , Ana Ojeda , Leon Jose Luis , Prados Monica , Chueca Maria , Marti Amelia , GenoI Other members Grupo

Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is one of the treatments to promote weight loss in children with obesity. The WHO advices to perform moderate to vigorous (MV) PA during 60-min daily. It is necessary to measure the effect of increasing PA and the adherence to therapy.Aims: To evaluate PA using accelerometry at the onset and after 8 weeks of treatment with nutritional intervention and increase in PA.Patients, material and method...

hrp0089p2-p343 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2018

Clinical, Biochemical, Structural and Functional Characterization of a Novel P450 Oxidoreductase Mutation Causing Virilization in a 46,XX Patient

Camats Nuria , Benito-Sanz Sara , Parween Shaheena , Lopez-Siguero Juan-Pedro , Fernandez-Cancio Monica , Fluck Christa E , Udhane Sameer S , Kagawa Norio , Audi Laura , Pandey Amit V

Background: Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) deficiency (PORD) is a form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and results in steroid-production loss from cytochrome P450 proteins. Mutations in POR cause mild to severe forms of CAH with/without bone malformation symptoms resembling Antley-Bixler syndrome. We report a novel POR Arg550Trp mutation identified in a 46,XX patient with signs of aromatase (ARO) deficiency. Child (first pregnancy) and mother pr...

hrp0086p2-p681 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Evaluation of GH Deficient Pre Pubertal Children Treated with Omnitrope® Using the AuxoLog Computer Program

del Campo Maria Ruiz , Gonzalez Jose Revorio , Lechuga Alfonso , Gila Ana Lucia Gomez , Cancio Monica Fernandez , Carrascosa Antonio , Garcia Margarida Palla

Background: AuxoLog is a validated computer program that evaluates auxologic parameters comparing them with the Spanish growth charts. It also allocates subjects to the corresponding pubertal development group.Objective: To assess the evolution of auxological parameters in GH deficient (GHD) pre pubertal children treated with Omnitrope for a minimum of 2 years prior to puberty.Method: This study is non-interventional, retrospective...